After only having a few hours of sleep the night before last, and working non-stop yesterday at work, I think I crashed at about 9:30 last night and slept 12 hours straight – nice!

Luckily I only have my SIL, nephew and grand-nephew coming over and my menu is pretty simple.  I still need to make my mini pumpkin and pecan pies, and we are griling a turkey breast and smoking a ham.  Simple and delicious!

I thought I’d share some pictures I’ve taken the last couple days.  When I spent the night at my Mom’s house on Monday, I drank my coffee out of this cup – Hannah is four and my nephew Paul is probably six or eight months old?

The morning of my Mom’s surgery we shopped for a night gown in case my Mom preferred wearing that over a hospital gown – I told her she should have bought this one because my Mom has 2 cats, and the night shirt says “Cat-titude.” šŸ˜€

And we had time to stop by my twin sisters office and say hello!

Then it was time to get my Mom to the pre-op room at the hospital – they have these new gowns that are insulated and when she was laying down they had a hose that connected to it that blew warm air over your body – she was never cold. šŸ˜€

By the time they took her to surgery on Tuesday it was nearly 2:45 before I ate lunch.  She couldn’t eat so I didn’t want to eat in front of her – I had brought a protein box from Starbuck’s – it was perfect: hard boiled egg, multi-grain crackers, Justin’s peanut butter, grapes and a piece of cheese.

I ate my lunch at the 24 hour Au Bon Pain at the hospital and watched the traffic head to Chicago:

Then once she was in the recovery room, I got hungry again – this time I got a soup at Au Bon Pain – and one that I am going to try to recreate.  Although when I make this over, I will add a bit of chipotle pepper because it was just a tad on the sweet side for me, the pepper helped – kobacha squash and pumpkin soup.  I instantly thought of Maggie when I saw kobacha squash!

I spent the night with my Mom – glad I did.  I fed her ice chips, kept a cool cloth on her head, etc.  Even though she had a morphine drip, she was still pretty uncomfortable – but she slept!

Since I had to work yesterday, my sister spent the afternoon and evening with her – by the end of the day she’s gone to the bathroom by herself, sat in a chair and made six laps around the hospital floor – not even surgery is going to slow my Momma down!  I promised to save her some turkey and pie. šŸ˜€

Yesterday’s lunch was also bought at Au Bon Pain.

In the midst of me scanning documents, putting exhibit binders together, Tony emailed me and said “don’t worry, I am making dinner tonight.”  Music to my ears!

Guess what he made me??

Steamed mussels in a spicy tomato broth over angel hair pasta.  He bought 2 pounds of mussels and I thought “there is no way I am going to eat all that!”  But I did! šŸ˜€  Thanks Tony!


HAPPY THANKSGIVING!  What are you thankful for this year?