See that .99 cent bag of trail mix up there?  Seems innocent enough – some nuts, raisins and a few m&m’s.  Throughout the day yesterday I kept reaching my hand in, eating it, loving the salty/sweet combo.  In my head I thought it would be 5 WW points at most.

Um, not so much.  My 3 ounce bag of train mix?  Try 10 points!  That’s almost like eating a 4th meal for the day.  🙁   I can’t have trail mix or pretzels in my vacinity, I just have no control!

Breakfast was a spinach egg sammie with sauteed bananas with raisins and pumpkin seeds on the side – seems like a weird combo, but it was really good – 9 points for breakfast.

Work was super crazy.  One of the secretaries was on vacation the rest of this week, so I became the go to person – I ended up having to eat lunch at my desk and didn’t get out to exercise that’s how busy it was.  Which makes me even more mad that the trail mix was so point heavy on the one day I didn’t exercise.

Since I am making lunches for my SIL who is on WW (she’s so close to losing 10 pounds!) I am trying to broaden her tastes.  She’s never had Indian food, so I thought I would introduce her to my version of chicken tikka masala.  You can find the recipe here.  She loved it!  Lunch comes in at 9 points with the brown rice.

Dinner was simple, I really didn’t have the energy to be that creative.  Sloppy joes and fries.  Remember when I said that I wanted to get 10 servings of fruits and veggies in every day?  Turns out it didn’t happen yesterday!  Dinner was 13 points.

Totally off subject, our shower drain has been so slow, mostly because of clogged hair – gross, I know, but Tony bought this $3 tool and it worked amazing!  Our drain has never run quicker!

AFter dinner Hannah and I went to Good will and then to Deer Park Mall, where my favorite Williams Sonoma store is.  Most of their stuff is way too $$, but I got a few deals.  Check out this product – um, pretty sure I’ll be making fried chicken this weekend.  Normally sold for $18, but I got it for $3.75!

And I won the lottery!  $20 big ones!  Tony won $100 earlier in the week, so pretty sure I need to check my power ball ticket from last night to confirm I won $111 million dollars. 😀

Stats for Wednesday:

  • 41 points
  • no exercise
  • average blood sugar 124

Q:  What food is like crack to you?  Make it a great day!