It was such a nice weekend – temps in the 60’s in November?  I’ll take it!  We had some good eats too.  Saturday morning I made this egg dish – zucchini, turkey kielbasa, 2 eggs scrambled together, then topped with salsa.

Saturday night we smoked a turkey breast – I seasoned it with fresh rosemary, lemons, olive oil and salt and pepper – it took about 2 hours to smoke and it was so tender and juicy – need to figure out how to “paleo” the leftovers. 😀

Tony made me brunch yesterday – I actually wasn’t even hungry for breakfast until about noon!  He scrambled 2 eggs with about 4 ounces of taco meat and salsa, and sliced up a kiwi on the side.  Thanks Tony!

I have to say that the number one question I’ve gotten this week was “is it hard to follow a Paleo diet?”  followed by “do you crave carbs?”

I have to say that the only thing about meal planning on the Paleo diet is that typically I meal plan like this:  protein, veggie, starch.  Leaving the starch out makes you think outside the box a bit.  I don’t think I have sacraficed flavor this past week with my meals, and I am really full after eating so there isn’t even a desire to snack in between.

I’ve also used less than half the amount of insulin I normally would – so that’s good!  Other than one blood sugar last week (47) my blood sugar numbers have been steady.   But I started thinking about biscuits.  How could I have a Paleo biscuit?  My desire to have a biscuit was to actually end up with something that I could make an egg sammie with.

While this texture is really light, I really liked how these came out.  The dough is super sticky like a drop biscuit, so it helps putting the biscuits on parchment paper.

Biz’s Cranberry and Bacon Biscuits – makes 6 biscuits – 175 calories, 12 fat, 10 carbs, 3 fiber and 7 protein, or 5 WW points.

  • 4 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons melted butter
  • 1/3 cup coconut flour
  • 1/3 cup almond flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 2 tablespoon bacon bits
  • 1/3 cup dried cranberries

Throw everything in a food processor and pulse just until its all combined.  In a 350 degree preheated oven, put biscuits on parchment paper on cookie sheet, and cook for 15 minutes, or until lightly browned.  Remove from oven and let sit for 5-10 minutes, they will firm up (they will really tender right out of the oven).

With a bit of butter on the top right out of the oven:

I plan on making a breakfast sammie today – hopefully it holds together!

So now the moment you’ve been waiting for, right?  My first WI after a week on Paleo and working out.  WW on Saturday showed a loss of -1.6.  The Zero Scales shows . . .

Yesterday I stepped on the scale and it showed -2.0 for the week.  I stepped on the scale this morning and it said I gained 2.4 since yesterday (how, I have no idea!) for a gain of .4 for the week.  Not gonna worry about it, still have to look at the big picture and continue on.

Here is a new to me Paleo recipe site.  I need to check it out some more, but I am adapting their pumpkin chili recipe later this week.

How was your weekend?  Any new recipes you are trying this week?  My blood sugar is low this morning so I may have to bump my exercise to tonight – this week is 3×20 sets of strength!  Make it a great day!