Hannah was up early yesterday, creating another lovely breakfast before her long day at school.  Monday and Wednesdays are her long days, and as much as she doesn’t like eating first thing (try two hours!) she realizes that she has to have a good breakfast the way her schedule is laid out.

I contemplated jumping in and getting Bizzy in my Kitchen (I have a ricotta cheese lemon pancake recipe with blueberry sauce coming soon!) I realized it’s Wednesday.  And I haven’t had bagel Wednesday forever!  This giant jalapeno cheddar with egg whites in the middle comes in at a delicious 11 points.

I was so stuffed from the bagel that I didn’t have anything before picking up Tony for his doctor appointment.  It dawned on me as we were driving there that because this doctor first saw Tony in the hospital, we would have to fill out new patient forms, do the family history stuff, etc.

We really like this doctor, he’s the kidney doctor.  While Tony will probably always have mild kidney disease, hopefully things will never get worse than that.  He goes back in a few weeks to have blood work done to see where his numbers are at, then back again in April.

While we were in with the doctor the car dealership called.  I called them back.  The truck was ready, “but you have a few more issues going on with the truck.”  My first thought was “fuck.”  You know, because it rhymes with truck. šŸ˜€

He started talking about shackles and my first thought is “where the hell do shackles fit on a truck?”

I told him basically to stop talking, that I had my husband with me and he could explain it to him.  I just don’t do car parts.  It’s never a good sign when your truck is still on the lift so they can “show you everything that is wrong” with the car.

Long story short, the alternator and new battery were installed, but there were a few things that need to be done “in the near future” but aren’t things that have to be done to it now.  Whew.

So by the time that was all done and I got back to work, I had taken a 3 hour lunch.  Just so you know the afternoon goes by really fast when you take a 3 hour lunch! šŸ˜€

I was still full from the bagel so I had an apple and a cafe mocha – 2 points!   My afternoon cafe mochas are so good – I’ve got my boss hooked on them.  It’s a 25 calorie pack of diet swiss miss cocoa, half hot water, half coffee and then whip cream on top.  It’s like 50 calories, but I count it as 2 points.  I stole this picture.  I figured after taking a 3 hour lunch I should do some work!

I had defrosted some chicken wings, not really knowing what I was going to do with them.  When I came in the house to get Tony I saw that he marinated my wings – in spicy hot shit.  Tony is a fly by the seat of his pants kinda cook, tossing things in willy nilly.  Me?  I would have written it down as I went along, so that if it turned out good I could make it again.

I baked my wings at 400 degrees for 35 minutes, then finished them off under the broiler for a couple minutes.  I like my wings well done. šŸ˜€  On the side I made a broccoli/cole slaw stir fry.  Now I might get some slack here, but after I took the chicken out of the marinade, I cooked it down for 30 minutes.

I know some people will think “you had raw chicken in that marinade!”  But I made sure I boiled it above 160 degrees, so it’s all good.  In fact it reduced down to an amazing sauce.  I told Tony “I am not joking, these are the best wings I’ve ever had.”

So I said “what did you put in the sauce??!!”  He said he knew he had to start out with vinegar, so he added apple cider vinegar, then Frank’s sweet and sour sauce, soy sauce, garlic, olive oil and crushed red peppers.  They marinated for about six hours.  After I reduced the sauce, I stirfried broccoli slaw and broccoli in about a tablespoon of the sauce.

Oh my oh my.  These wings were spicy and delicious!  It had the perfect balance of sweet, sour and heat.  Thanks Tony!  And thanks for your help with the truck – I have no idea how I would have handled it happened last week when you were in the hospital.

Hannah and I have a special lunch planned today.  My bosses father has been spending the winter with them.  He’s 82 years old and originally from New York, but retired to Georgia.  He helps out at the food pantry Monday through Wednesday, but Thursday and Friday’s he doesn’t have a whole lot going on.

So Hannah and I decided to take him out to lunch today – I love hearing people’s stories!

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