Note to self:  If you don’t go to bed until 12:00 a.m., you will never get up in time to go to the gym the next day.  I hate when I stay up too late on a work night!

Note taken. Open-mouthed smile

I did have time to do my 30 minute Classical Stretch – this one was called “feet and knees” and I swear at least 20 minutes was in the plie position – my quads were really burning by the end!  But my Achilles heel felt amazing afterwards. 

I hit the ground running when I got to work – didn’t even have time for a picture, but turns out you’ve seen my breakfast parfait before. Winking smile

It was a gorgeous day – 70 degrees, sunny skies.  I ended up biking for only 45 minutes – my quads were not happy with the bike ride after the stretches!  So much so that half way through the ride I had to get off my bike and stretch in the grass.  Yep, I am klassy like that. Open-mouthed smile


Don’t you love how my fingernail is in the shot!  This made me laugh when I saw it.

Lunch was a turkey wrap on lavish bread – 2 ounces of turkey, 3/4 ounce swiss cheese, 1 tablespoon buffalo wild wing sauce, baby spinach.  All wrapped up in a nice little package.  With carrot fries and watermelon and strawberries on the side.  A delicious lunch!
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The dip is fat free Greek dressing – it’s Maplewood Farms brand and really tasty.

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But by mid-afternoon, I was starving.  My bosses chip stash kept calling me “Eat me Biz – you know you love honey mustard pretzels!”  But I had a better idea – I had an apple with a teaspoon of peanut butter and that did the trick. Open-mouthed smile  I actually thought of my inspirational video yesterday – on how the runner must have trained hard to get to where he was – thank you inspiration! Open-mouthed smile

And Debbi – this picture is for you, to let you know that I do keep hot sauce at my desk at all times.

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You can tell that the weather is getting summer like because my dinner plate looks just like a summer cook out – cheddar brat, corn on the cob and some of my leftover crock pot baked beans.  The corn was just okay.  And for the record, that’s not too much mustard. Open-mouthed smile

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Now our inspiration video today – just be warned that you may need a piece of kleenex nearby, and you might not want to watch this at work.  Tony and I first saw this a couple years ago, and I am pretty sure both our eyes were weepy by the end.

It’s long – in two videos, but it is worth the watch!



Tony and I thank our lucky stars that both our kids were healthy growing up!

Stats for Wednesday:

  • 1310 calories, 1524 calories after eating 1/4 cup of peanuts while watching t.v. Open-mouthed smile
  • 39 fat, 180 carbs, 23 fiber and 70 protein
  • 30 minutes stretch before work
  • 45 minute bike ride
  • average blood sugar 143

Make it a great day!  I am off to the gym. Hot smile