My husband knows me SO well.  When I got home from work last night I was just about to go downstairs to get my comfy clothes on, when he yelled “I got you a couple treats – they are in the fridge!”  It’s okay that he tells the dog the same thing. Open-mouthed smile

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Yep – alcohol and cheese!  Pretty sure I got undressed when I saw these – ha – this is a family blog.  I am sure my Mom and MIL are shaking their heads right about now. Embarrassed smile

Seriously though – Mikes lite lemonade is really good – not too sweet and 109 calories each.  And that cheese?? AGED FONTINA.  Swoon.  This one was delicious – pretty sure I nibbled on an ounce of this as I was making dinner last night.

But I digress – I went to the gym before work yesterday!  I emailed my “workout buddies” yesterday morning to thank them for giving me the nudge to get out of bed.  I know it takes 21 days to make a habit – so I am down 1 day, 20 more to go.  I ended up doing 15 minutes of the weight machines, and then 45 minutes on the treadmill.

I ended up doing a mix on the treadmill – I did five minute routines for lack of a better word.  The first 4 minutes was walking at 3.2 mph at a 15% incline.  The last minute I put the treadmill flat and sprinted – each sprint I had to go faster, until my last sprint was at an 8 minute mile pace! Open-mouthed smile

I loved the email responses I got from my buddies, but I think Debbi’s takes the cake:

So how many days a week do you plan on going to the gym in the morning?  When you hear the alarm go off and want to hit the snooze, you can picture me putting onions in your lunch if you miss your workout!  So tomorrow, alarm, think onions.  That should make you get up!  Or at least chuckle.”

Thanks Debbi!

Breakfast was another zucchini quiche, but I used a casserole dish instead of a pie plate since I had forgotten mine at work.  The only thing I did different was I didn’t chop up the American cheese, I just kinda layered it on the top – it got super brown!

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I had some of that 50% reduced fat Italian sausage I had leftover from our grilled pizza that needed to be used up.  I ended up following this recipe – the only changes I made was that I used 8 ounces of the reduced fat sausage, added baby spinach and 8 ounces of whole wheat rotini noodles.  I like big servings of soup – I made this recipe 4 servings of 2.25 cups.

Nutrition Information

Calories: 301 ; Total Fat: 13 g ; Saturated Fat: 6 g ; Polyunsaturated Fat: 1 g ; Carbohydrates: 26 g ; Protein: 22 g ; Vitamin A: 194 RE ; Vitamin C: 28 mg ; Calcium: 221 mg ; Sodium: 1000 mg ; Iron: 3 mg ; Fiber: 3 g

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This was really good – and while it did taste like lasagna, it also reminded me of another version of grown up spaghettios. Open-mouthed smile

Our grocery store had raw shrimp kabobs on sale – 3 sticks for $3.39, and they also had Greek marinated beef kabobs – each were $3.50.  I combined the two to make a week night surf and turf. 

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I don’t know when I’ll learn to stop making such huge portions – I have to remember “it’s just me and Tony!”  We could have easily split a beef and shrimp kabob – our dog thanked us for the leftovers – he even at the shrimp and tails!

It was so hot – still in the mid-90’s when I got home from work, so I used our Weber in the back – I have the gazebo at least to stand under so I am not so hot.

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And I grilled a whole zucchini, only for Tony not to have any – in the middle is 1/2 a cup of Italian Rice-a-Roni – done in our rice maker in about 20 minutes.

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I do have some leftover shrimp that I plan to make some spring rolls with later in the week – today I still have leftover quiche and soup for lunch – which means I have time to hit up the gym again this morning before going to work.  I’ll email my workout buddies later this morning. Open-mouthed smile

I think I need to rent this movie – check out this inspirational video!!
