I still need to work out my timing on getting things done, now that my commute is longer – it took me 40 minutes to get to work yesterday morning.  I already had my lunch figured out, but stopped by the store and picked up some energy bars (they are with the bagel section) and some Jimmy Dean turkey bowls to put in our freezer at work.

While I ate my 8 point energy bar – my camera ate the picture!  It was delicious though and may count as my bagel for the week. šŸ˜€

Thanks for all your well wishes on my new job – I was reading the comments on my blackberry throughout the day.  One good piece of news . . . I am busy!  Tony knows how much I hate just sitting and doing nothing – and I found out I have Friday off for Good Friday!  My PIL are coming into town tonight, so they will be over for Easter as well as my Mom, SIL, and my nephews and great-nephew – whew, we’ll have a full house!

I saw the buffalo chicken burgers on Jessica’s site a while back – quickly added it to my “list of things to make” and quickly forgot about them.  Such a shame because not only are they easy, they are delicious – I have problems with buying ground chicken – I never know exactly what is “ground” into them.   That’s why I grind my own chicken in my award winning buffalo chicken chili. šŸ˜€

While the ingredients are mostly the same for the chicken patties:

Buffalo Chicken Burgers

  • makes 4 (4 oz.) patties – 4 PointsPlus Each


  • 1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breasts
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt (will leave this out next time – I think the Frank’s hot sauce and grated Parmesan has enough salt)
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon Italian seasoning
  • 1/4 cup buffalo wing sauce
  • 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese (reduced from 1/2 cup)


  1. Put all the ingredients into a food processor and pulse until combined.  Form into 4 patties – cook between 8-10 minutes total.  Top with your favorite cheese, add a bun and slice some carrots and celery on the side.

My lunch: 1 buffalo chicken patty (4 points) 1 magic roll (3 points) 1/2 an ounce of provolone cheese (1.5) – 8.5 for the burger, and then add another 1.5 for my light ranch I dipped my carrots and celery in.  10 PointsPlus and it was so filling and good.

I have no natural light in my office space now – and my new boss doesnt know me or know about the blog – pretty soon Ill venture my camera to the natural light! šŸ˜€

This shitty Chicago weather is really wearing Tony and I down.   Yesterday morning when I left the house it was 37 degrees and raining sideways. šŸ™  Over the weekend I made one of my versions of Cincinnati chili – so dinner last night was quick and delicious – I only made it with 1 pound of ground beef, so each serving is 5 points – but I add beans to mine. šŸ˜€

Serving of chili (2/3 cup) 5 points, 1/2 cup cooked pasta is 2 points, 1/2 cup kidney beans is 2 points and 3/4 ounce cheese is 2 points – dinner comes in at 11 points.  šŸ˜€

is there any better comfort food than that?

Stats for the Day:

  • 29 points for food (36 points with wine)
  • no exercise
  • average blood sugar 145

So far day 1 was good – I was busy, felt like I was actually contributing to something, which is nice! šŸ˜€  Today me and one of the attorneys are going to check out a new gym by our office – I think someone said we could almost walk to it from our office – I am hoping they will give us the resident rate since our office is in the same town – fingers crossed!

Tonight is Hanging with Hannah night and I really want to hit the gym.  I am worried about this weeks weigh in because of the lack of exercise.  šŸ™

Question of the Day:  Are you good with change?  Does it bother you, or are you a “go with the flow” kind of person

Pretty sure I am a go with the flow person! šŸ˜€ 

I had to share this video of my step-sons cat – I want to say half of his pictures on his facebook page involve his cat! šŸ˜€  Thanks for letting me share the video Joe – I miss you!  I couldn’t figure out how to add it directly to this post – so just click on Cowboy Cat. šŸ˜€

Cowboy Cat