You all know how technically challenged I am.  No joke.  I think I’ve told you that when I first got my Blackberry, I couldn’t even figure out how to make a phone call.  Tony has a smart phone and I couldn’t figure out how to answer his phone!

But I am proud that I now have a “print friendly” button at the end of my posts – hopefully if anyone wants to print out a recipe of mine, it will make it easier.  Here is where you’ll find instructions on how to add a print friendly button for any website, blogger/blogspot/  Go here!  And it puts the print button automatically on every single post you’ve ever done – how cool is that??!!

Since I spent 30 minutes shoveling our driveway so I could get to work (um, nice work out by the way – I was huffing by the end!) I realized I hadn’t made anything for breakfast.  I still had $$ on my Subway giftcard and I had their egg white and pepper jack cheese flat bread – with spinach, cucumbers, green peppers, banana peppers and about 1 teaspoon of hot giardinera – 9 WW points – with the last of the oranges my PIL sent us at Christmas – still so juicy and delicious!

I had to do a stock up my office run to Sam’s Club – Allison, did you know you could buy Frank’s Hot Sauce by the gallon for just under $10 bucks?   

I had some more of my mystery chili that I never shared the recipe for – the base is butternut squash, but I had to make so many adjustments to get the taste right, there is no way I could post the recipe – I am going back to the drawing board on this one, but it tastes really good – when I make a simpler recipe, I’ll share it. šŸ˜€

I talked to Tony in the afternoon and was like “do you have a taste for anything?”  He shocked the shit out of me when he said pizza!  While you all know I make a mean pizza, I wasn’t prepared so I picked up a $5 pizza from Dominicks that you take home and bake.  Tony just wanted sausage, but I kicked my side up with some pepperoni, baby spinach and jalapeno peppers.

I had two pieces, for my guess of about 15 WW points.

The jalapenos made this pizza. šŸ˜€

I went to WW this morning . . .

The lady that weighed me in was like “you hit 10 pounds!  Congrats!”  But I couldn’t take the kudos because I already got my sticker for 10 pounds, and also 15 pounds last September – so I can’t take the kudos until I hit 20 pounds lost.  It’s okay, I’ll get there.  Just have to stop eating pretzels!

Here are some dishes I want to try to make this week:

What’s on your menu this week?  It’s fricken cold today, so I’ll be Bizzy in my Kitchen to keep warm!  Enjoy your Saturday!