I loved reading your comments about Hannah being vegetarian – or what some of you called “Flexitarian!”  I had never even heard of that before!

My day started out with hash, or rather, what can I cut up and make for breakfast.  1.5 ounce steak, red pepper, shredded zucchini, 4 ounces canned potato and 1 egg.  On the side was 1 oz. of sourdough bread (question – has anyone made sourdough bread from scratch making your own starter?) and a vanilla Chobani – my new favorite yogurt!  Breakfast: 507 calories, 51 carbs, 39 protein, 15.5 fat and 4.1 fibe.r

I love how this is only slightly sweet - yum!

So yesterday after fixing my breakfast, I went to the deep freeze and pulled out what I thought was my buffalo chicken chili, only to discover it was marinara sauce!  For once I labeled something! 😀  I remembered I had asparagus ravioli in my freezer from when Maxi was here.  I bumped up my meal by adding diced zucchini and 1/2 of a spicy chicken sausage.

While my lunch was delicious, I need to remember to really roll out my pasta dough really thin – when it cooks it really plumps up – so I thought the ratio of dough to filling was a bit off.  And I could have added more lemon zest in the filling.  Lunch: 454 calories, 55 carbs, 25 protein, 14.5 fat and 4.5 fiber.


love how bright the filling is!


I had defrosted two pork chops for dinner.  While I had spicy bbq on mine – Tony just had simple salt and pepper on his.  We grilled on the gas grill on our side deck and enjoyed a glass of Chardonnay while grilling.   Tony actually took this picture – love it!

Our dog Ed likes to bring his toy outside to play – he’s had this toy almost 2 weeks and it is still in tact!  He usually is “friends” with them for a couple days, and then one morning we’ll go into the living room and all the stuffing has been pulled out and it will be a dead carcass.

the lawn looks great honey! we are supposed to get 1 - 3 inches of rain over the weekend 🙁

My bbq sauce of choice last night?

This is actually produced locally to me – they have several flavors – including “lava” which is really spicy!  If you want to check out their line of products, go to:  www.ilovetwofatguys.com!  I ate 3 ounces of pork chop, 4 ounces of potato and 3/4 of a small zucchini dressed with a teaspoon of light balsmic dressing.  Dinner: 310 calories, 29 carbs, 31 protein, 7.7 fat and 3.3 fiber.

Tony's naked chop
my plate!

And then Ed’s plate when I couldn’t finish mine!

Probably since my dinner was so light, I was still hungry later last night – I had an unphotographed string cheese and an ounce of this crack snack:  Munchies!

Stats for Thursday:

  • no exercise 🙁
  • 1,451 calories, 153 carbs, 104 protein, 45 fat and 12.9 fiber  (do you think it’s subconscious that I never add my wine to my calories for the day?!)

Tonight is date night with Tony!!  I am using $150 in gift cards for us to go to Ruth’s Chris for dinner – so party pizza Friday will have to be pushed back a day!

Do you go on dates with your spouse? Here’s hoping the work day flies by – have a great one!

Oh – and I almost forgot!!  I am entering my beet hummus in Christina’s Friday Firsts! 😀