When my alarm went off at 6:30 yesterday morning, Tony was already awake and watching the morning news.  Every ounce of my being wanted to just stay in bed and snuggle, but I knew I had planned to get a workout done before work.  So up I got. šŸ˜€

30 Day Shred is no longer on demand, and I am so not techinical enough to figure out how to work the dvd player in the back room, so I picked something called “Athletic Agility.”  I basically picked it because it was a perfect 35 minute routine.  Other than the fact that instructor kept saying “Boom, there it is!” after showing you what to do, it was really hard and non-stop.  I was sweaty and our heat hadn’t even kicked on yet for our day time setting. šŸ˜€

I prepped my meals on Sunday pretty much for the week – well, at least breakfast and lunches.  Tony is still just eating bread, applesauce, etc. – his appetite has not come back as of yet, even though I try expanding his requests with more fruit!

Breakfast was 3.75 baked potato, chopped, 1 egg, 2 ounces deli ham and baby spinach with a side of fresh fruit – it comes in at only 5 WW points.

Work was so busy – I was pulled in lots of different directions, so before I knew it, it was 1:15!  I was hungry, so I was more than ready for lunch – an Italian stuffed pepper for one.

  • 1 large green pepper
  • 3/4 cup tomato sauce
  • 1 teaspoon Italian seasoning
  • 2 ounces raw Italian sausage
  • 1/2 cup cooked brown rice
  • 1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper
  • 1/3 ounce cheddar cheese

Microwave the pepper whole on the “fresh vegetable” setting.  Meanwhile, brown the Italian sausage in a medium pot – once almost cooked, pour out any grease and add remaining ingredients except for the cheese.

Once the pepper is cool enough to touch, cut off the top, and stuff the tomato sausage mixture into the pepper, topping it with the cheddar cheese.  You can bake at 350 for 15 minutes, and then finish it off under the broiler for a couple minutes.  Since I knew I was going to reheat this at work, I skipped that step and nuked it for 3 minutes.

Once at my desk I cut it all up and while it looks like dog food, it was spicy and delicious! šŸ˜€  The pepper is 9 WW points and the 1 oz. of bread makes lunch 11 points.

Since it was just me for dinner, I decided to make myself a stir fry – its been ages since I’ve had one!  Only problem is I was out of stir fry sauce šŸ™   So being the Queen of condiments, I came up with my own sauce.

Spicy basil lime stirfry sauce for one:  2 WW points

  • 1 tsp. lime juice
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1 tsp. oyster sauce
  • 1 Tablespoon soy sauce
  • 1 Tablespoon Thai Kitchen Red Chile paste
  • 2 tablespoons fresh chopped basil
  • 1/2 teaspoon honey

Mix it all together and set aside.  Heat a wok on high.  When it starts to smoke, add 1 tsp. coconut oil (or oil of choice – just not olive oil!) and add meat.  I had 3 ounces of super thin sliced pork.  Cook for barely a minute and remove.  Add in 3 cups of mixed veggies – I had broccoli, broccoli slaw, carrots and bean sprouts.  Add to the wok, add 1/4 cup of water or chicken broth and put the lid on for 2 minutes.

Stir the veggies, then add the stir fry sauce and pork back in.  Cook for 1 additional minute – on this high heat it doesn’t take long and I like tender crisp veggies.  Garnish with 1 tablespoon chopped peanuts and fresh cilantro.  All together this big bowl comes in at 11 WW points.

Ha – love that the cord to my coffee maker was trying to get in the picture!  I loved this sauce – just enough heat, brightness of the lime juice and just a hint of sweetness from the honey.

Stats for Monday (they are back!)

  • 27 WW points
  • 35 minute kickboxing
  • no walk at lunch – too busy šŸ™
  • average blood sugar 147

Tony is still having a hard time getting around – I feel so bad for him. šŸ™  I probably should have stayed home with him yesterday – but I only have today and tomorrow and then doctor day with him on Thursday, then I am off for the long holiday weekend.

I don’t have any awkward family Christmas photo today, but this video makes me smile and feel the Christmas spirit!  My SIL posted it on her FB page – thanks Laura!
