Since I had the day off yesterday, I didn’t get out of bed until 8:00.  I did my blog post, started to straighten up a bit and then all of a sudden it was 10:00 and I hadn’t had breakfast.

This was amazeballs.  Two slices of homemade bread, 1 breakfast sausage, 1 cup baby spinach, 1/4 cup of egg whites, then 3/4 of an ounce of smoked sharp cheddar cheese.  Breakfast comes in at 464 calories, 21 fat, 35 carbs, 2.2 fiber and 33 protein.

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Then my Mom got here around 10:30.  We dropped her car off at our repair guy.  Her dealership and listed a laundry list of things that needed to be done, to the tune of $2400 dollars!

Then it was Goodwill time!  We lucked out because we are both members of good will, so we always get 10% off, but then they had a scratch off ticket for additional % off.


Long time readers will know that I haven’t shopped retail in over 15 years.  Tony thinks its gross that I buy used clothes.  He’s convinced that people pee in these clothes, then die, and then the family donates them to Goodwill.  I didn’t find any dead peoples clothes this trip, but I did find a great glass pitcher that fits perfectly in our fridge. Open-mouthed smile

Then it was time for lunch! 


While the service was super slow, lunch was delicious.  We weren’t in any hurry so we had a nice lunch catching up.


We each got a bento box – mine was teriyaki steak, she wanted salmon but they didn’t have any, so she got chicken.  I don’t know what they do to the rice, but its so good – slightly sweet.  I ate about 3/4 of this plate – have no idea how many calories!

As luck would have it, there was a new thrift store right near where we had lunch.  My mom found the cutest pair of Life is Good capri pants – neither of us knew that Life is Good made pants!

life is good

I bought this shirt for myself, even though I am pretty sure it’s a man’s shirt – it was on the $1 rack – and I am a sucker for the $1 rack!  I’ll probably wear this shirt while grilling without a bra, because I am klassy like that.


And after a few more errands, we were on our way back home when Tony called to tell us that my Mom’s car was done!  Guess what?  $350!  The back brakes didn’t need to be replaced, or her sway bars – I think car dealership repair people are a-holes.

As luck would have it, it was dinner time so Momma stayed for dinner. Open-mouthed smile

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I could have sworn on a stack of bibles that I had boneless, skinless chicken thighs that I was going to grill with twice baked potatoes and zucchini on the side.  Could not find them to save my life – I have two refrigerators and a deep freeze (I know, its kind of ridiculous for just two people!), but no luck.

Plan B!  Grilled Italians sausage with pasta!

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Okay, here is a strange giveaway!!  I found this book at Goodwill.

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While I don’t pay attention to Jane Fonda’s political views, I do like her healthy living lifestyle that she’s continued throughout her life.  Even though this book is from 1996, I read through some of the recipes and actually liked a lot of them.  Better yet?

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It’s autographed!!  I googled her signature, and I am convinced its real.


So all you have to do to win this cookbook is leave me a comment telling me what you favorite cookbook is – and if you have a lot, maybe one cookbook you use more than any other.

I didn’t have any official workout yesterday, but I think my Mom and I walked at least a mile, but its not official, so I won’t count it towards my 100 miles in August.

Alright, I have to shut off the computer – big storms coming our way!!  We need the rain!

Make it a great day!  I’ll pick a random winner of the cookbook tomorrow. 

Thanks for spending the day with me Momma!  I love you!