My friend and I went to the farmers market, and happily the cheese lady stand was open, but I have never met a more unenthusiastic person in my life!  After we bought our cheese and walked away, I said “that’s it, I am banning the cheese lady!”  Until I tasted the low fat havarti with basil – to die for!

My opinion is that its probably her families company, and they are making her do the farmers market!  We saw some delicious bread – I want to try to make this at home because they wanted $7 for this loaf!

rosemary and sea salt
rosemary and sea salt
gorgeous flowers!
gorgeous flowers!

I defrosted a NY strip and decided to grill broccoli.  I bought whole wheat pitas at the Farmers market, and grilled those too – I noticed in my cupboard I had this mix and decided to give it a try.  It’s probably been in there six months and never been opened!

you reconstitute it in warm water, than add a tablespoon of olive oil
you reconstitute it in warm water, than add a tablespoon of olive oil
here's how it looks all mixed - it was pretty good!
here's how it looks all mixed - it was pretty good!

I also bought a fresh bunch of garlic – I peeled the garlic and sprinkled with olive oil and wrapped it in foil to cook on the grill while the steak was cooking – but the time everything was ready, it spread like butter. 😀

it was so fresh!
it was so fresh!
I didn't mix it around, so the bottoms got extra toasty
I didn't mix it around, so the bottoms got extra toasty
Hannah opted for grilled tofu, it was just okay - any suggestions??
Hannah opted for grilled tofu, it was just okay - any suggestions??
I let this rest for about 5 minutes - so juicy!
I let this rest for about 5 minutes - so juicy!
My plate - about 5 ounces of beef, broccoli and 1/2 a pita with a tsp. of brushetta and one whole garlic clove
My plate - about 5 ounces of beef, broccoli and 1/2 a pita with a tsp. of brushetta and one whole garlic clove

We sat outside until about 9:30 last night!   Perfect temperature again, so we figured we’ll take advantage of it for as long as we can!

we lit candles too, which I love - makes it so cozy!
we lit candles too, which I love - makes it so cozy!

I have a busy work day today, so no post until tonight – hope everyone has a great Friday and I’ll see you tonight for Pizza Party Friday!