Thanks for everyones concern and advice for my low blood sugar swings.  You will be happy to know that I have an appointment with my endocronologist in November.  I skipped my quarterly July appointment when we didn’t have insurance. šŸ™  Meanwhile, I will keep on doing what I can to manage it until then. šŸ˜€  Luckily diabetes is a manageable disease!

Pork.  It’s what’s for breakfast.  I am not sure this picture will convey how good this breakfast sammie was – I had leftover sliced pork and made an egg white sammie out of it – when I added Tabasco to my sammie it was like having a pulled pork sammie – so good!  Breakfast comes in at 8 points.

I had an errand to run at lunch with Tony, so no work out for me yesterday.  It was a busy day at work anyway – I ate lunch at my desk – 2 beef tacos with sliced cucumbers – I made a dip of 1 tablespoon light ranch with 1 tablespoon taco sauce and hot sauce to dip my cucumbers in – so good.  Pretty sure I could have Mexican food every day and never get sick of it.  Lunch comes in at 9 points.

It was a rainy day in Chicagoland yesterday, but driving home the sky was beautiful.

I left work a little late, so I called Tony to let him know.  He asked what was for dinner and I suddenly realized I never defrosted anything and had no clue what I even had on the menu – so not like me!  So we went with Plan B.

They have a special – 3 topping 8 inch individual pizza for $5 bucks – how can you go wrong with that?  My pizza?  Italian beef, hot peppers and pepperoni – I ate half my pizza and am calling dinner 14 points.

I really need to make a light box – it’s almost dark by the time we eat dinner.  šŸ™

Here is a picture of our “down town.”  I grew up in Oak Park and worked in Chicago for years.  When we first moved out here it took a while to adjust to no sidewalks, street lights, and traffic.  Our “down town” is only two blocks long!

While I still love going downtown to Chicago, I like our little country life.  How about you – are you a city mouse or a country mouse?

So excited for lunch today!!  I am meeting a long time blogger friend Robin of Big Red Kitchen for lunch at Carlucci’s.  She’s one of the most creative cooks I know – I am loving all her ideas on mason jar meals – how cool is this?  This is my first out of town blogger meet up – Shelley and Helen, I promise someday you’ll be next!

Stats for Thursday:

  • 31 points
  • no exercise
  • average blood sugar 92

Happy Friday!  Make it a great day!