Thank you so much for the anniversary wishes!!  We had a great day.  Hannah’s been babysitting for a family all week so I woke up to a note “the coffee is fresh!”  Love that 😀   Since I had time, I decided to make breakfast nachos again.  Since I know I’ll be making these a lot, I put them in the recipe builder on eTools!

Breakfast Nachos 

Course: main meals
PointsPlus™ Value:    6
Servings:  1 

Preparation Time:  5 min
Cooking Time:  20 min
Level of Difficulty:  Easy


1/2 cup(s) Egg Beaters Refrigerated Egg Whites
1/2 slice(s) cheddar or colby cheese
1/4 cup(s) canned refried black beans
1 serving(s) Hot Sauce
2 item(s) corn tortilla(s)


Heat oven to 350. Cut each tortilla into four, giving you 8 chips.
Spray with Pam and sprinkle with salt if desired. Bake for 10 minutes, or until chips are crispy.
Heat refried beans in microwave for 30 seconds. Divide beans between 8 nachos.
Microwave egg beaters for 2 minutes. Add taco seasoning or Tabasco to egg white mixture. Divide between 8 nachos.
Sprinkle 1/2 ounce of cheese over nachos and broil for a couple minutes, just until the cheese melts.

Tony and I watched some t.v. – love the Price is Right!  We had to leave for a doctor appointment for Tony at noon, so when I saw it was 10:20, I knew I had to get my exercise in, otherwise it wouldn’t happen.  I did a 20 minute bootcamp with Amy Dixon – never heard of her before but it was half cardio and half weights.   Then I did level 1 of 30 day shred.  Then did five minutes of stretching – a nice 50 minute workout – done!

One thing you need to know about Tony is that he hates to be late.  He would rather be 30 minutes early than 30 seconds late.  So we pull into the lot where the doctors office is, and I decided to test my blood sugar – it was 68.  I meant to grab an apple as we were leaving but forgot.  So since we had time, we went to a gas station and I ate an apple and cheese stick – actually not a bad apple considering it was from a gas station!

zero points

After his appointment we went to a Mexican restaurant – I counted out 12 tortilla chips for 4 points (actually thought they were 3, but on the new plan, its 4).

I love the trio of salsas they bring to the table:

I was going to order two chicken tacos a la carte, and a side of black beans.  But the server said their special was 3 tacos with rice and beans for $5, so we each got that – mine was chicken and Tony got the carne asada.  These tacos were super flavorful, and we liked that the meat had some charred parts to it.  I ate 1 taco, 12 tortilla chips, 1/2 cup salsa, 1/4 cup of the refried beans – my guestimate is lunch came in at 11 PointsPlus.  Sound about right?

When Hannah came home from babysitting, she had to go take care of a cat from another family she babysits for while they are out of town for the holidays.  I needed a few things at the store so I tagged along.  Holy cow, this house had to be at least 5,000 square feet.  Gorgeous kitchen with a six burner gas stove with the griddle in the middle.  As I was walking through the kitchen while Hannah was feeding the cat, Hannah walked in and said “Mom, this is going to kill you, but the Mom doesn’t even cook.”   What??!!  Maybe she’ll let me come over and cook on her stove sometime 😀

Then it was on to dinner!  It’s a place called 1776 in Crystal Lake.  You can see my review from 2001 here!  I had planned on getting the tapas menu, but it was mushroom heavy, so I passed.   We first ordered shrimp cocktail – each shrimp was $1.50 and you could get as many as you wanted – we each had three:

We both agreed while these were good – but we like our best shrimp cocktail recipe better!  If you plan on having people over for the holidays – make this shrimp cocktail – it will be a guaranteed hit!

One of the special appetizers was this:

black angus beef flautas - it said it came with a chipotle sauce which won me over
this is an APPETIZER portion - huge!

I ate 1 1/2 flautas.  The sauce was delicious, but the beef was actually a bit tough which I wasn’t expecting.  I was kicking myself for not ordering the cheese plate – what was I thinking?!

Tony got the smoked fish plate – it was smoked trout, tilapia and salmon and he loved every bite of it.  I actually took a couple bites and it was delicious – it kind of looks raw, but its fully cooked.

Well after splitting a bottle of chardonnay, the shrimp and the huge appetizers, neither of us could imagine getting a main entree – even though I was going to order the pork roast with goat cheese mashed potatoes with a grainy mustard sauce – how delicious does that sound?!

We ended up splitting a lobster pizza – perfect size to split, probably about 7 inches around.  It had lobster, goat cheese, mozzarella cheese and red and yellow peppers – the cheese was so creamy because of the goat cheese, but not too tart for Tony with the mix of mozzarella.

I think this may be on my next Party Pizza Friday menu 😀

And when I made the reservation, I told them it was our anniversary, so our server brought us over what I think was a flourless chocolate cake – we each had a couple bites – yum!  My guess is dinner was 24 PointsPlus. We are a cheap date too – even with the bottle of wine our bill only came to $83!

And then when we got home, we watched my favorite Christmas movie of all time.  It’s A Wonderful Life.  I’ve seen it so many times I can recite the dialogue almost word for word.  But it always puts life in perspective.  While I do dream of a six burner gas stove and a DSLR, I look around and I am thankful.  I have a roof over my head, plenty of food in my refrigerator, a loving husband and wonderful daughter and step-son.   It doesn’t get much better, does it?!

Stats for Tuesday (no pics though!)

  • 37 points
  • 6.3 mile bike ride
  • 5 minutes abs on the ball
  • average blood sugar 102

Stats for Wednesday:

  • 43 points
  • 13 flex points remaining
  • 20 minute Bootcamp
  • Level 1 30-day shred
  • average blood sugar 113

Christmas is at our house this year so today is my big cleaning day and then the rest of our grocery shopping for Christmas eve and Christmas day.  Do you have a Christmas dinner tradition?  We are having both turkey and ham, stuffing muffins, green bean casserole, homemade bread, shrimp cocktail for appetizers and Robin Sue’s crab rangoon – can’t wait to make that one! 😀

Make it a great day!