First let me say that by labeling my picture yesterday “retarded shining star” was in no way intended to offend anyone – I was merely poking fun at myself, and if I inadvertently offended you, it was no my intention at all.  Let’s just move on, shall we?

The storms stayed away yesterday and we had another hot day.  I ended up throwing stuff together for breakfast and lunch – still have no idea why Thursday’s menu plan was blank.

Breakfast was a 5 ounce baked potato, 1/2 cup egg beaters and 2 pieces of cooked bacon, crumbled, with a generous splash of Frank’s hot sauce.  Breakfast was 7 points – with bananas and clementines on the side.

I got my 55 minute walk in at lunch – I need sunscreen!  I don’t need anymore sunburn.   And since there is really no one around me, I sang to my iPod songs while I walked. šŸ˜€

Lunch was spinach and pork tacos – 3 oz. taco meat, spinach, a couple tablespoons of refried beans and half an apple.  Lunch comes in at 8 points.

Tony and I had to run an errand last night, so decided to go out to eat.  We ended up at Wool Street, which we kinda didn’t like the service last time – we were the only ones there and it took forever for our food to come out.   Since gas is now $4.49 a gallon, I was glad we decided to stay in town.

And we were happy with both the service and the food.  And it was busy – the Chicago Bulls won their playoff game and made it to the next round.  I had looked at the menu beforehand.  One of the items on the appetizer menu were pulled pork sliders – 3 in a serving.  I love pulled pork.  But a quick internet search – um, no thank you.  Each slider would have been 8 points!

So they had a grilled chicken breast with a side of penne pasta and broccoli.  I had my mind set on it.  Until Tony points to the menu and says “you’ve never had their pizza before and your last pizza didn’t turn out too good.”  True.  I toggled back and forth and ended up with a sausage and jalapeno pizza. šŸ˜€  It was the perfect size – an 8 inch thin crust – I ate 3/4 of it, so my guess is 11 points for 3/4 – hopefully that sounds right.

Um, turns out Tony “suggested” the pizza so that he wouldn’t have to suffer through Party Pizza Friday tonight!  I am sure Helen’s husband is like “what?”  He would love to have homemade pizza every night given the chance. šŸ˜€

And their beer special?  $2 Sam’s Adams Light.  I’ll have three please.  So while each on is 3 points, um, having 3 beers is 11 points – so dinner comes in at 22 points.

My trusty sides:

While there were storms to the north of us, our drive home was pretty:

Hannah texted me earlier in the day “The Gazebo is Up!”  She put the top and sides up on our gazebo – with all the rain we’ve had I can only imagine how bad the misquitos are going to be. šŸ™  Thanks Hannah!

Now onto Flashback Friday.  Long time readers will know that at my heaviest, I was 211 pounds (50 pounds heavier than I am now!).  The funny thing is though, if you ask Hannah, she never remembered me being fat – and I didn’t lose the weight until she was around 8 years old.

Here is a picture around 1996, and yes, Hannah is drying dishes – her OCD cleaning started way back then, I just didn’t realize it.  I am probably around 200 pounds here.

The great thing about the WW plan, is that I can still go out and have pizza and beer, and I am still on plan.  All I know is that I don’t ever want to be that big again, and I know by keeping up with the exercise, eating well 90% of the time, I will get to my goal. šŸ˜€

Stats for Thursday:

  • 39 points
  • 20 flex points left
  • 22 activity points earned
  • average blood sugar 119

What are you up to this weekend?  It’s going to be a bit chilly and rainy I think, but I know Tony and I want to smoke some more meat.  I have my WW weigh in tomorrow – I’ll do a quick post tomorrow with the results.

Have a great Friday!