Thanks so much to everyone who left a comment about my post yesterday about my brother being sick, and especially for the dozen people who emailed me with personal stories of family members with non-hodgkins, who not only beat it, but are leading healthy, active lives.  It filled me with hope!

My SIL is a recovering breast cancer survivor, so unfortunately she knows all too well what my brother is in store for.  We did find out that it is a T-Cell cancer involving the liver, which complicates matters a bit.  We did also learn it is Stage 4 – however the doctor said that almost all patients who get into remission, never get it back.  That’s what we are hanging our hat on – REMISSION!

I have to tell you I never counted one calorie over the weekend.  Part of my brain was like “why bother!”  When I actually started to put my food into – I didn’t do that bad at all – in fact on Easter Sunday, I had fruit for breakfast, and then just ate some appetizers and Easter dinner – and no seconds. Open-mouthed smile

I also never worked out a meal plan for this week, so it could get interesting.  It was my bosses birthday yesterday so I brought in treats.  I made fresh fruit skewers and picked up bagels.  I brought an egg, some leftover Easter ham and a 1/2 slice of swiss cheese and spinach and made a bagel sandwich.

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At nearly 500 calories, it was a good thing I ate this because not only was it filling, but it stayed with me.  I didn’t end up going on my walk until almost 2 p.m.!  I didn’t even change my clothes, just put on my gym shoes and ended up walking for 50 minutes.  It was gorgeous, albeit a bit windy.


So I didn’t end up eating this plate of food until nearly 3!  Ham, brown rice mixed with baby spinach, cucumber and carrots.  I mixed ranch dressing and Dijon mustard for dipping.

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I ended up making pork chops with a twice baked potato and sautéed zucchini.  I loved the pork chops but they were still a bit too fat for Tony, although he did eat it. Open-mouthed smile

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It was after dinner that my SIL called me to let me know about the aggressive treatment plan my brother will be on.  I have to say that I did start to cry, but in my heart I know he’ll be just fine.  My Mom is headed down there tomorrow to help out, which I am thankful that my SIL will have the company and support.  And Tony told me that whenever I felt the need to go visit, just make the decision and go.  Airplane

I did mindless (emotional) eat some snack mix – you know the kind that has the garlic bagel chips and things.  I woke up this morning pissed at my lack of self control, but when I added all my calories in, including the 225 calories of snack mix – I didn’t do too bad.  I just need to refocus.  Eating snack mix is not going to make my brother well any sooner.

Stats for Day 9 of 30 Bad Ass

  • 1472 calories, 51 fat, 165 carbs, 16 fiber, 84 protein
  • 45% calories from carbs
  • 32% from fat
  • 23% protein
  • 50 minute walk

Time to get ready for work – again thanks for all your well wishes – they are VERY MUCH appreciated!  In love