Low blood sugar seems to be the theme for me lately, and I can’t figure it out.  Maybe because I am exercising more?  For the next few days I am going to experiment by reducing the amount of insulin I normally take – my four day blood sugar average is around 84. šŸ™

Knowing that Hannah and I were going to the gym last night, I slept in.  As in I didn’t want to get up.  At all.  Finally at 7:20 I got up.  I didn’t really have a breakfast/lunch plan so that’s when “throw shit in a bag” comes into play and I figure it out when I get to work.

Breakfast was my typical egg sammie with giant grapes and watermelon.  I bought the grapes at Target of all places.  Breakfast comes in at 8 points.  It may have had really good bologna on it. šŸ˜€

I was just about to head out for my lunch time workout, checked my blood sugar and it was only 82 – wtf?  So I ate another cup of grapes and a banana, and headed out for my walk.  Just to be on the safe side, I put two baby snickers bars in my bag.  About 2 miles into my walk, I can feel it – the sweat starting to drip – I ended up having to eat both snickers (5 points!) to get me back to the office – checked my blood sugar and it was 62.  I did end up walking 3.3 miles in 53 minutes! šŸ˜€

So no insulin at lunch – just a bowl of my grown up spaghettios.  Lunch comes in at 8 points.

I think I made quite possibly the quickest pasta sauce last night.  While I don’t like the texture of mushrooms, I do like the flavor.

Super Quick Pasta Sauce

  • 1 teaspoon butter
  • 1 cup sliced mushrooms
  • 2 tablespoons tomato paste
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 tablespoon dried basil
  • 1 tablespoon dried oregano
  • 1 28 can tomatoes (I had crushed tomatoes)
  • 8 ounces ground sirloin

In a stock pot melt butter.  Add mushrooms and cook for 5 minutes.  Add tomato paste and cook for  2 minutes.  Add remaining ingredients except for meat and simmer for 10 minutes.  Meanwhile, cook beef in a separate pan.  Puree sauce if you want (I did so there weren’t chunks of mushrooms) add in cooked beef and simmer for 5 more minutes.

The mushrooms give a depth of flavor to the sauce so it really tastes like its been cooking all day.  Dinner comes in at 11 points.

So I decided to take half the amount of insulin because I knew Hannah and I were going to the gym.  And pasta is high in carbs so I figured that would be enough fuel.   We started by doing 30 minutes on a treadmill that goes to 50% incline!  I ended up doing 30 minutes at 20% incline at 3.5 mph.  It was hard.

Sure enough we are about to go to the pool and my blood sugar tanked again – it was 51.  So I went to the vending machine, got gummies (4 points!) and I was fine to swim.  We swam and played the ring toss game for 45 minutes, then ended up in the hot tub for 10 minutes.  It was fun to catch up with Hannah. šŸ˜€

Stats for the Day:

  • 36 points (9 points for eating food to get my blood sugar up!)
  • 53 minute walk 3.3 miles
  • 30 minute 20% incline treadmill
  • 45 minutes swimming

Wanna see something gross?  Last week when I made microwaved scalloped potatoes the recipe said to cook the butter, flour and milk in a bowl covered in plastic wrap for 5 minutes.  When I reached in to take it out, a corner blew up and a burst of steam hit my thumb.  Shizz did that hurt!  That was a week ago and here is how it looks 7 days later.

Have you ever burned yourself bad in the kitchen??

Make it a great day!