I love Sundays.  I love lingering over the Sunday paper, drinking coffee – its probably the most laid back day for me.

Not to say I am not bizzy though!  I did end up deep cleaning my pantry, computer desk and back room.  Let’s just say Hannah was impressed with my cleaning skillz!

Since I ate such a late breakfast, it ended up being brunch.  I had a 3.5 ounce bagel sammie with some clementines on the side – 11 points.

I never officially ate lunch, but I counted about 4 points of licks and tastes as I was cooking for the week.  šŸ˜€

Some of the new readers might not know what BSI is.  It stands for “Blogger Secret Ingredient.”  Basically an ingredient is chosen, announced on Monday and you have a week to submit a recipe using that secret ingredient.  You would email your link or recipe to the host of the week, they will display the recipes on Sunday, then pick a new host for the week on Monday.

The only problem is that sometimes hosts get busy, and weeks might go by without a winner or new host.  So I think going forward, I will host every week and see how that works out.  Thoughts??

To start this week off, I decided to choose:  potato!  Super cheap and versatile.  Please send me your potato recipe links in the comments section – or you can email me your recipe at mybizzykitchen@gmail.com.  You do not need a blog to participate.  And you can use recipes from your archives too!

I decided to make potato gratin.  I went to Skinny Taste to get an idea on how to make a lighter version.  While I only used two potatoes, I decided to run her recipe through eTools.  She said using 2 pound 4 ounces of potatoes, light butter, and reduced fat cheese, each serving (nearly a cup) came in at 3 points plus. 

Um, I got 5 points per serving, using 50% reduced fat cheese.  Even if she used the 75% reduced fat Cabot cheese, not sure that would shave off 2 points per serving.  Has anyone ever questioned Gina’s points on her recipes before??

So here is my version, using real butter and regular cheese.  Makes six servings at 5 WW points.

Potato Gratin

  • 2 large potatoes, peeled and slices thin (my 2 potatoes weighed 1 pound 4 ounces)
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 2 tablespoons flour
  • salt and pepper
  • 1/2 tsp. garlic powder
  • 3 ounces shredded cheddar cheese
  • 1.5 cups skim milk

Put the milk in a pot and warm over medium heat.  Add salt, pepper and garlic powder.  Slice potatoes pretty thin.  Heat oven to 425.  Spray bottom of pan with Pam.  Layer potatoes, then dice up 1 tablespoon of butter and sprinkle over layer, then dust with 1 tablespoon of flour, then add 1.5 ounces of cheese, and repeat with second layer.

Pour hot milk over the top.  Bake for 45 minutes, or until the potatoes are tender.

Even though it was 35 degrees I decided to grill bone in chicken breasts to go with our potatoes.  Although I ended up finishing the chicken in the oven because I didn’t have enough charcoal.  It’s hard to find charcoal in February!

After Hannah had a serving she said “why do potatoes have to have points?!”

Cheesy and delicious!

Our bone in chicken breasts were huge – one covered almost my whole plate!  So I cut mine in half and had it with buffalo sauce – 6 oz. of chicken with my potatoes, dinner comes in at 11 points.

So send me your potato recipes!  The winner will get two jars of my baja fresh salsa!

Here are a few of my past BSI entries:

BSI – Cherries – Grilled cherry salsa:

BSI – Beets:  Beet Hummus:

BSI: Lemon – Grilled pork chops with lemon thyme sauce:

Hope you have a great day!