How did everyone survive the 4th of July?  Did you concentrate on the food more than the company?  Did you plan to splurge that day?  I know my dinner was 20 points, which included strawberry rhubarb pie. 

My downfall was that I didn’t count points at all last weekend, and I only exercised Tuesday through Thursday.  That’s not acceptable.

My goals this week:

  • no wine Monday=Friday
  • exercise a minimum of 60 minutes a day
  • eat more fruits and veggies
  • track everything!

What are your goals this week?  Are you happy with how your summer is going?

Hannah comes home today!  But right now I am off to the grocery store to buy stuff for me and my SIL’s lunches this week – she LOVED my zucchini lasagna, so that’s on the menu, along with:

  • grilled chicken apple sausage with sauerkraut and sauteed apples
  • pulled chicken bba sandwiches with a broccoli bean salad (recipe to follow this week)
  • Indian beef curry with brown rice (recipe to follow this week)
  • shrimp pad thai with chicken egg roll (recipe to follow this week)

Anything new on your menu this week?  Have a great Sunday!