I got my sticker!

I am down exactly 15 pounds!  While I was hoping for more than a .8 loss – I got my sticker, and now I am only 2 pounds away from hitting a 10% loss – woot!  While the scale isn’t going down as fast as I want, I know my body shape is changing.  I wore a pair of size 14 pants to work yesterday, and while I was at the copier, they literally fell down to about my knees!

Thank God I work in a small office and no one was around!  Those pants (and a few other size 14’s!) are in the goodwill pile. šŸ˜€

I had egg beater spinach tacos for breakfast yesterday.  I was heating it up in my work kitchen.  Another co-worker was having a bagel with a teaspoon of jelly.  Both of ours were 8 points, but lets just say I got more bang for my point buck and I was full until lunch time – she emailed me an hour and a half after eating her bagel and was still hungry!

I had chicken tortilla soup in my deep freeze, so now I am officially out of soup – need to fix that this weekend.  On the side I had a spinach corn tortilla quesadilla – 5 points for that and 5 points for the soup – again, a filling 10 point lunch. šŸ˜€

Did you guys know that I like cheese?

On my 50 minute jog/walk, I found a $10 bill!  When I got back to the office I emailed Tony and said “how about I pick up some steak?”  At the same time I was at the copier when my pants fell down, I thought “I’ll pick up some fresh rosemary to make rosemary butter for our steaks.”

When I got back to my desk, Tony had emailed me back and said “why don’t you pick up some rosemary – I have a taste for rosemary butter!” Yep, that means we’ve been living together way too long! šŸ˜€

Tony was the grill master while I made the best shrimp cocktail.  You have to make this shrimp cocktail – you would sweat that it is restaurant quality!

So with my $10 find, this was actually a $10 date night in.  We had a bottle of cheap pinot grigio and when I told Tony this was just as good as any resaurant for a fraction of the cost, he said the only difference is that we would have ordered better wine if we had been out. šŸ˜€

Tony melted 2 tablespoons of butter and I added about 2 tablespoons fresh chopped rosemary.  He had that in a small cast iron skillet, and basted the steak while it cooked.

Tony cooked the steaks at a high temperature to sear the outside, then moves them to the cool side to finish – these size steaks took about 15 minutes to cook for rare/medium rare.

I ended up eating 4 ounces of shrimp, 2 tablespoons shrimp cocktail sauce and about 7 ounces of my steak – still plenty of leftovers from both of ours to make steak tacos later this weekend. šŸ˜€  Dinner comes in at 12 points.

Holy shizz, this was a great meal  – the method of cooking the shrimp makes them taste almost like lobster, and the steak was perfectly seasoned and cooked.  A hint on making great steak?  Make sure your meat is at room temperature before grilling – if you go from cold meat to hot grill, you’ll have tough meat, no matter what cut of meat it is.

And simple seasoning – we have a mixture on our counter that is 2 parts salt, 1 part black pepper.  Season generously when you take the steaks out of the kitchen while letting them come to room temperature.  Um, the rosemary butter helps too! šŸ˜€

Stats for Friday:

  • 50 minute walk/jog – found $10 bucks!
  • 30 points
  • average blood sugar 129

Hope everyone has a long weekend!  I do have some chores I want to do around the house, but other than that, we don’t have any concrete plans – love that!

It’s not too late to join my 101 Days of Summer Challenge – just leave a comment on this post, or email me at mybizzykitchen@gmail.com with your summer goals – you can read the recap of last years participants here

Another flashback – it was already a year ago today that Hannah graduated high school!  So crazy how fast this year went by.   And for the record, my arms are still messed up from the sunburn I got at her graduation – I think I’ll have a permanent farmers tan for the rest of my life. šŸ™

Here is Hannah last year with her favorite teacher, who was her German teacher.  She’s already been back to see him a handful of times this past school year just to keep in touch. šŸ˜€

Enjoy your weekend!