I’ve talked a lot about how much I love my no rise pizza dough.   You just mix it, roll it and bake it.  I made some dough the other day and I’ve come to a conclusion.  The longer it sits (up to a week) in the refrigerator, the better it gets.  When I woke up yesterday morning I planned on making a carrot and cilantro soup for our work lunch.  I was grabbing the carrots when I saw the dough and put it on the counter for about a half hour.

The soup recipe sounded so good – and healthy – two cups for only 5 points. The only problem?  Um, it tasted like jarred baby food.  Nothing I did brought it back around, so luckily I had some buffalo chicken chili in the deep freeze and immediately went to plan B and put some potatoes in the oven and decided we would have chili baked potatoes instead. šŸ˜€

So I rolled out the dough, put some sauce on it, sliced up some red and yellow peppers and then added 3/4 of an ounce of the cranberry chipotle cheese Tony brought me the other day.  As I was taking it out of the oven, I realized the only thing breakfast about this pizza was that I was eating pizza for breakfast!  I consider the peppers to be a veggie serving though. šŸ˜€  My “breakfast” pizza comes in at 10 points.

This is what our weather has been like the past few days . . . I need some sun!

The only saving grace is that I think we’ll finally hit some 70 degree weather over the weekend – I have yet to cook on the Weber grill this year! šŸ™

At the gym I did the StairMaster on level 10, for 35 minutes.  Holy cow I was a sweaty mess after that – I did the “interval” setting, so you never know how fast its going to go.  I did have to pause it a couple times to catch my breath.  I did 105 floors. šŸ˜€

So here is our Plan B lunch – an 8 ounce baked potato, 1/2 cup of my buffalo chicken chili and more of the cranberry chipotle cheese – its so good!  Lunch is 10 points.

So why the title of my post?  Big changes on the work front.  I wish I could go into detail, but let’s just say my office is a sinking ship.  While there is a rescue boat for me (which is a good thing) the boat isn’t able to save everyone I am afraid.  The changes will be swift and its going to get pretty ugly the next couple of weeks, but hopefully I’ll make it to dry land in one piece.

I am proud that with all the stress going on, I haven’t gone off plan this week!  No “my blood sugar is low” pieces of chocolate, french fries, etc.  Well, I did have a few glasses of wine last night, but I guess that’s to be expected with everything going on. šŸ˜€

I had some chicken breasts that needed to be cooked up.  While I really felt like ordering a pizza, we grilled some chicken.  I used one of my grilling sauces our friends gave me for my birthday last month.  This is so good!  Thanks D&D! šŸ˜€

It’s only 25 calories a tablespoons and so flavorful.  I had that with some leftover mac n cheese I made for Hannah last week – hope she doesn’t mind that I took it! šŸ˜€  Dinner comes in at 9 points.

Today is Friday Firsts!  I haven’t participated in a while. . . I am linking my baked falafel dish to Christina this week.

I guess it’s time to get ready for work.  All I know is I am wearing jeans today.  šŸ˜€

Question of the Day: How do you deal with change?