I think this weekend I am going to make a healthy breakfast casserole – that way my breakfasts will be portioned out and I don’t have to think about it.  If you have any links to healthy breakfast casseroles, can you leave them in the comments section?  Thanks!

Again, I left the house without bringing breakfast.  I knew we had leftover bagels at the office, but I only like to have a bagel once a week, otherwise I’d have them every day.  So I swung by Subway, got their egg white and ham breakfast sandwich with buffalo sauce and avocado for an extra .50 cents.

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This comes in at 365 calories, 14 fat, 48 carbs, 6.9 fiber and 22 protein – super filling!  One of my bosses walked by my desk and said “that almost looks like buffalo sauce.”  When I told him it was he was like “for breakfast?!”  Um, yes!  Nothing wrong with that. Open-mouthed smile

I had more errands to run at lunch time so no exercise.  We had a birthday celebration and picked up an icecream cake at Baskins Robbins – I had no idea how expensive ice cream cakes were!  Like $35!  I didn’t have any, but everyone raved about it – oreo ice cream!


I had ground beef and veggie nachos for lunch.  I sautéed 3 ounces of ground beef with one chopped zucchini and added about a tablespoon of taco seasoning.  On the base was 15 tortilla chips (1.5 ounces), then I added the heated up taco/zucchini mix, the 1 ounce of cheese, and when it came out added diced bell pepper and tomato and cherry salsa.

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These were so good – lunch comes in at 515 calories, 25 fat, 37 carbs, 5 fiber and 35 protein.

It’s getting hot in our hood!  Temps in the mid 90’s.  Thankfully Tony turned on the air before I got home.  It was a gorgeous night though.


After feeling like a slug for my lack of exercise this week, I told Tony that I was going to hit up the gym after work and then I’d pick up Chinese. Open-mouthed smile   I ran a 5k, but it was painfully slow – with a 5 minute warm up, my time was 41:03.  But I can only get faster from here, right?! Open-mouthed smile  And I plan on hitting up the gym today and tomorrow too.  I know once I go I’ll keep going.


I guess I shouldn’t have watched Food Network’s “The Best Thing I Ever Ate – Fried Chicken” while I was working out because I was hangry by the time I got home.  I didn’t even take a picture of my dinner!  I had a cup of beef and broccoli, 1/2 a cup of white rice and 1/2 an egg roll.  Dinner comes in at 408 calories, 18 fat, 37 carbs, 5 fiber and 3 protein. 

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What I like about this is that the broccoli far outweighs the beef, which is good – and the broccoli is always crisp tender – and they finally listened and made it spicy for me!  And I like how I left my blood sugar testing kit in the picture – my blood sugar was a bit high this morning 189, mainly because Tony and I had some of this snack mix while watching t.v.


Hopefully today Tony and I will finally find a car for me – I’ve been driving the rental car for nearly three weeks and I am pretending like its mine because right now my gym bag is tossed in the back seat, my gym shoes and sweaty socks are on the back seat floor – I am the worst at leaving crap in my car.  Think coffee travel mugs – I think I had one in my car for six months – yep, that’s my record!

Stats for Friday:

  • 1428 calories, 63fat, 141 carbs, 16 fiber and 84 protein
  • 5k after work
  • average blood sugar 142

Heather, I thought you’d like this video! 


Make it a great day!