I’ve discovered another phenomenon since Hannah has moved out.  Um, turns out all the pretty body washes like these:

body wash

were purchased and taken with her.  I no longer smell like mango melon or very vanilla.  Now I smell like Nivea for men and Irish spring soap.  No offense Tony, it smells good on you!  Hannah painted my nails on Mother’s Day – I had to go out and buy nail polish remover, an emery board and cotton balls.  Upon further review it looks like I am left with one bottle of face lotion and eye makeup remover.

It got me thinking that I am pretty sure I’ve “borrowed” girly stuff my whole life.  I am sure my sister bought that stuff when we were growing up.  When I moved back in with my parents after Hannah was born, I often just used the stuff on my Mom’s vanity desk.  And then Hannah started buying the stuff!  Note to self:  buy good smelling soap – stat! Open-mouthed smile

Tony and I had a great weekend.  Saturday night Tony made me mussels with chorizo – even at The Fresh Market mussels were only $2.99 a pound!

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Cherries were also $1.99 a pound, so I made a batch of grilled cherry salsa.  Not as good as when I make it with Rainier cherries, but still delicious.  This time I grilled them on a wire rack and didn’t lose one!

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While at the Fresh Market on Saturday, Tony picked up a package of all beef hot dogs.  Holy shizz these were delicious.  Thankfully I woke up too late to have breakfast so I could enjoy this dog!  I chopped up cherry peppers for the topping.

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I had a work dinner to go to last night.  Rosebud in Schaumburg took great care of us last night.  The food was stellar, the service was terrific.   I stole these pictures from the internet, it was really dark and my pictures didn’t do the food any justice.

We had appetizers in the bar area:  fried ravioli with a vodka sauce, arranchini balls and bruschetta.

fried ravioli



I was literally full before we even sat down to dinner!  But I ordered Grandma’s Gravy which was a meat sauce with big chunks of beef and pork with wagon wheel pasta and fresh ricotta cheese.

wagon wheel

I ate only about four or five bites, I was so full.  When I got home, I decided to weigh the remaining food – guess what?  I had 1 pound 9 ounces of food left!  The portion sizes are insane.

Tony and I split the coconut cake which upon one look I deemed insulin worthy!

coconut cake

It was light, not overly sweet.  We managed to eat half of it and smartly decided not to bring the rest of it home.

So it’s no big surprise that with a big dinner and not a lot of water drinking, I am up this week.  But only up .4 from last week, so I will count that as maintaining!

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My mantra this week?

Work harder.


What was the highlight of your weekend?