I think Tony thought dinner was the appetizer! I marinated the chicken cutlets in 6 ounces of Greek yogurt, minced garlic, fresh grated ginger and lime juice all day. I think I over cooked the chicken a tad, but it takes me a while to get back into the grilling swing!

So I am off to watch LAST WEEKS American Idol so I am not too far behind. We also have Chopping Block on DVR for later. Hope everyone had a great hump day and I’ll see you in the morning!
Happy Birthday!
Thanks John!!
You have a lovely view from your deck. It should be pretty in Summer 🙂
The shrimp wontons looks mighty delicious. Reminds me of dim sum.
I love everything about this dinner, Biz!
One of the surprises I had when I got home was the book I won from your contest! So much fun! Thank you, again! I will mention it as soon as I get around to food posting again 🙂
Dinner just looks all around tasty!
The view you have is lovely, I bet you’re loving the spring. The food looks great too, I love that kind of stuff.
Yummy shrimp wontons. That’s a beautiful big plot of land you’ve got!
You have an awesome looking yard. Any home where you have water views, be it lake, ocean, stream, I think is awesome. And dinner looks great as well!
lovely weather….. tummy food! those shrimp wontons are so cute! 😀
what a cool Asian-inspired dinner! and that view of the lake is breathtaking!
looks great! so happy to have grilling weather again 🙂