I bought chicken breasts over the weekend, and while sitting at my desk filing like a mad woman, I thought of making chicken cordon bleu on the grill.  I did a couple quick google searches on my break, and I found one I liked – although my grilling style was a bit different.  I can’t find the blog that I borrowed this from – so if its yours, please let me know!  I thought the blog was called “Lime in the Coconut” but I am not finding it!  Update:  Thanks Kandra for finding the site for me

She grilled her chicken breasts on foil, which I thought was a good idea, but then thought I wanted to have the grill marks.  Since our breasts were so big, I couldn’t actually roll it, so I kind of kept it together with wooden skewers, seared the bottom half, then put the chicken on my top rack to finish cooking – it was perfectly cooked!


Hannah and I split one breast – she doesn’t like Dijon mustard, or any mustard for that matter – where did I go wrong with this child!  So Tony’s half got the shmere of mustard.


Best Dijon mustard in my book:


Next went the ham and cheese, two slices of each:


Then I flipped, rubbed with a touch of olive oil and seasoned with Italian seasoning and garlic salt:



I kept the cheese on the top so it would melt, but not drain into the grill – the ham got nice and crispy too!

I did grilled zucchini with goat cheese as our side dish – I heart goat cheese! 


While everything was grillin – I got a magazine in the mail today!  I love this one – already flagged a couple recipes to try right off the bat!



Here’s how it looks off the grill – the cheese and ham stayed contained.  My plate – I ended up eating about 2/3 of this piece because I was full  – the dog got the rest!


I used my remote meat thermometer – I rarely overcook meat since using it! 

I have no idea how many calories my dinner was, but I had about 600 to spend, so I am calling it a day.  I got a ton done at work today – my desk is neat again – it looked like a tornado went through it when I walked in this morning!

Off to snuggle with Tony – the White Sox are playing! 

See you tomorrow! 😀