I hate when this happens.  I see a recipe I want to make, write down where I found it, proceed to lose it, but know I still want to make it – a brie omelet with mixed greens drizzled with balsamic vinegar reduction – could you let me know if that was your recipe?  I am pretty sure I could figure it out, but if you have the link, I would appreciate it!

I bought the brie for the recipe too – oh how I love brie.  I decided to see how much a tablespoon of brie weighed, and it comes in at exactly 1/2 an ounce – or 1 point.  I smeared it on the bottom of my toasted english muffin, topped it with egg white, spinach, deli ham and hot sauce, with fruit on the side, for only 6 points.

I only took half the amount of insulin I normally would but before I was going to run I tested my blood sugar – 107.  Damn.  So I ate 1/2 a pita with 1/2 an ounce of cheese on it (3) – only to have my number raise to 128.  I still had leftover beef stew in the fridge, so I did what any normal person would do – I scooped out 1/2 cup of potatoes, 1/2 a cup of the carrots, rinsed them under water to get the gravy off of them and had (2) points of snack.  Finally had 3/4 cup of blackberries – all told I ate 5 points of food in order to exercise. 🙁

It only got up to 158, so I ended up walking for 50 minutes.  But I really wanted to run – it was 53 degrees outside at lunch!

But it was really windy!

I felt slow and sluggish – I don’t normally like to eat right before working out.  Oh well, it may have been a wash, but at least I got out and moved.   Since I had so many points in snacks, I didn’t have my 100 calorie guacamole or cheese on my taco salad:

  • 3 ounces taco meat (3)
  • mixed greens (0)
  • carrots and cucumbers (0)
  • 1/2 cup canned black beans (2)
  • 2 tablespoons of light ranch mixed with salsa for dressing (1)
  • and green chiles sprinkled on top

So now that Tony’s energy level is on the rise, I decided to hit the gym before coming home for dinner for some strength training.  I warmed up for 5 minutes on the treadmill.  Since I am not familiar with strength training, I found a 12 week, 3 day a week program that was free.  So last night I worked Chest, shoulders, Trapezius (not even sure exactly what that is!) triceps and abs.  I did 15 reps the first set and 12 reps the second set.  I used various weights, but heavy enough so that I was fatigued.   I felt lean and mean when I was done! 😀

I still had pasta with homemade marinara on the menu and when Tony asked if I had planned to use fresh or canned sauce, when I told him I only had canned sauce he said “canned sauce is too easy!”  So Tuesday on my way home from work I picked up 3 pounds of roma tomatoes.

Tony makes a mean gravy.  There is lots of garlic, touches of olive oil and he lets it simmer most of the day.  When I got home from the gym I just cooked up the pasta and dinner was served – 3/4 cup cooked pasta (4) 1/2 cup sauce (4), garlic bread (4) – dinner comes in at 12 points.

So even with my extra snacks before my walk, here are my stats:

  • 29 points
  • 6 activity points earned
  • average blood sugar 101

Who watches the Sandwich King??  OMG, I finally watched last weekends episode last night with Tony.  Before he even saw the show he said “I hate both sandwiches that he made.”  My Italian husband doesn’t like meatball subs.  I KNOW!  But this one was different.  I plan on making it with meatloaf mix that my store sells – ground beef, pork and veal.  The Sandwich King’s version makes it oval, almost like a meatloaf, and you fry it in just a touch of olive oil so it gets a nice crust.  Served on a ciabatta bun with melted provolone, hot giardinera and Tony’s gravy for dipping on the side – this is on our dinner menu next week, and you better believe I’ll be using my flex points without hesitation on this one! 😀

Don’t forget BSI this week is Beef!  I am thrilled that blog reader Joy has donated one of her hand crafted yoga mat bags as this weeks prize – Thank you Joy!!

You have until Sunday to submit your link either in a comment or email me your beef recipe at mybizzykitchen@gmail.com.  Have a great day!