We woke up so late yesterday, by the time we ate it was more like lunch than breakfast.  I made a quick three pepper pizza with 1 ounce of Italian sausage and 1.5 ounces of cheese.  My pizza crust was pizza crust for 1 – it is 6 points:  1/2 cup flour, 1 tsp. yeast, 1/2 teaspoon salt and 1/4 cup of water.

With my toppings, this pizza comes in at 12 points – but considering its my breakfast and lunch, not too bad.  And very delicious I might add. 😀

Before I knew it, it was 4:00 and I hadn’t been to the grocery store or the gym yet!  I got to the store – had a great grocery shop – I only spent $69 this week!   Then I went to the gym.  My blood sugar was only 165, but I decided to run until I felt my blood sugar start to drop and then I would call it a day.  I was happy that I got 4 miles in in 45 minutes, which is about an 11:25 pace.

By the time I came back home it was nearly 6:00, so I made the quickest dinner – this is the second time I’ve made it, and it was just as good – Salisbury Steak on Asiago Bread with Gravy.  With the 1/2 cup of mashed potatoes, dinner came in at 11 points.  I ended up making popcorn later in the night and ended up with 28 points.

My SIL and I are going to see The Vow this afternoon, then she’s going to stay for dinner.  I have whole roasted chicken, german potato salad and steamed broccoli on the menu.  It’s so nice out today I think I’ll run outside – I looked on weather.com and next week we have 70’s in our forecast!

Gotta do a clean sweep of the house – nothing like company coming over to get you in the mood to clean.  Come back tomorrow for cauliflower macaroni and cheese – each serving is only 6 WW points!

Don’t forget there is still time to enter your BSI – Parmesan cheese.  Renee is traveling tomorrow, so you have until Monday afternoon to submit your recipes to her – she’ll announce a winner on Tuesday.  Enjoy your Sunday!