I got an email from wordpress.com giving me my 2011 year in blogging stats.

Crunchy numbers

London Olympic Stadium holds 80,000 people.  This blog was viewed about 307,000 times in 2011. If it were competing at London Olympic Stadium, it would take about 4 sold-out events for that many people to see it.

In 2011, there were 298 new posts, growing the total archive of this blog to 1,756 posts.

The busiest day of the year was April 6th with 2,376 views. The most popular post that day was Poblano Albondigas with Ancho Chile Soup.

I think that’s pretty good considering I don’t know how use social media at all to promote my blog.  Maybe that will be one of my goals in 2012?!

And it reminded me that I need to make this soup again!

Since my Mom spent Christmas at my brothers house, we ended up celebrating our Christmas yesterday at my Mom’s house with a brunch.  My twin sister and her family were there too.

My Momma and Hannah

Me and My Momma – I seriously need a hair cut – I think it looks like I have a mullet going on!

My sisters daughter Claire – who is 10. šŸ˜€

Then Jenn’s two boys with Hannah – I think this picture is funny – it kinda looks like Hannah’s head is photoshopped in!  Mark on the left is 13 and Paul is 15.  And Hannah is 19 if anyone cares. šŸ˜€

One of the coolest gifts my Mom gave me was a scrap book that has my geneology on my Mom’s side of the family.

Check it out . . . this is my great-great-great grandmother!

This is a picture of my Mom and grandma – taken in 1941 when my Mom was a year old.  The smell of fresh cut canteloupe and cinnamon toast always remind my of Grammy!

And here is my grandmpa – we called him Grandy – he’s in his early 20’s in this picture, so this is around 1934ish.

Thanks for such a great gift Momma!

So I don’t really have any concrete resolutions, other than to make the best of each day I have.  It seems like in years past I would say “by my March 19 birthday I want to be 145!”  I am going to make Dolvett’s (Biggest Loser trainer) mantra my mantra:

Hard Work!  Dedication!

Um, pretty sure he’s been successful with that mantra!

You can check out his facebook page here.

I am off work today – can I have a four day weekend every weekend??  I have to go to the fancy gym one last time, cancel it, and sign up for the new cheaper gym.  I also have to finish operation clothes in the basement – I gave my sister my size 14’s and Hannah went through her clothese too. Now I just have to organize them a bit better, and while I am at it, I may as well lay out all my clothes our for the week. šŸ˜€

I still have a lot of food in the house, so I may be coming up with meals with what I have on hand – I do know I am going to try making chicken apple breakfast sausage, and Hannah bought me a waffle iron for Christmas so I am going to play around with some blueberry waffle recipes.

HAPPY NEW YEAR!  And thanks for taking time out of your day to read about my tiny corner of the world.  Hugs!