We had to check Tony into the hospital around 9:00 yesterday morning. Tony suggested we get McDonald’s on the way, as we were pretty sure he was going to be on a clear liquid diet relatively soon. I was a good girl and ordered the oatmeal 😀
We were a direct admit, so we got to his room alright. And then we waited. And waited. And waited. One thing about hospitals is that time seems to stand still. So we had to amuse ourselves!
Tony’s face upon hearing that he was going to have two enemas later in the day:
Tony’s face when Price of Right came on!

And then I went to the bathroom and came back to this:
Right outside of his room was a cart full of books that you could borrow. Almost all romance novels – I did pick this one out to read and could only read about 10 pages before I felt I would lose more brain cells if I continued reading it:

Around 12:30 I went down to the cafeteria. I knew they had fresh fruit and a somewhat decent salad bar – imagine my surprise when they had WW entrees – and WW side dishes that had the point values!

My plate: 2 chicken tenders, a small container of bbq sauce, 0 point steamed cauliflower and 0 point steamed green beans that I sprinkled with Tabasco. My guess is lunch comes in at 10 points.
I am the worst when it comes to just sitting – I can’t do it. And I want to do everything for Tony.
“do you need help to the bathroom?” “are you chilly?” “do you need more water?” “do you need me to unplug your IV?”
I must drive him absolutely insane. 🙁 About mid afternoon was when he started to have to take something called “Go Lightly” but you go anything but lightly! It should be called “Go Fast and Furious.” He had to drink 4 liters of this stuff to clean him out completely. And the stuff tastes awful.
At one point, we finally found out what his blood level was and it had to be below 2.0 for him to get blood thinner medication through his IV. His was still 2.4 – and we for a while thought they may postpone the surgery until that number came down. Thankfully, the surgeon said worse case scenario he would just give him a blood transfusion. I know Tony just wants that tumor cut out of him more than anything, and if he would have had to spend two more days in the hospital it would have driven him crazy.
Here is the view outside Tony’s window – it was 45 degrees so all the snow is melting!
I went down to get dinner – a cup of chili with a side salad – my guess is about 7 points – I only ate about 3 bites of the salad – it was a bit too green for me!
I left Tony around 8:00, because the nurses shifts were changing and they were going to be doing a bunch of pre-op stuff. It was funny because when the first nurse came in with her computer and said she needed to do a history on him, Tony started saying “I am a Virgo, a love walks on the beach and I hate jealous people.” So far everyone we’ve dealt with has a sense of humor!
And then I drove home to an empty house. Which is weird. I am never alone – even with our small household of three, either Tony or Hannah are home. When I turned on the kitchen light I found this:

Not gonna lie it brought tears to my eyes! And then these:

And this:

Thanks so much for all your continued comments, cards and emails – it’s really helping us get through this!
Hannah and I are off to the hospital to see Tony before his surgery. His sister will be there, and my Mom is driving out for moral support as well. They say the surgery lasts anywhere between 3 and 4 hours – so I don’t expect to see him awake again until the early afternoon. He said he just wants to see my face when he wakes up and then he knows all is well!
hug, hug, hug, a thousand times hug!!!!
Your posts are sweeter and sweeter each day, even with titles that say “cut that shit out” or “fuck cancer”…hee hee. A testament to what a trooper you both are!
I truly believe you guys will come out as stronger survivors!
oh, sweetie – this has me tearing up! I am sending you prayers and comfort… and the hope that all goes smoothly! Take care…
Praying that all will go perfectly for Tony and that the surgeons get every last bit of Cancer and give him a new clean bill of health (and clean ass too!) Hang in there girly.
Biz, I hope all is well. Keeping my fingers crossed for you and Tony. Keep up the positive attitude 🙂
oh my goodness, what a day. your post helped me to really feel what you went through today. tony’s price is right face cracks me up. he has such a great sense of humor. you guys are definitely in my prayers and thoughts. keep us posted!
Keeping you all in my thoughts.
First off, Tony is HILARIOUS. Thank goodness he has such a positive attitude! And the food from the hospital cafeteria looks pretty darn decent. That is awesome that they have WW options. And what a sweet heart to send you flowers, get you a sweet cook book and flowers…..SO thoughtful. Hope all is going well <3
Definitely thinking of you both!! Sitting around in the hospital does suck, but Tony will be home soon!
I am cracking up at the cover of that book. Oh man!
I AM CRYING at the card. Tony is such a sweetie. You two are really lucky.
Good luck tomorrow tony, with lots or prayer and love from your nurse follower from washington state…hey thats a record on the golyte, have never seen anyone down 4 gallons, goooo tony, and yep you will sure go….
good drugs after surgery, take them and have a good time with that…everything is going to be just fine…love the pictures and keep us all update….
My prayers are with you and your family!
That card nearly brought tears to my eyes. So sweet!
I hope everything went well! The scarf pic looks like one Ryan took when he was in Iraq. He even had a fancy Iraqui scarf. He later cut it up and shared it with Max. Such a gem that one…
Best wishes and prayers to all of you Biz!!!
Thinking of you Biz!! So glad you guys are keeping your positivity and sense of humor during this time – I swear it helps!! <3
– Beth @ http://www.DiningAndDishing.com
God’s blessings be upon Tony and you, and much wisdom and insight given to his medical pros.
Hoping for the very best. Love clearly makes you strong…stay strong!
You guys have been in my prayers each night! Love the “faces of Tony” haha and that book looks scary! That food looks pretty good for hospital food! When I was younger I had a lot of reflux and stomach issues. I remember having to drink a bunch of liters of this thick chalky stuff everytime I had to go to the dr. They needed it to see results and Xrays and stuff. The worst part was the next day or 2 my poop would be completely WHITE!! Creepy!!!
Sending positive thoughts to all of you from Colorado…
good luck today! you are in my thoughts…
I love his sense of humor even when faced with butt surgery!
My prayers and thoughts are with you today!
His card, flowers and cookbook gift brought tears to my eyes! What a guy!
what a lovely card to lift your spirits. tony is a gem. thinking of you guys and praying that all goes well! xo
Warm healing wishes for Tony, and big hug to you Biz!!!! Keep us posted on his recovery!!
Praying all goes well with the surgery and my thoughts are with you all.
Keep us posted and the spirits high!!
You two are an amazing couple! I love those pictures, and how you are making the best out of a really tough situation together. I’ll be sending good thoughts your way today!
My thoughts and prayers are with you during the surgery and recovery!
Thinking about Tony during his surgery! I hope everything goes well and feel his pain on the “Go Litely” from my last colonoscopy! Blech!
I hope that doctors kick that thing straight to the stratosphere! I hope Tony’s operation will go/went well and he gets out of hospital asap.
I’m eating dark chocolate and thinking of you.
you guys are too cute
My thoughts and prayers are with you. Love how you try to keep things light-hearted to get through difficult times.
Awwwwww………you two are just perfect for each other. What a guy to think about YOU when he’s about to have sugery. 🙂
My thoughts are with you all today. Hugs………
Thoughts to you. Good luck Tony!
You guys are too funny and really do have a nice attitude in such a messed up situation! 🙂 BIG HUGS 🙂
I’m always either laughing or crying on your blog!!! Just to confirm, today was crying. 🙂
Hugs, prayer, healing and positive thoughts all directed your way from WA state!!!
I love that card 🙂
Thinking of you today, text me when it’s over.
Love you guys!
Good luck today. I will be sending prayers, or good vibes, or happy thoughts, or whatever you believe in to all three of you today.
Oh Biz! I’ve been thinking of you guys so much the past couple days. Praying hard that all goes well with Tony’s surgery! xoxoxo
I’m quite sure this is probably the scariest thing you’ve experienced in your life. Please know that all of your friends are thinking about your family. Positive thoughts all the way.
In spite of everything going on, I do believe “Love and the Snowman” made my day.
Take care and hopefully talk to you soon.
thinking of you guys today!!
I LOVE how you guys laugh and are silly even in these cirumstances!! Attitude is everything, and you both have that down. 🙂 Thinking of you and praying all goes well, Biz!
Wow – you and Tony are such a great couple – a real love affair. I filled up with tears when I read the last part. Love the pictures.
Am sending prayers and positive thoughts your way today.
Thinking of you two today – hope everything is going well. Hugs, big hugs. Oh, and the last part of your post made me cry!
I am on pins and needles wanting to hear how everything went. Prayers with you.
Thinking of you!!! Big hug!!!
I love Tony’s sense of humour 🙂
Whenever i had waiting around to do at the hospital or when they’d taken the hubs for tests i would climb the stairs up and down! I’m not a sit down do nothing kind of person either.
Can’t wait to see Tony going home and being able to eat normal once again!
Thinking of you guys and crossing fingers!!
I’m so glad you were able to spend the day with him and my were those scarf pics priceless! Great job on the eats too – so crazy they had WW entrees! And what a great card and gift to come home to – SO sweet! You guys are doing great!!
Prayers are still being sent your way! I love how Tony has a great sense of humor. What a guy!
Happy thoughts 🙂 Keep smiling Biz! Tony will do great & we’re all rooting for alllll of you!
Thinking of Tony and you today and hoping that all goes well!
My prayers are with you and Tony.
Tell him he has the best name. It is my hubby’s name as well.
Good luck to Tony with the surgery, hope everything goes well! My thoughts are with you and your family!
Praying for a quick recovery 🙂 Love the pictures of Tony…and the sense of humor..amazing 🙂 You guys are so cute together!!
You guys are in my prayers today.
I love the card, flowers and cookbook, how sweet of Tony 🙂
Biz, i ache when i read these posts.. Continued best wishes.
In December I didn’t go into details on my blog, but Jackie had an… issue. She was in isolation for 4 days, radioactive enemas seemingly every hour (she caught a terrible parasite in the Virgin Islands. Much more serious than I let on). I so understand the hours of sitting and waiting and always trying to put on a good face.
I didn’t do as well with the supportive family visits (last thing i wanted to do was entertain, explain what I didn’t really know and be tour guide around the hospital). But I know they all mean well.
Jackie is about 90%, but issues will stay with her forever. But of all the possibilities, that was the best outcome possible.
So, much like your Grandmother told you on your wedding night, fake it. Be supportive and positive. Talk about what life will be in a month, 6 months and 5 years. Make plans (ours was a dinner out in a month, our fist BBQ dinner party and a vacation this summer).
Oh, Jackie’s hospital stay was extended beyond what I hope Tiny’s will be, but I went out and got one of those photo coffee mugs made with a picture of her cat on it. Ended up she wanted to take her “go lightly” equivalent (she was cleaning out from top to bottom often) medicine in the new mug. When all was finished she took great glee in taking a hammer to that cup.
All the best today and for the weeks to come
Those pictures are ADORABLE! You 2 make a perfect couple! I had to LOL at the Go Fast and Furious comment! The Go Lightly does nothing light!! Thoughts & prayers to you and Tony!
Keeping all of you in my prayers today – especially Tony. God bless.
My prayers all day long. All the support possible. And lots of hugs sent your way. Take care and God Bless!!
Oh this brought tears to my eyes. Mostly just because you guys have SO much love. I know that the shit will clear through (I’ve had that Go Lightly CRAP – literally) and there is going to be joy and laughs at the other end.
Am thinking about you guys and your asses today 🙂
Thinking of your husband’s ass today.
Wait, that doesn’t sound right.
Thinking of you both today. 🙂 A sense of humor makes all the difference with hospital staff, at least in my experience.
That hospital cafeteria food actually doesn’t look too bad. Hopefully Tony will get something delish to eat once he wakes up.
Thinking of you guys today… hugs, prayers, positive thoughts and vibes being sent your way!
Maybe it would have been better to get the enemas during The Price is Right? 🙂 I wish you guys well!
I”ll be thinking about you guys!
I was thinking of you guys all weekend. You have a stunning partner in Tony – and ::crying:: I know he is going to be just fine. I JUST KNOW IT. TRUST THE SKIPPY.
I wish I was there to hold your hand and eat semi bad hospital food.
All our love and good thoughts Biz. Hang in there.
[And I wasn’t crying until I got to the end of your post – I was too busy laughing at the “Virgo, walks on the beach…….” comment. That shit is funny.]
All my thoughts and prayers are for everything to go well for you and Tony! With the positive attitude you both have I am sure he will come through with flying colors!