I like to think that Tony and I are pretty good about managing our money.  The only debt we have is our house and we only have one credit card for emergencies.  I am the queen of the grocery store sale flyer, we don’t eat out more than once a week usually, but I still thought there was room for improvement.

Enter:  http://mint.com.  This is a free site that links to your actual bank account and lets you categorize how you spend your money.  I decided to categorize debits and label “groceries” for our purchases at Dominick’s, Jewel, Dollar Tree, Butera, Fresh Market and Sam’s Club from September 20 to October 20.

Imagine my shock when added all together?  $871.99!  For a family of 3, and usually Hannah only eats one meal at home a day.  That’s $29 a day!  And if someone came up to me and asked me how much I spent on groceries for the month, I would have been 100% dead certain it would have been about $475 a month.

And we spent $229.90 dining out for the month, which I actually don’t think is too bad because that included my Mom’s birthday lunch and Tony’s birthday dinner. šŸ˜€

Does anyone pay cash for groceries, and when its gone you just eat out of your fridge/freezer/pantry?  Hopefully some budget queens (or kings!) will leave their tips in the comment section!  But this was a complete eye opener for me. šŸ™

When we went to Goodwill last Sunday my Mom wanted to stock up at the Entenmann’s outlet and I picked up mini Arnold thins – still 100 calories for 2 but I like tiny food.  Tony doesn’t like tiny food, but if there are sliders, small plates I am all over them. šŸ˜€

Two arnold thins, 1 Pam “fried” egg, deli ham and cheese – with warmed sliced fuji apple sprinkled with 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon/sugar mix (it’s next to our coffee pot – so good and if you put 1/2 a teaspoon into eTools it comes in at zero points!).  Breakfast comes in at 8 points.

I brought my wind breaker jacket to work, but it was so windy/rainy/cold I chickened out of my walk – I need to bring in a winter hat and gloves to keep at work  – weather.com said it felt like 37 degrees outside because of the wind.  Check out this link – 20 boats got damaged because of wind!

So I stayed nice and toasty poasty at my desk and kept warm with my chili mac soup and a cheddar biscuit – lunch comes in at 11 points.

I ended up making chicken parm for dinner – only one thing, I was out of bread crumbs.  So I took two pieces of toast from my freezer, put them in the toaster and then blended them in my food processor.  Um, it didn’t work very well – half the crumbs fell off – and the crumbs started to brown too fast and when I brought the chicken to the table, we both cut into our chicken and it was still a bit raw on the inside – luckily my blood sugar wasn’t too low and I didn’t get mad!  I just nuked the chicken for 2 minutes in the microwave.

Don’t worry, I didn’t eat this whole plate, I ate 3/4 of it and the dog had the rest – dinner comes in at 10 points.

Is it just me, or do you find this weird?  The 2011 Foodbuzz Awards are out and voting is open.  It’s always nice to find new blogs to read (because you know, there aren’t that many food blogs out there to read – ha!).

In the Best Family Blog Category is this one:  You Fed A Baby Chili?  I am just curious how this blog was nominated when he only has 7 posts in 2011.  How you could be nominated on the content of 7 posts is beyond my comprehension.

But I do have a favorite blogger if you could run and go vote for her – Sophia of Burp & Slurp.  We have been blog “friends” since early 2009.  That’s the wonder of the blog world, where else would I become friends with a 20 something UCLA student?  She’s also sent me the most amazing granola for Christmas a couple years ago. šŸ˜€

You can vote for your favorite food bloggers here.  I think my nomination must have gotten lost in the mail.  šŸ˜€

Stats for Thursday

  • 34 points, including 5 points for cookies eaten when my blood sugar dropped
  • no exercise
  • average blood sugar 97
Happy Friday!  Not looking foward to WW tomorrow – with my lack of exercise and extra licks and tastes, but I have to face the music. šŸ˜€