Work is so busy but I am thankful that my day goes by fast!  Because I am so busy I haven’t had the time to stop by your blogs and see what you guys are up to – I promise to catch up over the weekend! 😀

I didn’t have bagel Wednesday this week because I knew I was having pasta for lunch that day and I try to spread out my carb intake.  I knew there were going to be leftover bagels at work, so I just made an egg beater/spinach patty at home, then assembled my breakfast sammie at work – topped with a slice of swiss cheese.  Breakfast comes in at 8 PointsPlus.

I went to the gym with my co-worker – today is my last free pass then next week I’ll have to get to the gym by my house in the morning before work, and then find a place to walk during lunch.   I ended up running a 5k on the treadmill in 38:17 – not bad! 😀

More leftovers!  It was so weird not to have a real meal plan this week since I only grocery shopped for Easter.  We still had some leftover chicken tacos (the kind Hannah and Tony had) and I ended up making chicken tostadas – two tostadas came in at 9 PointsPlus.

It’s been so cold and rainy in Chicagoland – I am really, really getting sick of it.  I have been craving a burger all week, so I stopped at the store on my way home for some ground beef and buns.  Here is something weird about me – if I don’t like something, I typically won’t buy it – I don’t like tuna, mayo or sliced tomatoes, and Tony loves all three.  I had some tomatoes from Easter that I didn’t use – even though it felt like winter outside, just the look of these tomatoes screams summer.

It’s no secret I love tater tots.  And specifically the OreIda brand that are extra crunchy.  If we are at a restaurant and I have the option of tots, I get them every time. 😀

So my plate is a 4 oz. burger, swiss cheese, the bun and tots – the tots were dipped into my own dipping sauce – ketchup and mustard mixed together with salt and pepper.  The first time Tony saw me do that I think he questioned the fact of why he was with me! 😀  Dinner comes in at 13 points.

Now it’s time for Flashback Friday! 😀  I hope my Momma doesn’t mind.  This picture is from the summer of 1968 – my Mom was a young 28 years old in this picture.  It’s weird to think that now I am 15 years older than my Mom was in that picture!  And she sewed most of our clothes when we were little – like the outfits we are sporting in this pic. 😀

Stats for Thursday:

  • 30 points
  • 45 minute treadmill at lunch, 3.4 miles all together 😀
  • average blood sugar 132

I am going to WW tomorrow and will post tomorrow with my WI – as well as announce the winner of my Cheese Giveaway that I totally forgot about with all the work drama.  So you still have time to enter your favorite cheese recipe for a chance to win a $25 gift basket from Cabot cheese!  Thanks Randi for the reminder!

Happy Friday!