I am very proud to be a tiny tiny part of the Great Fundraising Act that Janetha of Meals and Moves has put together for our fellow food blogger Susan of The Great Balancing Act.

Janetha has put together the auction page – after spending days putting this online auction together.

You can check out the auction page here.

To bid on my donation – click here.  The bidding starts at $10.00.  The winner will receive two jars of grilled cherry salsa, and a new salsa (thanks to Tony’s idea!) two jars of grilled pineapple salsa, along with three of my favorite hot sauces.

I have to warn you, because jalapenos differ each time, these salsas are a bit on the spicy side – but since they are paired with a grilled fruit, they are the perfect balance of sweet and heat. šŸ˜€

I fired up the front grill as the sun was setting so it wasn’t so hot.

The cherry salsa done:

The grilled pineapple salsa done:

And last, but not least. . . some hot sauce! šŸ˜€

I have to say, I think I like the grilled pineapple salsa even better than the cherry.  Tony and I keep thinking of different grilled fruit to make – maybe grilled peaches next??

Grilled Pineapple Salsa

  • 1 small fresh pineapple, skin removed and sliced thick
  • 1 jalapeno (take seeds out for less heat)
  • 8 roma tomatoes
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1/3 cup fresh cilantro
  • juice of two limes
  • 1 teaspoon salt

Grill the pineapple 10 minutes a side over medium grill heat.  Remove, let cool.  Cook the tomatoes and jalapeno about the same amount of time, or until the skin is nice and charred.

Add all ingredients to food processor  and mix well.  Adjust seasoning with more salt, cilantro or lime to taste.

So I hope someone at least bids $10 of my salsa gift basket for this great cause.  If not, I’ll will ask Tony to bid on it so I don’t feel bad!  Please note, the salsa is canned, meaning it doesn’t have to be refrigerated until opened and will last about 2 weeks once opened.  Perfect for the spicy person in your life!

And to whet your appetite on things to come this week, I made sweet potato gnocchi with a lentil bolognese for lunch one day this week – love!

Erica, totally thought of you when I made these – you are going to love it if I try it!  Okay, maybe after your baby is born!

Hope everyone had a great weekend – I have my game face on this week – I will have a significant loss this week so I can meet my goal of losing 9 pounds in six weeks – I am off to the gym.  Have a great Monday and Happy Bidding! 

Bidding begins at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 8:45 p.m. šŸ˜€