Since I didn’t have to be at the court house until 9:00, I went to the gym beforehand and ran at an easy 4.5 pace for 40 minutes.  Wow, just taking the long weekend off of exercising really makes a difference.  I had plenty of time to work out too, but just didn’t.  And since our computer was shut down because of storms, I didn’t track any points – which I realized I probably ate too much when I entered my points in for yesterday. šŸ™  My pre-workout snack was an arnold thin with 1 tsp. of peanut butter – 6 PointsPlus.

It took me about 30 minutes to get to the Courthouse from the gym.  Good old Woodstock, Illinois!

When I got to the Courthouse I was hungry, so I ate 1/2 of a Jimmy John’s sandwich that was leftover from the day before.  Um, not necessarily the breakfast of champions!

I really had no idea what to expect yesterday.  I wasn’t sure if I could bring in my own food and drink.  About 120 people are pooled into a large room.  A Sheriff came in to talk to us about safety and while beverages are okay to bring in, not to bring in any alcohol – apparently jurors have done that in the past.  Oh, and not to bring in any drugs – yep, jurors have been arrested before even serving for having drugs on them!

Then the judge came in and explained the whole process.  I mean to the point where she explained the difference between a plaintiff and a defendant.  And then we waited.  A jury trial was scheduled for the morning, 30 names were called, and they left the room.  By 11:30, they let us go to lunch – I didn’t have to be back until 1:00!

There is a downtown historic square in Woodstock that has shops and restaurants and a bakery.  As I was driving there I saw this sign:

Yep, the farmers market is open on Tuesdays and Saturdays.

There isn’t a whole lot of produce yet because it’s only May, but plenty of flowers, plants and other products, like honey and salad dressings.  I ended up buying 8 dinner rolls from a bakery and a bag of fresh spinach.  I looked around to see what my lunch options were, and saw a Greek restaurant that had a sign in the window “chicken kabob, $2.99.”

It was delicious, however there was a bit of butter on the pita bread – but the meat was seasoned nicely and favor tender.  I ate 3/4 of this and am counting it at 9 PointsPlus.  I sat on a bench in the square and listened to live folk music while I ate – it was delightful!

After walking around some more, I had to head back to the Courthouse.  I got a little turned around, so I put the Courthouse into my phone GPS, and was happy that as it directed me back to where I needed to go, I passed right by the house from Groundhog Day with Bill Murray!

It’s weird because there was this giant house on a big lot, and then just regular residential houses all around it. 

So back in the jury room, I am picked with 29 other people to be a possible juror in a DUI case.  My name was never called, but I heard the same questions asked of potential jurors for nearly 3 hours, and the Courtroom was freezing.  I am what’s called a Petit juror, which means I offer my services for a full week.  Since this is a short week, chances are I won’t have to go back.  For example, there were no jury trials scheduled for today, and its rare to start a trial on a Thursday or Friday.  I still have to call after 5:00 to see if I am needed tomorrow.

So with my schedule so out of whack, I don’t have much of a plan this week.  Going into dinner I only had 6 points left, but that didn’t stop me from having a cheddar brat, corn on the cob and grilled asparagus!  I loves me a cheddar brat. šŸ˜€

So dinner came in at 11 points.  Oh, but I didn’t stop there!  Over the weekend I made some shortbread to make strawberry shortcake.  I finally put it together for dessert last night, um, with some vanilla ice cream?  Dessert was 8 points.  So it’s not all lost – its Wednesday, I am ready to get back to my routine and make good choices.  Sometimes life gets in the way, but I am focused again – whew!

Some pictures from the long weekend – I may have found my new summer beer:

When I first picked up the lemon beer, I misread it and thought it was going to be like a 64 calorie Mike’s hard lemonade – but this is still good – and even better with a fresh lemon slice.  And I think this still qualifies as a one point beer!

Tony did a great job with our lawn as always.  In 10 years we’ve lived here I’ve only cut the lawn twice – apparently I don’t mow very straight and miss a lot of spots – which stinks because using a riding mower is fun!

Our dog Ed just loves hanging out outside. šŸ˜€

So we tried our hands at smoking baby back ribs on Memorial Day.  I started the smoker around 3 in the afternoon, got the coals hot, then put the ribs on the upper rack with apple wood chips.  We maintained the heat at around 225 for three hours – check out the how the smoked ribs looked after three hours!

Then we put them on the closest grate next to the coals and added K.C. Masterpiece bbq sauce – so good.  The smoke flavor brings them to a whole new flavor level.

Stats for Tuesday:

  • 40 minute treadmill run, 4.5 mph
  • 40 minute leisure walking around village square
  • 42 points
  • average blood sugar ??

Alright, I am off to make a healthy breakfast and lunch today – this week is going by fast since its already Wednesday – which is another Hanging with Hannah Day!  We might go to a movie tonight at the Catlow theater in Barrington – its an old movie theater that only shows one movie at a time, and they are showing Water with Elephants with Reese Witherspoon.  Did anyone see that movie?  Was it good?