By the end of the week, the refrigerator has thinned out and I try to use up as much stuff as I can without being wasteful.

First thing I saw yesterday morning?  Leftover scalloped potatoes!  I decided to make a hash with them:  3/4 cup scalloped potatoes, 1/2 cup egg white, 1/2 cup baby spinach – I just threw it all in non-stick pan and cooked it just until it the egg whites were cooked through, then reheated it when I got to work.  On the side – one of the best batches of Fuji apples I’ve gotten all summer.

Breakfast comes in at 341 calories, 6.3 fat, 48 carbs, 4 fiber and 16 protein.  For the record, this is a salad plate, not a dinner plate. Open-mouthed smile

tacosalad 002

Still working on a project at work, so no workout again – I actually am quite happy to be busy at work – my goal next week is to exercise before work, so that in the event something comes up, I’ll have already gotten my exercise in.  Although every day this week I’ve set my alarm at 6:20 to go walking, and um, I may have turned it off every morning and slept until 7!

With the rest of the leftover ground sirloin from our burgers and onion rings the night before last, I cooked it up with some taco meat to make a taco salad: two cups romaine, carrots, yellow pepper, 4 ounces of meat.  My salsa was 1/3 cup of my baja fresh salsa mixed with 1 tablespoon of light ranch dressing.  On the top was a 100 calorie pack of Wholly Guacamole – I love that you can freeze them and they thaw out before lunch.

tacosalad 007

So I had a lot going on last night!  I got home, gave Tony some kisses then started on a red velvet cake – its my bosses birthday tomorrow.  Guess how old he is going to be?  26!  Gah – I am so old!  Hannah is five years younger than my boss!

Anywho, I wanted to get the cake baked before I went to my friends house to catch up with her, so that they cakes would be cool enough to frost when I got back.  I had grilled chicken thighs on the menu.  What wasn’t on my menu was a rainy night! 

That’s when I saw it on the counter.

deep fryer

Before I started making the cake, I took 4 chicken thighs and soaked them in milk, salt, pepper and cayenne pepper – they soaked for about 15 minutes while the fryer got to temp.  In a separate bowl I put flour, salt, pepper and cayenne pepper and mixed that up.  I went from milk mixture to the flour mixture and repeated that.  They cooked at 350 for about 15 minutes – or until golden brown.  And since the fryer was already on, I threw in some fries. Winking smile  They may have been dipped in habanero ketchup MJ!

Dinner comes in at 522 calories, 31 fat, 26 carbs, 1 fiber and 31 protein.  The chicken was perfect – juicy on the inside – Jenn and Charlie, you have to get over your fear of eating food on the bone, its delicious!  Yes, neither my sister or brother eat any mean on the bone – even like bone in pork chops and steak – so weird!


I spent about an hour and a half at my friends house – fun to catch up with her – she’s got awesome decorating skillz, something I will never possess.  Her son is so adorable too, but I forgot how energetic three year olds can be!

When I got back home I made some blueberry muffins for my boss for his birthday breakfast – these are always a winner, except this time I added a lemon glaze over the top to kick them up a notch.

I did have a snack earlier in the day – I grabbed it after my 5k run – Nature Valley is my favorite granola bar – love how crispy it is!  But when the fuck did they start making a chewy granola bar?!  It was good, but I’ll take the crispy ones all day.

nature valley

Stats for Thursday:

  • 1409 calories, 65 fat, 102 carbs, 16 fiber 18 protein
  • 29% calories from carbs, 42% fat and 29% protein
  • no exercise
  • average blood sugar 172

What are you plans for the weekend?  I have a couple cleaning projects I need to tackle – our computer desk (I have WAY too many slips of paper with recipes on them!) and I need to organize my basement cookware – everything used to be organized when Hannah lived here, but um, let’s just say her Mom isn’t as organized as her!

Have a great Friday – make it a great day!