I am happy to say that Hannah has gotten a verbal acceptance froim Roosevelt University as a transfer student!  She won’t get the official letter until she completes this semester and sends them her final transcripts, but it’s a done deal.

I am so excited for her.  To be 20 and have your whole life ahead of you full of possibilities.  I wish I had known what I wanted to do way back then.  I wasn’t the best student, so after they dropped the field hockey program I was in after my freshman year, I was going to “take a year off” and just get a job.

Well, here I am, 25 years later, and I never went back.  It’s probably the biggest regret I have was not graduating from college.  I wish I would have know back then how much cooking would have given me so much joy.  I could have gotten a degree in home economics, become a recipe developer, worked at a magazine like Cooking Light.

Instead I make copies and have to wait until I get home to start cooking – which is really when I feel my day begins. Sad smile  So proud of you Hannah – I know you’ll do awesome!  We have a campus tour and meet with her advisor on May 16.

Guess what?  I didn’t have a breakfast parfait yesterday – I know shocker!  But you know what the good news is?  I wrote a couple days ago that I bought Stoneyfield Farms Greek yogurt and it didn’t taste anything as good as Chobani, so my good friend Emily at Chobani is gonna hook me up with some yogurt – she asked which flavor I wanted and I said “anything!”  Thanks Emily!

I had an everything bagel – it started out at 4 ounces, but I picked out the inside dough of the bagel and brought it down to 2.5 ounces – still get all the great bagel flavor.  I had it with a slice of mortadella, egg beaters and 1/2 an ounce of swiss cheese.

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It was partly cloudy, but chilly when I started my walk.  By the end the sun came out and I didn’t even need my jacket.  I ran/walked for 50 minutes at lunch.


We had a work lunch I had to pick up at Panera so I decided to pick up their Thai Chopped Salad.  This is so good – it’s described as:

All-natural, antibiotic-free chicken, romaine, Thai cashews, fire-roasted edamame, red peppers, carrots, fresh cilantro & wonton strips all tossed in low-fat Thai Chili Vinaigrette and drizzled with peanut sauce.

The vinaigrette and peanut sauce make this salad – the whole thing comes in at 470 calories, 19 fat, 45 carbs, 5 fiber and 36 protein.

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I had chicken parmesan on the menu, only to realize while putting it together, I had no bread crumbs.  My stuffing mix from Thanksgiving that was in the back of the pantry?  Saved the day.  I just put it in my mini chopper.  Tony loves buttered noodles, so I made bow tie pasta on the side.  Although he accused me of not putting enough parmesan cheese on his noodles – if it were up to him he’d have parmesan cheese with a side of noodles. Open-mouthed smile

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Why I made us two chicken breasts I have no idea – they were huge.  We both ended up eating only half, and now I have to figure out how to use the leftovers.  Any ideas?  I added a tablespoon of red pepper pesto to my noodles – a bit of spicy goodness.

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I was super snacky yesterday for some reason.  I had a cookie and two cinnamon twists at work yesterday – simply because they were on a table right by my desk and I just picked them up as I walked by.  And last night I had some snack mix – CVS sells generic brands of snacks – this bag of snack mix and generic funyuns are both $1 each!


While it’s a small bag, Tony and I (well, mostly me) ate almost the whole bag last night while watching t.v.   I need to drink lots of water today in the hopes of getting rid of all the sodium before my weigh in tomorrow.

My brother posted this on facebook:

And now, for your reading pleasure, it’s the complete cancer story, told only as Charlie Hills can tell it, in IMAX 3D. You’ll laugh. You’ll cry. You’ll wish you’d spent five minutes doing something else.

Check out my brother Charlie’s Blog post – he’s started writing again!  You can keep up with him and how his cancer treatment is going at his blog, Back to the Fridge.  I love you Charlie!

I loved everyone’s comments yesterday about difficult bosses you’ve had – but I think Skippy’s takes the cake!

Stats for the day:

  • 1608 calories, 63 fat, 176 carbs, 11.5 fiber and 68 protein
  • 45% calories from fat, 34 from fat and 21 from protein
  • 50 minute walk/run at lunch

Question of the Day: If you were 20 again, what would you change, or would you change anything?

Make it a great day – Happy Friday!