Having Friday off from work was nice – we got the grocery shopping done, my meal plan was done so it was nice not to have an agenda yesterday.  After I got back from WW yesterday, Tony made me breakfast – he makes the best eggs – nice and spicy!
Since I am not exactly sure what portions were in this breakfast, I am calling it 10 points. šŸ˜€  The apples were delicious!  Thanks Tony!

My MIL and SIL LOVE brussel sprouts.  I am not a fan yet, but decided to make a brussel sprout dish for one of my SIL’s lunches this week – I adapted the recipe from here – I was lucky enough to win her last giveaway and got this book in the mail the other day – thanks for picking me, can’t wait to read it. šŸ˜€

So this recipe is adapted to serve 1 – I added roasted red pepper instead of the yellow pepper and added mushrooms.

Roasted Brussel Sprouts with Couscous (1 serving: 211 calories, 5.3 fat, 34 carbs, 6.2 fiber and 7.7 protein = 5 PointsPlus)

  • 1 cup brussel sprouts, trimmed and halved
  • 1/4 cup roasted red pepper, diced
  • 1/4 cup sliced mushrooms
  • 1/4 cup grape tomatoes, halved
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar
  • 1/2 cup cooked couscous (I used Near East garlic and herb)
  • salt and pepper

Heat oven to 425.  Toss the brussel sprouts with the oil and salt and pepper.  Bake for 20 minutes, turning them over after 10 minutes. 

In a skillet saute the red pepper, mushrooms and grape tomatoes for about 5 minutes.  Add vinegar and toss to coat.  Add in brussel sprouts and cooked couscous and cook for another minute until well combined.  Add additional salt and pepper if necessary.

I think this is a very generous serving for only 5 points!  I grilled a 4 oz. pork chop on the side for her lunch, so her lunch will come in at 10 points. šŸ˜€

Hannah and I even got in a long walk yesterday – one hour!  It was nice just catching up and laughing together and its the first Saturday she’s had off in a long time – and she was babysitting last night and works today, so it was nice spending time with her.  Here’s a picture from our walk:

Tony and I decided to smoke some meat – I could have sworn I bought a second roast at the store, but we didn’t so Tony went to Jewel – we typically hate that store, it’s over priced and crowded.  He ended up bringing home a boneless chuck pot roast.

While I wanted to do a dry rub, Tony suggested just salt and pepper and let the smoker impart the flavor – he was right – this meat was so flavorful.  I started it out on the lower rack for the first 30 minutes, then moved it up to the higher rack for the last 45 minutes.   We had hickory and apple wood chips on top of the coals.

I made a cauliflower gratin on the side.  Except I reduced the butter and flour to 2 tablespoons and only used 1.25 cups of skim milk.

The meat was smokey, tender and delicious – before Tony I never would have considered grilling that cut of meat, but it’s delicious. šŸ˜€

Calling all Holiday 2011 Challengers!! How are you doing?  I’ve changed up my goal for the challenge.  I realized that there are only 12 weeks left until December 31.  So I want to lose 12 pounds, which would put me in the 140s!  I haven’t been in the 140’s since 2007 – I gained 30 pounds after being put on insulin because all of a sudden I could eat whatever I wanted to!

My plan this week is to go to the gym.  Seriously, I haven’t been in a month and I am paying for it, so I may as well use it.  My goal is to hit the gym up 3 times this week – and to swim at least once.

I have done great on no more bed time snacks – no salty foods before bed at all.  I am sure that’s what helped my -2.4 this week šŸ˜€

Hope you enjoy your Sunday!  It’s another beautiful summer day!

And if you have any brussel sprout recipes to share I would appreciate it. šŸ˜€