Morning!  It was super foggy this morning and we actually have spring like temperatures.  When I left at 7:45 to go to WW, it was a cool 54 degrees – love it!  So you know I was all over the map this week, I only exercised three times this week, I had mindless eating AND it was my birthday week.  So I will happily take my WI:

But I had to step back and really think about how I ate before I lost 70 pounds in 1999 and how far I’ve come since then.  It wasn’t unusual for me to eat a Burger King croissant breakfast with potato rounds and a large regular Coke for breakfast, probably McDonald’s 10 piece chicken nuggest supersized with more Coke.  Dinner would be deep fried tacos with cheesy nachos, and probably a couple nights a week I even threw in a frozen pizza after Hannah went to bed.  Is it a wonder I weighed 210 pounds?

I am happy to say that I used up the last of my birthday flank steak yesterday.  I made an English muffin egg sammie with 2 ounces of flank steak, 1 egg, 1/2 ounce cheese, spinach with strawberries on the side.

It was super rainy yesterday, but I found my break to walk/run yesterday – I ended up walk/running for 55 minutes!  Just as soon as I came back inside though, the skies opened up and it rained pretty much the rest of the afternoon – lucky!

So the rest of the flank steak made up these mini tacos – so filling and delicious – I didn’t photograph them, but I had an ounce of tortilla chips and salsa on the side.  I am pretty sure I got at least six meals out of that flank steak – love it!

Since it is Lent, no meat for Tony.  I picked up this $3.99, 14 inch pizza at Dominick’s – it was just cheese, but I added sauteed mushrooms, green olives and black olives on Tony’s side, and I had pepperoni and pickled jalapenos.  šŸ˜€

So I didn’t count points yesterday, but my total calories, etc. for the day:

  • 1563 calories
  • 70 fat
  • 153 carbs
  • 15 fiber
  • 82 protein

One of the topics we talked about at WW today was the simply filling program.  I am still tweaking my April challenge, but I have decided this week I am going to follow the Simply Living WW program.  You just eat off the super food lists, eat until you are satisfied, and only count points for basically the “fun stuff.”   For example, if you ate oatmeal, skim milk and blueberries, those are all on the super foods list – however, if you add chocolate chips and walnuts, you count the points for those.  And yes, if you have wine, that is a “fun stuff” item and the points have to be counted.  You get the same 49 points for the week just on the points plan.

Should be interesting!  And don’t forget – tomorrow is the last day to enter your Breakfast BSI recipe – it doesn’t have to be a new this week recipe, you can pull from your archieves! šŸ˜€

Enjoy your Saturday!  Hannah had to go to work before I got back from WW – I found this:

Thanks Hannah! šŸ˜€