In 2009 I declared it MINE with a giveaway. I was determined to get these 30-40 pounds off that year. I love looking back at that post because one of my favorite bloggers Meghann (even though she’s young enough to be my daughter!) had a goal of dating that year – and she’s been with her boyfriend for over a year and a half now!
Then in January of 2010, I wrote out my goals from getting from 165 to 135. And guess what? Its 2011 tomorrow and I still have the same goals – but I have a better plan. I think going back to Weight Watchers is going to get me to where I want to be. Want to know how I know? Check out my second weigh in – in three weeks, which included my 10 year anniversary and Christmas, I’ve lost 4 pounds! Woot!
In 1999 when I lost 70 pounds, I never gained once during that whole year – some weeks I may have only lost .2, but I never gained. I hope I can continue that streak this time 😀
Tony and I had to pick up some stuff at Sam’s Club yesterday, which happens to be near our favorite breakfast joint. My plate: 1 cup egg beaters, 3 slices of bacon and fresh fruit. 7 Points.
Then one of the most important things I needed to pick up:
Whew, crisis averted – I now have a 12 ounce bottle next to the stove – I had about a drop left in my old bottle.
I knew Hannah and I were going to work out when she got home from work. We ate such a late breakfast, and I don’t like to eat a ton before working out, so I had a slice of my MIL’s banana bread – totally worth the 5 points and perfect fuel – after our workout my blood sugar was 90 – nice! 😀
Hannah and I decided to swim for our exercise. She’s an awesome swimmer – me? Not so much. I never really learned the right breathing techniques for freestyle, so I end up doing the breast stroke most of the time and the back stroke. I was looking at the other lanes of people who made it look effortless! Just to show how slow I am it took me 25 minutes to do 20 laps of 25 yards.
Then Hannah and I went to a different pool, put on floaty belts, and jogged in place for 15 minutes – I have to thank TJ for that idea – its harder than you can imagine!
So I was really hungry for dinner – 4 ounces of pork roast, 6 ounce baked potato, 1 tablespoon light butter, 1 tablespoon bacon bits, a slice of whole grain bread and a cup of green beans. Dinner was 17 points.

I love these pork roasts from Sam’s Club. While its $14 for the whole roast, I cut it in half so each roast is 2 pounds, and freeze the second half. It’s enough for one dinner, and at least two leftover lunches for me, so that’s a pretty good deal. Oh, and Hannah will actually eat this meat which is a bonus!

I got this bread at Sam’s too – its a 9 grain bread and a serving size is 2 ounces for only 3 points!
I have to show you something – Tony loves playing practical jokes on me – I hate spiders and bugs in general – and living in the “sticks” we have spiders – he’s always just barely touching the back of my head while we are watching t.v. to make me think something is crawling on me, and while I know it’s him, the one time I don’t react is when there will be something on me!
He loves to trick me with this:
So yesterday I am working on organizing all my kitchen stuff – I have it in five different places right now and its driving me nuts. So I am up and down the basement stairs while Tony was on the computer. I hear something fall and I said “what was that?” Tony said he didn’t know. Fast forward 30 minutes and the dog needs to go out, and I open the back door, and the door hits the rubber mouse so it looks as if I’ve caught a real mouse under the door! Scared the crap out of me!
Okay, so let’s get on with it already – giveaway time! Not only to celebrate my 400,000 page view, but to help jump start our fitness and weight loss goals for 2011.
The Loot!
- food scale
- measuring cups
- measuring spoons
- glass measuring cup
- hand sanitizer for gym bag
- lip balm with SPF 15
- a sweat band
- pocket calendar for your purse
- assortment of dips (just need to add fat free sour cream)
- snowmen! (the last three items were donated from my co-worker Cassie – thanks!)

All you have to do is leave a comment telling me what your number one goal is for 2011. I’ll be keeping track of you this year to make sure you continue your path to reach your goal! 😀 I’ll pick a winner on Monday morning, January 3rd. Good luck! 😀
Final Hot 100 Update! I always forgot to do that on Fridays! I am doing great – getting the exercise in is really helping me reach my goals – I still want to take more group classes in 2011, my new gym has about 20+ classes to choose from, including Zumba, Spin and Body Pump classes!
And thanks again for stopping by when you can to catch up on My Bizzy Kitchen. Here’s to 2011! Let’s make it a great year! 😀
My main goal for 2011 is to work on my relationship with my husband and God, and make both relationships better.
My health related goal is to work on getting more definition in my arms so I’m going to start lifting more than once a week!
Congrats on the 4 pounds – that’s awesome!!
What a great give away… I need a pocket calender for my purse (you sexist you)…
Well, I am not a numbers person (but am thrilled that WW is working for you). But i am still in my size 38 pants down from 44s pre blogging. So, I guess my goal is to maintain, eat and have fun… and maintain.
My number 1 goal is to loss 30 pounds, I’m starting my diet tomorrow, I’m all set.
happy New Year
First goal is to simply be happy and healthy, but my ultimate goal would be to loose about 20 pounds.
you lost 4 lbs the same week you celebrated your anniversary and christmas>>>?? That’s awesome! You must be feeling so psyched right now. way to go biz! and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
I just found your blog this morning and look forward to reading more! I’ve started a blog to help me with my number one goal for 2011: weight loss and health. I’ve had this goal for so long and I’ve not moved far. I’m 5 pounds less than I was last year, but with so much to lose, that seems like nothing. This is the year!
My number one goal is to move more and lose this weight so that I can be more active with my 2 and 4 year old boys!
My number one goal is to get to a happy/healthy weight!!
My number one goal this year is to put more money into our savings account 🙂
My number one goal is to lose 10 pounds. My bff and I are having a race to see who gets there first. Hard when I want to bake everyday.
Happy New year!
Congrats to you for completing the Hot 100 Biz! My number one goal for the year is to get back on program! No need in entering me in the prize drawing though.
Make it a great day!
i signed up for ww today! i’m so excited and nervous! i have the same goal, and i hope so badly to accomplish it. we’re going to do it!!
great giveaway!
My number one goal in 2011 is to walk more. I love walking around my neighborhood not only for the fitness aspect but it is also great for me time.
My number one goal for the week- treadmill at least 30 minutes a day four days a week. I want to start training for a 5K to be run Labor day weekend….we will see…
Congrats on the weight loss Biz! That is epic during the Holidays!
My goal this year is to get to know our next door neighbors better! Sounds silly but we have lived next door to each other for 10 years and still just have a smile and nod relationship. Lame!
Oh Lord no babies! We have too much to accomplish before that happens! If it happened, it would be ok, just not planned! Thanks for the link! I was actually planning on using your recipe! Thanks for the sweet compliments too! It made me blush! Hope your NYE was fabulous!
My number one goal is to read the entire Bible! I got a chronological study Bible for Christmas and it has a study plan to get through in a year that I’m going to use and I’m so excited about it. Although I’ve read many parts of it, I’ve never read it as a whole and I think reading it in chronological order will help my understanding, along with the cool notes and pictures that are in there to give a fuller picture.
Congrats on your weight loss! That’s exciting!
My goal is to lose that same 20 pounds that I seem to gain and lose every other year. If only I could keep it off for good!
I don’t usually do resolutions/goals – but I have thought about them lately while reading everyones blogs.
I guess the only hope I have for 2011 is to still be here when 2012 rolls around. I don’t mean that in a sad, “woe is me”, pathetic kind of way – but I figure I have to shoot for something why not the best thing of all – LIFE!
I just want to live healthy enough not to end up back in the hospital or too sick to be with my family.
That is an awesome goal imo.
It’s the little things I guess.
My goal is to continue my water exercise program and my Weight Watcher program.
(Started exercise program June, 2010 and WW July, 2010) Weight loss 24 lbs, MANY more to go.
To have lost 4 pounds any time of year is HUGE – but especially this time of year! Congrats, Biz!!
My resolution is to be more thankful and optimistic. 🙂
Hi Biz, BIG Happy New Year to you and your family. I hope 2011 brings you all that you wish for, and that health, happiness and love find their way into your life every day.
Yay you for dropping the 4 lbs already!!! I’m sure the scale will continue to drop! Also, congrats on your 400,000th view! Thats fantastic!!
My number 1 goal this year is to just keep on the path I’m on. So far it’s working, and I plan on just staying the course and seeing out this weight loss journey, then moving on to the maintenance phase. All the best.
Great post and great giveaway! Happy New Year!
My number 1 goal for 2011 is to stick with the progress I made in my physical activity routine last year. I plan to stick with 4 times a week as a goal, even though I regularly go 5 days a week. I like some wiggle room in my goals.
My resolution for 2011 is to clear my life of toxicity – clutter, friendships, negative self thoughts those kinds of things
My number one goal is to make 2011 The Year of Helen. To stop putting everyone and everything before my own needs. I just feel if I can get a handle on that, I’ll be able to achieve some of my other “aspirations” (as I choose to call them).
I’m glad we’ve gotten to be friends Biz… it’s so nice to know that I have people who are rooting for me. And you know I’m rooting for you!
Happy New Year!
My number one goal is to maintain a healthy lifestyle and be HAPPY!!!
My # 1 goal is to get healthier. I was diagnosed diabetic this past year— i was doing ok with no medicine as long as i stayed on a very low carb diet, i really didn’t feel this was the healthiest way to go so i started taking low dose of metformin and still sugars in am are sometimes 130 to 140. If i can concentrate on losing some weight and exercising i would not need the medicine i am now taking. I have issues with sugar spikes and do not like the way i feel with them. I really enjoy reading your site and would like to know if there are other diabetic food blogs out there. Anyone know of any ??? thanks and congrats on weight loss and here’s to a healthier new year !!!!!
Congratulations on losing weight through your anniversary and Christmas! That is awesome! Way to go!!! 🙂
This summer before I knew I’d be spending it in NC, I was going to work out w/ Di in her pool everyday. If you google in-pool exercises there’s a lot of really cool things you can do in the pool to build muscle and aerobics and stuff w/ low-impact. Things I’d never think of!
The plastic mouse would freak me out!! A few weeks ago Poe (the cat) brought up a mouse from the basement in his mouth to our BED in the middle of the night and let it go. It ran across my arm, across the top of the bed, and under the dresser. It took me and J an hour to catch it b/c both of us said we wouldn’t be able to sleep knwoing it was in the room. Now I’m skittish anytime I see something!
Oh and I would love to win the giveaway!!!! hehe My main goal for 2011 is to seriously get healthy. I have gained about 25 pounds since moving in w/ J 4.5 years ago and about 10 lbs. from this summer alone. Now that I am engaged and the wedding is going to be next year I have even MORE motivation. I’ve been reading up and watching a lot of stuff on nutrition lately. I think I need a whole lifestyle change b/c clearly the way I’m eating is not working. And I don’t just want to go on a “diet” only to fail later or become frustrated w/ restrictions.
My goals are to lose weight( once and for all) and to pass the California Bar Exam( in July). I’m trying to get my eating and exercise on track before I start studying.
My number one goal this year is to lose 50 lbs. I have been working on it these last three months and I have lost 26 lbs. (I had 75 to lose) So I will continue to work on that by adding exerecise and making sure I drink my 90 ounces of water a day.
My #1 goal this year is to become healthy enough that I can find a wedding dress that I feel totally comfortable and beautiful in. #2 goal is to plan a wedding/reception that my new fiance is on board with also! (that is proving to be hard!!)
Love your positivity,Biz!!
My number one goal for 2011 is to be happier with myself the way I am. 🙂
Have a great night!
thank you for the baked potato tip – i love knowing little stuff like that. happy new year!
My number one goal is to become closer to God this year. 🙂
Congrats on your weight loss, Biz!!! You’re doing fabulously…and starting out this brand new year with a kaboom! Happy New Year!!! xD
To fit into my wedding dress by my 31st wedding anniversary. Possible? I am going to give it my best. Exercise and weight loss, just keeping up with what I started and learned in 2010. In fact, I’m pretty excited to give it my best!!
Good luck with all your goals and challenges. I so love stopping by and seeing what you’ve been up with. Heading over to Charlie now to see what he’s got going.
Take care care and God Bless you my friend. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!
As always my number one goal is to lose weight. Doesn’t it always come back to that?
I would also like to blog more, spend a little more time in my craft room, finish all the stuff around the house, and to just chill out a little more. 🙂
My goal is to get back on a regular exercise schedule! I was doing so good for two years, fell off the wagon last year and want to get back on. I have so much more energy when I am working out.
4 lbs! Woot! That’s awesome, Biz!! And you totally are my FAVORITE diabetic 🙂 No question about that!!! And you’re also one of my 2 favorite blogs! Since I’m your #1 fan and accountable for at least ohhh…600 of those hits, I should get all that loot ;0) Kidding, kidding. But that is one sweet giveaway!
My one and ONLY very important goal for 2011 is to get back to my happy weight. I am thinking about starting a family, but I won’t seriously entertain that idea until I am back at a healthy, happy weight (and until I’ve paid off my car and student loans!)
Happy New Years, Biz!!!!
Isn’t breakfast out the best? Love the combo you got. Hot sauce! A total requirement in our house too. This is an AMAZING giveaway. I really need a new glass measuring cup. My top goal for 2011- spend more time with friends and family!
I’m excited to hear about your exercise goals- body pump rocks! Try attack if you can too
My number 1 goal this year, restart and complete the Couch to 5k training program. I’ve started twice now and end up stopping and losing my momentum when I get hurt or stick.
My number one goal this year is to finally lose the weight that I have been wanting to do for so long now. My kids are my life and I want to be around for them as long as I can. I plan on tracking everything and staying within my ww points.
Hope everyone has a happy and healthy new years.
Thank you so much for this blog. You are a true inspiration!!!
Exercise in the pool sounds awesome!
And that fake dead rat….hehehe 🙂
Happy New Year, Biz and fellow readers!!
My goal is to keep on track with WW and keep losing, no matter how slowly or quickly it goes. I’ve lost 30 pounds over the past 2 years and have another 30 to go. =)
My number one goal – hmmm, I just made an “inspiration board” with all my resolutions -posting it tonight – check it out, I’m very proud of it!
Because this year 2011 is all about me. Taking care of me and getting myself in a physcially, mentally and spiritually where I want to be. It means that I will work hard on losing weight and being healthy. I am not setting a number goal, I am setting a feeling goal. If I lose 80 pounds AWESOME! If I lose 30 and worked my hardest than I will be happy with that too. IT is about taking care of ME!
So I would love a jump start to the new year!
My goal is to have the healthiest year ever! I want to get my sweat on, eat right, and learn to savor “the good stuff”. Happy New Year, Biz!
My #1 goal is not very measurable, but I want to stop dieting and develop a normal relationship with food. No more guilt. No more what I SHOULD eat. No more feast or famine. Just eating food to fuel my body!
LOL…that pork looks like a fruitcake to me!
BTW…did I ever tell you that I made your MIL’s banana bread and it was a huge hit in our house? I think 4 loaves disappeared in about 4 days!
Happy New Year to you and your family!!! Try not to party too hard! 😀
Mine is simple I just want to try my best everyday. I know I can’t mess that up 😀
I suck at NY resolutions and goals. So this year, I am making one “goal” to be the best ME I can be…I will make choices each day that will help me on my journey….no more excuses….excuses do not make ME a better ME!
Happy New Year my friend!! May 2011 bring your happiness and health!
My number one goal is to move out of my mother-in-law’s house. And it had BETTER happen, or else there will be a homicide and someone will end up in jail. Which one of those two I will be is anybody’s guess at this point, as is who the other person will be.
I am going to put my number two goal as well, which is to lose the last 17 pounds that would officially put me into the “normal” range of the BMI. I’ve got a whole year – surely I can accomplish that!
I am so glad that you have new goals! I SO hope you achieve success! I hope the new weight watchers is just the “fit” that you need! I am sticking with my 1200 calories/tons of water plan. It’s been working for December, I’ve lost about 14 lbs.
Is it bad that the lip balm appeals to me the most? I am addicted to lip balm. 🙂
My number one goal this year is to get to GOAL!!!
Happy New Year, Biz!!!
My biggest goal this year is to give up whipped cream. I buy the Reddi Whip and just spray it in my mouth throughout the day. Those calories add up quickly!
Yeah on the weight loss BIZ!!!!!
My goal is to exercise every week!!
My goal for 2011 is to adopt and maintain a healthier lifestyle than the one I am living now. I recently was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. One of the main factors in being able to have children is losing weight and tackling this insulin resistance. I want to be a mother more than anything else and this is the year that I am going to put my health first and do everything that I can to help that happen. The rest is in God’s hands! I will be joining Weight Watchers this week and your success has encouraged that decision even more! Happy New Year!
I need to get things back in order for 2011. That means getting back on track with eating and going to the gym, and quit neglecting other things (like my blog!)
Happy New Year!
My main goal will be losing a lot of weight. I actually have laid out my plan, and will hopefully stick with it. I have made the same goal each year, and never keep it going. Hopefully this year will be different. I just have to remember to just pick my self up and keep going instead of quitting after one bad day.
My goal is keep my perspective realistic! Slow and steady works best for me. I just have to remember it and not get frustrated and give up!
Happy New Year to you and your family, you are an inspiration to me every morning!! 🙂
Great job on the weight loss!
My number one goal is to continue to strive for a “daily balance,” which to me means, move some, eat healthy (most of the time), don’t get too stressed out about work (I’ll always stress some; I know myself…), laugh at least once, be appreciative of the “little things” and be happy with just a “normal day.”
Wishing you a very happy & healthy 2011!!!
My goal is to loose weight, get my blood pressure and cholesterol under control. (Hopefully, without continuing to take drugs. )
I love your blog!! You are the best. 🙂
I’m taking Meghann’s cue (since she’s been so successful!)…my goal for 2011 is to date. I have pushed my love life on the back burner for too long and have made excuses (“I love my independence,” etc.). While I DO love my independence, I’m ready for someone to share my experiences with. So here’s to 2011 😀
I sooo need to get my rear back to my gym:)
i lost 45 pounds in 2010, so my goal for 2011 is to run, not walk the 5k that is coming up may 1 in our city of tacoma, washington. training for it starts of course 01/01/11.
i love your blog, i look forward to your creativity everyday, ive even shown off your blog to my coworkers, you inspire me to cook and be creative…you also have great humor and i love to see you love for hubby and hannah…
Get back to exercising at least 3 days per week and lose 15 lbs (20 would be even better!!) I can’t fit into any of my clothes!
Number one goal for 2011: RUN A MARATHON!!!! I’m already signed up, now I just need to run it!
and isn’t running in the pool crazy!? when i got injured running training for my first marathon (go figure, which i didn’t finish) i used to do it for 2+hours to mimic long runs! freak’n great exercise!
Oh, so my goal: allow myself to be “unsuccessful” in my eyes. Its the big picture that really counts.
I, like you, never gained when I lost 75 pounds in 2001. I think, unfortunately, that is one the worst things to have happened to me because now when I weigh in and gain, I have the mindset that I’ve failed because last go-round I never gained. Its a thought process I have to work on if I want to be successful. Good luck this year.
Congratulations on your weight loss – you really eat (and drink, lol) quite well for such a loser! 😉
My biggest goal this year is to write more. Priorities, priorities.
Well, for good or bad, Tony and I share the same sense of humor. As long as I’m not on the receiving end 🙂 I have a plastic RAT instead of mouse! My number one goal is to re-lose my recent 5-pound weight gain, and to maintain my 10 + year big weight loss. You are inspiring me with your WW chronicles, and I wish you every success!
My number one goal this year is to keep off what I have lost, lose some more by staying motivated and sticking to my WW meetings and getting back to my walking and working out!
Happy New year 🙂
Happy New Year Biz!
My number one goal is to keep off the weight I have lost.
my goal is to cut out most sugar from my diet – hopefully i will last longer than a month 😉
My number one goal this year is to maintain my weight loss while building muscle.
Thanks for your inspiring blog and Happy New Year!