I am going to be very vague here, but you’ll get the picture. I walked into a room where two women were splitting the last of two pieces of cake. One woman looked at me and said “Biz, do you want a piece of this cake?” Before I could open my mouth, the other woman said “she can’t eat that, she’d diabetic.”
I explained to her that I am on insulin, and if I gave myself enough insulin to cover the cake, I could, in fact, eat a piece of cake. This woman looked right at me and said “No, you can’t have cake.”
I then proceeded to make my lunch. I took my plain zucchini out of the microwave and started to salt and pepper it, when this same woman said “you can’t have salt either!” I was like “WTF?” Meanwhile this woman was heating up her Lean Cuisine that had 1400 mg of sodium and her giant piece of cake and went back to her desk, with this last bit of wisdom: “You really need to take care of yourself.”
The whole incident just got under my skin – who has a right to tell me what I can and can’t eat? Of course I can eat whatever I want, there are obviously just better choices. Which really got me thinking. Long time readers know I have done calorie counting, low glycemic, low gluten, South Beach over these last 2+ years here at My Bizzy Kitchen.
After reading TJ’s post, it suddenly hit me like a ton of bricks. Why don’t I do what I know works? In 1999 I lost 70 pounds in a year on Weight Watchers. I kept it off for years up until a few years ago when I was put on insulin. And I like the new program. It steers you away from 100 calorie packs and to real food, which is what I eat anyway.
So what do you think about me joining Weight Watchers? Do you like the new program?
Okay, now onto the food! Literally 30 minutes before I had to leave for work yesterday morning I decided to make apple pancakes with nutty topping. I hadn’t even gotten dressed yet! But oh, my goodness, I am so glad I did! The nutty topping made these pancakes!
I adapted this recipe – I left out the real maple syrup from the nutty topping, and because I was in such a hurry, I didn’t read the directions all the way through. It called for 1 cup of buttermilk and 3/4 cup of skim milk, but what I didn’t read was that you needed to add the milk 1/4 cup at a time to get the right consistency.
So my pancakes, while super flavorful, were almost like apple crepes!
Put apples in the microwave and cook for 1 minute.
Mix flours, baking powder, baking soda, salt in one bowl and mix well.
Mix 1 cup buttermilk, milk eggs and honey in another. START WITH 1/4 CUP OF MILK to begin with, adding the remaining 1/2 cup to get the right consistency.
Serve with nutty topping and sugar free syrup.
Nutty Topping
(1/4 cup serving: 111 calories, 9.5 fat, 3.9 carbs, 1.6 fiber and 4.4 protein)
cup slivered almonds
cup pumpkin seeds (pepitas)
cup sunflower seeds, hulled
tablespoon sesame seeds
Heat dry non-stick skillet over medium heat. Add almonds and pepitas and cook for a few minutes, until the almonds start to turn light brown.
Add sunflower seeds and sesame seeds and cook for an additional minute. Remove from heat and let cool.
My friend Marcia made a comment yesterday that she was channeling my energy on her treadmill workout and because of that comment I decided to kick some booty at the gym. Thanks for the extra push Marcia! 😀
I ended up running/walking a 5k at lunch! Now, I am not breaking any speed records here – it took me 45:53, but I stuck with it!
Back at work, I heated up my zucchini chili boats. I love the “burn” marks of the Tabasco! I am sure my stomach lining looks the same!
403 calories, 44 carbs, 24 protein 14 fat and 7.4 fiber
And then, what normally happens when I have a tougher workout – I should have given myself less insulin at lunch because the exercise still lowers my blood sugar even an hour after I work out. About 2:00 I tested it and it was 50. So I had a piece of Special Dark chocolate (for the antioxidants – right!) and a 10 ounce apple juice. 225 calories later, I was good to go.
My menu planning has gone to the way side this week – Tony hasn’t had much of an appetite, and all the things I planned are just too rich for him yet – like beef stroganoff and pork chop milanese. I knew Hannah had a short window for dinner before going to school so I decided to pick up Jimmy John’s.
I got a #2 Unwich – which is the roast beef sandwich, but I asked them to add turkey, ham, cucumbers, cherry peppers, and provolone cheese. My idea was to make myself a chopped salad by adding diced apple to my salad at home.
He buys me cheese! He went to Sam’s Club yesterday and brought me home these two cheese. Oh.my.gosh these are amazing!
First up:
I had never had this before, but it is close to gruyere, which I love
And the next was this one:
It was interesting because it looked like a hockey puck when I opened it. Once I sliced it in half I could peel off the wax.
So delicious. So I maybe had about 300 calories worth of cheese and apples as an appetizer – the combination of the sweet apple to the tangy cheese was amazing. I plan on making a puff pastry apple/cheese appetizer for Christmas. 😀
I have to give a shout out to my Hannah. She called me when she woke up and the conversation went something like this:
Biz: “Morning Hannah!”
Hannah: “Morning Mom!”
Biz: “Well, I am sorry, but I decided to make pancakes at the last minute, and the kitchen is kind of a train wreck.”
Hannah: “That’s okay, I’ll take care of it.”
Tony told me later that while Hannah was cleaning, she was muttering under her breath “I don’t know why I bother because she’s just going to mess it up as soon as she walks in the door!”
And her cleaning didn’t stop at the kitchen. She took one of my bathroom drawers and took it from this:
To this:
yep, she even bought me a new basket!
I have strict instructions to keep it this way – wish me luck!
Wow, the nerve of some people. It always amazes me how people like to give “advice” on things they may not really even know much about. Unless someone has credentials after their name, I really have a hard time listening to what they have to say about “facts”, because there is so much misinformation out there in regards to all sorts of conditions, diets, etc. You and your doctor are the ones who know what you can and can’t eat, and you are the only one who knows what’s worthwhile eating even if it isn’t the best choice.
I’ve tried doing Weight Watchers twice and got frustrated with it. A lot of it came down to needing to increase my activity instead of limiting my food. Then I spent $600 for an elliptical trainer and have only used it 5 times in the 2 years I’ve had it. When I get on the machine, I start thinking about all the productive things I could be doing. So I’m now focused on doing activity that doesn’t feel like I’m excerising. Like walking Sophie when the weather is nice.
My friend Brandon has been on WW for a couple of years and has lost 70 lbs. He looks like a completely different person. So it definitely works. I wish the best with it. Do it for you because it will make you happy, and the lady should mind her own business. 🙂
I hate self-appointed food police. This is what I would say to her in my head but would be too wussy to actually say: “You need to shut your f—ing mouth!” >:D
I’m really excited about the changes WW made to their program — like you, I once lost weight on it, but this is the first change since I first started that has me excited about it.
Can’t wait to see all your yummy eats on the new program!
Wow, what a b!tch – who acts like that?!?! Actually I know who acts like that, people who aren’t completely happy themselves. Don’t let her get you down! Oh, and I want a zucchini boat asap please 🙂
What a rude b!tch that person was! Not to mention ignorant. I can’t stand unsophisticated blabbermouths. 🙄 There’s no reasoning with them, either. Nothing gets through to them. Screw ’em. You can smile and know the whole blogosphere is LOLing at her dumbness. 😀
On a separate note: OMG! I want that zucchini boat! YUM 🙂
You practically wrote a book with this post! What a shame that lady at work is so rude!
I think the new Weight Watchers program is awesome. I am a life time member and I went last week to get the new materials. I am so impressed that WW is finally focusing on “real” food, nutrition and the science behind it all. This has to be the best program they have come up with. I think people who have never had success before will have a great result from this program. The less junk you eat the less junk you crave. This program makes it easier to choose the right foods!
I posted all about this today, stop by and see my post!
OH hell no! Biz, I’d have smacked that woman upside her head, if not with my fist, with a HUGE PIECE OF MY MIND. Where the hell do people get off saying ANYTHING like that to ANYONE!? My blood is literally boiling for you. You handled that much more gracefully than I.
I get comments like that a lot, but never that bad. I can’t even handle those comments. I’m a dietitian, not perfect. My god, flipping food police of the world are going to drive me to drink!
P.S. What I know of the new WW plan sounds AWESOME.
I am on Weight Watchers, lost about 50 lbs on it years ago. I LOVE LOVE the new program, and I actually thought of you (and another friend who is diabetic) when it was explained. It really encourages, OK requires, low carb eating and keeping sugars in check. Essentially it is now a high protein, low carb diet. But the best thing is the vegetables and fruits (most anyway) are zero points. It naturally leads you to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, and “real” food in general. I lost 3 lbs this week (um more than I lost in the previous 10 combined) despite a big dinner/drinks out. It was just the change I needed. I knew the old program so well, I knew how to game it like a pro! It is a bit more work now with the calculator, but I think it was a good change and not just change for the sake of change.
I’ve had people say those exact words to me – “you can’t eat that” – and I just wanted to punch them…after I picked my jaw up from the floor, in utter amazement that ANYONE would say something so stupid! Next time, go all “bitch, please” on them. 😉
I like the new WW and think it might be a good fit for you, especially since you know it worked in the past. I’m so happy that they are going toward the “real” foods now – it really sounds like a good program!
Hannah needs to come to my house after she leaves Helen’s.
Can Hannah come to my house and organize for me?! I think you should have made up some absurb calorie and fat content number and thrown at that lady and said “you really should learn how to make better choices in caring for yourself:…busybodies get on my nerves! A few months back I bought a couple of Weight Watcher’s cookbooks, and have been happy with all of the recipes I’ve tried so far…if I could only discipline myself to weight and/or measure the food portions!
Oh that would have pissed me off!!! I did WW many years ago and am intrigued with the new program. Maybe, just maybe, it will get me back there. I do hate counting points though.
What a rude co-worker. I’d be offended and put off by her too. She should mind her own business!!
In my journey to lose over 100 pounds I never ONCE told someone else they needed to lose weight or not eat something they were eating. That’s just insulting!
I am also a diabetic, and I have followed your blog for a long time. I have always wondered why you did not go back to WW. I’ve been on the new plan for the past week and have lost two pounds. It is now very diabetic friendly, it favors protein and fiber over carbs and fats. As you know, you’ll still have to be aware of the carbs if you are taking insulin.
While I know the new plan isn’t calorie based, I think I’ll still be using caloriecount for the carbs – its worked well for me on my insulin intake so far.
That is really frustrating- I don’t know why people put their noses where they don’t belong….What a beautiful breakfast. I want to make it this weekend. And I haven’t been to JJ’s in forever- I always enjoy how fresh their ingredients are. And their pickles totally rock.
Hi, Biz! Thanks for stopping by my new blog the other day and for leaving a comment. I am just now getting around to visiting your blog and journey. Wow, you are Busy! 🙂 Love the pictures and recipe-sharing. You do what feels best for you… what you can do for life. I like what I have heard about the new WW program as well. I hope you have a great day! Janelle
I’ll watch my mouth and just say… what a crab ass. Who the hell does she think she is!? I hope her Lean Cuisine gives her diarrhea!
I think any diet plan you decide to go for is a great idea. You know your body and what works/doesn’t work. In the end if you’re being healthy and happy w/ yourself that’s what matters.
I LOVE the nutty topping idea!!!! Also, your unwich salad turned out awesome!
Can my Christmas present be to borrow Hannah??? Pretty please??? I’ll pay her!!! hahaha I need help, badly.
You had a piece of chocolate and apple juice to raise your blood sugar. I would have smeared a big fat piece of cake all over my face and walked right past that colleague!
You’re a much stronger woman than I, Biz!
I say go for WW if that’s what works. Even if the food plan doesn’t end up being your thing, the support group atmosphere and ongoing motivation is awesome!
Sounds like your coworker is seriously misinformed. Unless she received the Chocolate Cake and Salt Educator of the Year Award, she needs to shut it! <~~That's about as 'nice' as I can put it…
I hate when people inject their two cents into things that they don’t know anything about. It’s different when you’re knowledgeable about a topic, but not when it’s just stuff people *think* they know. Annoying.
Wow, what an ignorant, rude person! Who made her the lunchroom doctor/nutritionist? Maybe she’s jealous of all the yummy stuff you fix? (Those zuccini chili boats look fantastic! And *drool*, those apple pancakes with nutty topping.) I think you handled the situation very well, but I’m sorry it got to you. It seems to me that you take great care of yourself, with tasty-yet-healthy food and exercise and good blood glucose management.
Oh, and anyone who knows anything about psychology would know that toxic waste “helpful advice” like that makes a person WANT to do the EXACT OPPOSITE. Keep your elbows out, Biz, and know we’ve got your back. 🙂
Um, I’m sorry…”she” could be a very nice person in real life…but what a bitch! Who says that?!!? I think that you know your body and if WW has worked for you in the past, do it! I think it really leaves you open to eat good foods and “re-teaches” eating in moderation/etc, my co-worker used it and lost nearly 80 pounds 🙂
oh my gosh, punch her in the face. seriously. i’m pretty sure that would make you feel better, and she did tell you to take care of yourself right? 😉 you’d only be taking her advice.
i loved ww, it’s been the only thing that has ever worked for me too, gosh, i should start up again. i haven’t checked out the new program, but i’ve heard great things about it. your daughter is such a sweetheart, how cute! and i love the cheese, i need to have glenn read this post!
I have a low tolerance to ignorance. I was asked by a co-worker if Ryan had killed anyone. Are you for real?! That’s just rude and dumb to say the least. I’m cordial when I see her but I try to stay away. I don’t need that nonsense- I’ve got bigger fish to fry!
I’m awful with WW bc I rarely track. I have heard good things about the new points plan though. And I love that fruit is 0 points!
People have no right to tell you what you can and can’t eat especially when they don’t even know what they’re talking about! You’re smart enough to know how to eat to handle your condition.
Those pancakes sound fabulous! MMM! Breakfast any time of the day is good for me!
Biz you should read the book titled Intuitive Eating. It is written by two RD’s and provides some great advice on how to get away from the dieting mentality. I can’t believe some lady had the balls to tell you what you can’t eat yesterday……some people. Glad you brushed it off.
Hi Biz,
thank you for finding me, and the answer to your question is of course, any friend of TJ’s is a friend of mine ;-).
I started on WW when I first started on my journey, I have lost 80 pounds and have been able to for the most part – give or take a few pounds, keep it off. I am looking to get to goal. I have really stayed the same for the last year and I want to finish what I started.
Looks like a great new revised program, although I am finding it a little overwhelming right now I know that I will catch on!
Good for you for recommitting, it’s a great time to start the new year off on the right track.
I would also suggest to take what others say with a grain of salt, (no pun intended ;0)) because usually behind those types of comments there is jealousy or something deeper that that person has not dealt with in their own lives. Keep doing what you are doing!
I can’t believe your colleague! Rude, rude, rude!!!! I am sticking up an imaginary middle finger on your behalf!!!
You day’s food looks great, and yay, if you decide to go for W W. It’s definately helped me lose, and I’m excited for the new program (it’ll be introduced at our meeting today). Look forward to hearing what you think!
PS: I’m a cheese geek too. Not calling you a geek, just a lover of good cheese. I have an aged gouda that I like to sample from time to time. mmmmmm cheese. I used to actually ask for the Hickory Farms cheese basket for Christmas. LOL
Ok, a) i would’ve kicked some booty and made a snotty comment about HER lunch. b) I just re-joined WW for the umpteenth time and LOVE the new program… we’ve got quite a bloggy support group going (on twitter, so you’ll have to learn!:)) and there’s a website too… I’m already down 6 lbs!
Some people just need to keep their big traps shut! That’s all I have to say about that 😉 Okay, maybe one more thing… the NERVE!!!
Anywho, I think you are doing fabulous managing your diabetes and eating well. However, if you feel like you could use an extra kick in the pants, WW is a great program to do it!
Love how she had what to say to you, all the while stuffing her own face! You’re nicer than me, I’d have said something back, but with a smile, you can say a lot through a smile 🙂 I found weight watchers worked well for me, anything would work if you stick to it, but I found it helped by making me conscious of everything I ate. I need to get motivated again. Five years of not smoking is no longer and excuse to drop twenty pounds! Good luck with the WW!
Oh, I forgot to include my input on Weight Watchers! You know, it’s funny, but in the past I’ve considered recommending the program to you–I never knew you’d done it before. I love the program and the new one is even better. I really think you should go for it b/c I it is so good at keeping you on track and accountable and I think the meetings help a lot too. If we had the money, I’d already be on it! (I’ve done the program twice, both times successfully but it’s always money that prevents me from sticking with it.)
I could use a Hannah in my life to keep me on track with cleaning and organizing! LOL! Oh, I would have been soooooooo mad at that woman. It’s one thing to advise someone on what they’re eating b/c you care, but you should also be willing to listen to what that person says. It ticks me off that she was certain she was right, even though you told her otherwise. Your pancakes sound so good! Love that nutty topping. And the cheese. Oooooh, the cheese. Yum.
I’ve done Weight Watchers. It’s a good program. I like South Beach, too. I’m trying to take what works from each program and do that. It seems to be working although it’s going slow. Slow works for me.
I wish you would have told that woman how unhealthy her own freaking food was…you’re way too nice.
For as long as I live, I will never understand people. You’re one of the sweetest people I know and that conversation with ignorance really pisses me off. It was 1) none of her d*mn business! 2) ignorant!!! and 3) freaking rude! What a judgmental b*atch! Ugh!
As for WW, it is definitely a wonderful program. It might be something to look into again if you’re looking for the weekly accountability and group support.
First off Thank You for the link luv! 🙂 Second- I HATE people who tell me what to do! lol Just because she had the Lean Cuisine doesn’t mean that the cake didn’t count! lol ggrrr
I need a Hannah at home. lol That was sweet of her to clean up for you. 🙂 I was going to say I need a Tony too, but I’d go nuts on that cheese & end up with a tummy ache. lol So you can keep him ok? 🙂
I can’t say enough good things about the new WW plan. I feel so satisfied with what I eat and that’s how I know this is a lifestyle not a DIET. 🙂
I found myself angry at the “helpful office lady” for you. She is a toxic person and would be someone I would avoid being around if at all possible.
I started Weight Watchers AGAIN July 21, 2010. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. I am a diabetic also. I wanted to loss weight, have more energy, get off some of my medications. I have lost 25 lbs and my dr. has reduced my insulin already. I had 4 weeks of little losses and little gains that I hated, but yesterday after being on the new program 1 week, I had a lose of 2 lbs. What a welcome sight. Hopefully I am past my temporary “plateau”. I know it will happen again, but if I keep on WW the plateau will be only temporary and I can move on with my loss of weight. I started water exercise in June to get an exercise routine established before I embarked on my WW adventure.
You should do what’s right for you! But I love how people think they are so much healthier than others when they’re eating “diet foods”. They have no room to judge!
I know I’ve said it once before, but what a great daughter you have!!!!! So cute.
I think I really like the new WW program. I wasn’t one to eat a whole lot of the processed junk to begin with but now, I always go to a piece of fruit when I want something. I think the only processed stuff I’ve been eating are the chocolate goldfish grahams. Shoot me an email with any questions about the program if you want! It’s definitely working for me. I lost 4lbs on the first week with little to no exercise.
I’m so sorry you had to deal with that conversation, not pleasant for sure. Love your pancakes, they look so yummy especially with that nutty topping, yum!
That type of incident ticks me off to no end. FIRST OF ALL, shut up! Secondly, whether someone has a medical issue or not, no one should judge what another eats. Even if you saw me eating an entire block of cheddar, what right is it of yours to say anything? How do you know what else I’ve eaten that day? Maybe I’m involved in some sort of medical testing! Gah! I feel like I can’t even properly express my indignance.
Would you send Hannah to Connecticut please? I promise I’m a good cook and I’ll take good care of her, but after living 5 years in this house, my closets are screaming for help!
Oh that makes me angry too! I think you take great care of yourself! Sometimes you just have to ‘smile and nod’, it keeps your blood pressure down!
I have heard great things about the new WW program. I know people are upset because things they have with the ‘old’ points system don’t work with the new system (calculators, scales, cook books etc) but one of the reasons I stopped going was because I felt they didn’t focus enough on nutrition. A banana shouldn’t be the same points as those empty calorie packs. The new system changes that and I think that’s great!
Sometimes I feel guilty because I think you have to work so hard on beautiful meals, for us. I personally would love to see you ‘dumb down’ your meals a little LOL! I don’t eat cheese so if you gave that up (gasp, I know!) I’d be really happy!
WW works great, and now that they’ve tweaked it I think more people will join and have success. I would re-join, but one benefit of eating vegan is losing weight without trying.
Is Tony still doing South Beach? Would he enjoy your WW style of cooking if you re-joined? You are such a fabulous cook I can’t imagine him not loving it
I can’t believe that chick had the nerve to tell you that. Brings to mind a saying about a pot and a kettle. Gee, don’t let it bug you. You’re so sweet. I’m afraid I would have said something. Or performed some voodoo curse on her. But Christmas spirit and all….
You know sometimes a new diet plan is the spice we need to get us back into enthusiasm mode with losing weight. I say go back to WW. A new challenge to learn a different plan.
Even though the pancakes were on the flattish side I bet they were terrific.
UGH-I HATE what happened to you-why don’t people worry about themselves? I have had a lot of that over the years of “you can’t eat that on weight watchers…blah, blah blah.” In the end, you know what’s best for you! As for joining Weight Watchers, there’s no harm in trying it. I work for them as a receptionist on the weekends, and I can tell you that I LOVE the new program. I’m trying to get back down to my goal weight after gaining a lot of weight with the baby. If you have any questions about it, feel free to shoot me an e-mail!
Oh, Biz….I am SO sorry you had to deal with that. This makes my blood BOIL! One of my pet peeves is when people comment on others’ food/what they are eating – whether it be “good” or “bad.” Um, we are ALL adults and know what we are eating, thankyouverymuch! It’s silly but I actually get nervous to heat up my food in the lunch room at work because I’m afraid people will tease me. People like her are just ignorant, obviously – you know what you are doing!
I’ve heard a little bit about the new WW….it sounds very encouraging! I’ll have to pass this along to my mom. She’s done WW about 15 times with no “real” luck, I think mainly because she does eat so many of those “empty calorie” foods (100 cal packs galore!)
Gasp! You had chocolate! You can’t have chocolate!! Aren’t you glad you are working right side along such wise words of wisdom. You’re a lucky gal! Tee hee. People are stupid!
Your food looks awesome! You’re fortunate to have an awesome cheese buying hubs too!
Wow, the nerve of some people. It always amazes me how people like to give “advice” on things they may not really even know much about. Unless someone has credentials after their name, I really have a hard time listening to what they have to say about “facts”, because there is so much misinformation out there in regards to all sorts of conditions, diets, etc. You and your doctor are the ones who know what you can and can’t eat, and you are the only one who knows what’s worthwhile eating even if it isn’t the best choice.
I’ve tried doing Weight Watchers twice and got frustrated with it. A lot of it came down to needing to increase my activity instead of limiting my food. Then I spent $600 for an elliptical trainer and have only used it 5 times in the 2 years I’ve had it. When I get on the machine, I start thinking about all the productive things I could be doing. So I’m now focused on doing activity that doesn’t feel like I’m excerising. Like walking Sophie when the weather is nice.
My friend Brandon has been on WW for a couple of years and has lost 70 lbs. He looks like a completely different person. So it definitely works. I wish the best with it. Do it for you because it will make you happy, and the lady should mind her own business. 🙂
I hate self-appointed food police. This is what I would say to her in my head but would be too wussy to actually say: “You need to shut your f—ing mouth!” >:D
I’m really excited about the changes WW made to their program — like you, I once lost weight on it, but this is the first change since I first started that has me excited about it.
Can’t wait to see all your yummy eats on the new program!
Yea – you swear like a drunken sailor just like me! 😀 Tune in tomorrow for some good eats!
Wow, what a b!tch – who acts like that?!?! Actually I know who acts like that, people who aren’t completely happy themselves. Don’t let her get you down! Oh, and I want a zucchini boat asap please 🙂
What a rude b!tch that person was! Not to mention ignorant. I can’t stand unsophisticated blabbermouths. 🙄 There’s no reasoning with them, either. Nothing gets through to them. Screw ’em. You can smile and know the whole blogosphere is LOLing at her dumbness. 😀
On a separate note: OMG! I want that zucchini boat! YUM 🙂
OMG – you ATE? You are not supposed to eat!
Uh, I’m sorry. But that woman deserves to be slapped. I would gladly do the job, Biz. Just say the word.
OMG some people shouldn’t be allowed to have a mouth!
your daughter is so sweet to do that!
Great post! I had to laugh when I read about your coworkers lecture. People love telling others what to do, don’t they?
You practically wrote a book with this post! What a shame that lady at work is so rude!
I think the new Weight Watchers program is awesome. I am a life time member and I went last week to get the new materials. I am so impressed that WW is finally focusing on “real” food, nutrition and the science behind it all. This has to be the best program they have come up with. I think people who have never had success before will have a great result from this program. The less junk you eat the less junk you crave. This program makes it easier to choose the right foods!
I posted all about this today, stop by and see my post!
OH hell no! Biz, I’d have smacked that woman upside her head, if not with my fist, with a HUGE PIECE OF MY MIND. Where the hell do people get off saying ANYTHING like that to ANYONE!? My blood is literally boiling for you. You handled that much more gracefully than I.
I get comments like that a lot, but never that bad. I can’t even handle those comments. I’m a dietitian, not perfect. My god, flipping food police of the world are going to drive me to drink!
P.S. What I know of the new WW plan sounds AWESOME.
I don’t like people that feel the need to give their two cents when no one really asked for it….don’t let her get to you…you are the QUEEN of FOODIE!
She is deflecting her own poor eating on you 🙂
I am on Weight Watchers, lost about 50 lbs on it years ago. I LOVE LOVE the new program, and I actually thought of you (and another friend who is diabetic) when it was explained. It really encourages, OK requires, low carb eating and keeping sugars in check. Essentially it is now a high protein, low carb diet. But the best thing is the vegetables and fruits (most anyway) are zero points. It naturally leads you to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, and “real” food in general. I lost 3 lbs this week (um more than I lost in the previous 10 combined) despite a big dinner/drinks out. It was just the change I needed. I knew the old program so well, I knew how to game it like a pro! It is a bit more work now with the calculator, but I think it was a good change and not just change for the sake of change.
That’s great Jacky – congrats on the loss this week! I hope to be a big loser like you next week! 😀
I’ve had people say those exact words to me – “you can’t eat that” – and I just wanted to punch them…after I picked my jaw up from the floor, in utter amazement that ANYONE would say something so stupid! Next time, go all “bitch, please” on them. 😉
I like the new WW and think it might be a good fit for you, especially since you know it worked in the past. I’m so happy that they are going toward the “real” foods now – it really sounds like a good program!
Hannah needs to come to my house after she leaves Helen’s.
Can Hannah come to my house and organize for me?! I think you should have made up some absurb calorie and fat content number and thrown at that lady and said “you really should learn how to make better choices in caring for yourself:…busybodies get on my nerves! A few months back I bought a couple of Weight Watcher’s cookbooks, and have been happy with all of the recipes I’ve tried so far…if I could only discipline myself to weight and/or measure the food portions!
hannah’s pretty awesome 🙂 as is tony! but you already knew that!!
and i don’t have much wisdom, but i say just do what you feel comfortable with 🙂 If things don’t work, we can adapt!
Oh that would have pissed me off!!! I did WW many years ago and am intrigued with the new program. Maybe, just maybe, it will get me back there. I do hate counting points though.
What a rude co-worker. I’d be offended and put off by her too. She should mind her own business!!
In my journey to lose over 100 pounds I never ONCE told someone else they needed to lose weight or not eat something they were eating. That’s just insulting!
I am also a diabetic, and I have followed your blog for a long time. I have always wondered why you did not go back to WW. I’ve been on the new plan for the past week and have lost two pounds. It is now very diabetic friendly, it favors protein and fiber over carbs and fats. As you know, you’ll still have to be aware of the carbs if you are taking insulin.
While I know the new plan isn’t calorie based, I think I’ll still be using caloriecount for the carbs – its worked well for me on my insulin intake so far.
That is really frustrating- I don’t know why people put their noses where they don’t belong….What a beautiful breakfast. I want to make it this weekend. And I haven’t been to JJ’s in forever- I always enjoy how fresh their ingredients are. And their pickles totally rock.
Hi, Biz! Thanks for stopping by my new blog the other day and for leaving a comment. I am just now getting around to visiting your blog and journey. Wow, you are Busy! 🙂 Love the pictures and recipe-sharing. You do what feels best for you… what you can do for life. I like what I have heard about the new WW program as well. I hope you have a great day! Janelle
I’ll watch my mouth and just say… what a crab ass. Who the hell does she think she is!? I hope her Lean Cuisine gives her diarrhea!
I think any diet plan you decide to go for is a great idea. You know your body and what works/doesn’t work. In the end if you’re being healthy and happy w/ yourself that’s what matters.
I LOVE the nutty topping idea!!!! Also, your unwich salad turned out awesome!
Can my Christmas present be to borrow Hannah??? Pretty please??? I’ll pay her!!! hahaha I need help, badly.
I’ll see if she can make a visit to the south suburbs – but I warn you – she will be ruthless with what she will want to throw out!
haha I’d need it!!!
You had a piece of chocolate and apple juice to raise your blood sugar. I would have smeared a big fat piece of cake all over my face and walked right past that colleague!
You’re a much stronger woman than I, Biz!
I say go for WW if that’s what works. Even if the food plan doesn’t end up being your thing, the support group atmosphere and ongoing motivation is awesome!
Your comment about walking around with a smeared piece of cake all over my face made me laugh out loud – thanks Tina! 😀
Sounds like your coworker is seriously misinformed. Unless she received the Chocolate Cake and Salt Educator of the Year Award, she needs to shut it! <~~That's about as 'nice' as I can put it…
Ha – shut it! Love it Erin 😀
I hate when people inject their two cents into things that they don’t know anything about. It’s different when you’re knowledgeable about a topic, but not when it’s just stuff people *think* they know. Annoying.
Since you mentioned crepes, I’m now drooling.
Wow, what an ignorant, rude person! Who made her the lunchroom doctor/nutritionist? Maybe she’s jealous of all the yummy stuff you fix? (Those zuccini chili boats look fantastic! And *drool*, those apple pancakes with nutty topping.) I think you handled the situation very well, but I’m sorry it got to you. It seems to me that you take great care of yourself, with tasty-yet-healthy food and exercise and good blood glucose management.
Oh, and anyone who knows anything about psychology would know that
toxic waste“helpful advice” like that makes a person WANT to do the EXACT OPPOSITE. Keep your elbows out, Biz, and know we’ve got your back. 🙂Thanks Pubsgal! 😀
I don’t like when people judge each other, it’s so yucky! We all know what is best for us more than any other person.
Those pancakes look so thin and decadant; they remind me of crepes!
Um, I’m sorry…”she” could be a very nice person in real life…but what a bitch! Who says that?!!? I think that you know your body and if WW has worked for you in the past, do it! I think it really leaves you open to eat good foods and “re-teaches” eating in moderation/etc, my co-worker used it and lost nearly 80 pounds 🙂
oh my gosh, punch her in the face. seriously. i’m pretty sure that would make you feel better, and she did tell you to take care of yourself right? 😉 you’d only be taking her advice.
i loved ww, it’s been the only thing that has ever worked for me too, gosh, i should start up again. i haven’t checked out the new program, but i’ve heard great things about it. your daughter is such a sweetheart, how cute! and i love the cheese, i need to have glenn read this post!
I have a low tolerance to ignorance. I was asked by a co-worker if Ryan had killed anyone. Are you for real?! That’s just rude and dumb to say the least. I’m cordial when I see her but I try to stay away. I don’t need that nonsense- I’ve got bigger fish to fry!
I’m awful with WW bc I rarely track. I have heard good things about the new points plan though. And I love that fruit is 0 points!
People have no right to tell you what you can and can’t eat especially when they don’t even know what they’re talking about! You’re smart enough to know how to eat to handle your condition.
Those pancakes sound fabulous! MMM! Breakfast any time of the day is good for me!
Biz you should read the book titled Intuitive Eating. It is written by two RD’s and provides some great advice on how to get away from the dieting mentality. I can’t believe some lady had the balls to tell you what you can’t eat yesterday……some people. Glad you brushed it off.
Thanks for the suggestion – I’ll check it out! 😀
Hi Biz,
thank you for finding me, and the answer to your question is of course, any friend of TJ’s is a friend of mine ;-).
I started on WW when I first started on my journey, I have lost 80 pounds and have been able to for the most part – give or take a few pounds, keep it off. I am looking to get to goal. I have really stayed the same for the last year and I want to finish what I started.
Looks like a great new revised program, although I am finding it a little overwhelming right now I know that I will catch on!
Good for you for recommitting, it’s a great time to start the new year off on the right track.
I would also suggest to take what others say with a grain of salt, (no pun intended ;0)) because usually behind those types of comments there is jealousy or something deeper that that person has not dealt with in their own lives. Keep doing what you are doing!
I can’t believe your colleague! Rude, rude, rude!!!! I am sticking up an imaginary middle finger on your behalf!!!
You day’s food looks great, and yay, if you decide to go for W W. It’s definately helped me lose, and I’m excited for the new program (it’ll be introduced at our meeting today). Look forward to hearing what you think!
I would have slapped someone if they were telling me what to eat! You are the only one that knows what you need. Your food looks great 🙂
PS: I’m a cheese geek too. Not calling you a geek, just a lover of good cheese. I have an aged gouda that I like to sample from time to time. mmmmmm cheese. I used to actually ask for the Hickory Farms cheese basket for Christmas. LOL
Ok, a) i would’ve kicked some booty and made a snotty comment about HER lunch. b) I just re-joined WW for the umpteenth time and LOVE the new program… we’ve got quite a bloggy support group going (on twitter, so you’ll have to learn!:)) and there’s a website too… I’m already down 6 lbs!
Congrats on the – 6 so far! That being said – we need to do happy hour soon!
Some people just need to keep their big traps shut! That’s all I have to say about that 😉 Okay, maybe one more thing… the NERVE!!!
Anywho, I think you are doing fabulous managing your diabetes and eating well. However, if you feel like you could use an extra kick in the pants, WW is a great program to do it!
Love how she had what to say to you, all the while stuffing her own face! You’re nicer than me, I’d have said something back, but with a smile, you can say a lot through a smile 🙂 I found weight watchers worked well for me, anything would work if you stick to it, but I found it helped by making me conscious of everything I ate. I need to get motivated again. Five years of not smoking is no longer and excuse to drop twenty pounds! Good luck with the WW!
Your zucchini looks so good!
Oh, I forgot to include my input on Weight Watchers! You know, it’s funny, but in the past I’ve considered recommending the program to you–I never knew you’d done it before. I love the program and the new one is even better. I really think you should go for it b/c I it is so good at keeping you on track and accountable and I think the meetings help a lot too. If we had the money, I’d already be on it! (I’ve done the program twice, both times successfully but it’s always money that prevents me from sticking with it.)
I could use a Hannah in my life to keep me on track with cleaning and organizing! LOL! Oh, I would have been soooooooo mad at that woman. It’s one thing to advise someone on what they’re eating b/c you care, but you should also be willing to listen to what that person says. It ticks me off that she was certain she was right, even though you told her otherwise. Your pancakes sound so good! Love that nutty topping. And the cheese. Oooooh, the cheese. Yum.
I think you should beat her up. (for the record I worded that nicely for your blog)
My step-son commented – Hi Joe! 😀
I’ve done Weight Watchers. It’s a good program. I like South Beach, too. I’m trying to take what works from each program and do that. It seems to be working although it’s going slow. Slow works for me.
I wish you would have told that woman how unhealthy her own freaking food was…you’re way too nice.
For as long as I live, I will never understand people. You’re one of the sweetest people I know and that conversation with ignorance really pisses me off. It was 1) none of her d*mn business! 2) ignorant!!! and 3) freaking rude! What a judgmental b*atch! Ugh!
As for WW, it is definitely a wonderful program. It might be something to look into again if you’re looking for the weekly accountability and group support.
Have a great day, Biz!!!
that was awful of your coworker. clearly she just doesn’t understand!
First off Thank You for the link luv! 🙂 Second- I HATE people who tell me what to do! lol Just because she had the Lean Cuisine doesn’t mean that the cake didn’t count! lol ggrrr
I need a Hannah at home. lol That was sweet of her to clean up for you. 🙂 I was going to say I need a Tony too, but I’d go nuts on that cheese & end up with a tummy ache. lol So you can keep him ok? 🙂
I can’t say enough good things about the new WW plan. I feel so satisfied with what I eat and that’s how I know this is a lifestyle not a DIET. 🙂
I found myself angry at the “helpful office lady” for you. She is a toxic person and would be someone I would avoid being around if at all possible.
I started Weight Watchers AGAIN July 21, 2010. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. I am a diabetic also. I wanted to loss weight, have more energy, get off some of my medications. I have lost 25 lbs and my dr. has reduced my insulin already. I had 4 weeks of little losses and little gains that I hated, but yesterday after being on the new program 1 week, I had a lose of 2 lbs. What a welcome sight. Hopefully I am past my temporary “plateau”. I know it will happen again, but if I keep on WW the plateau will be only temporary and I can move on with my loss of weight. I started water exercise in June to get an exercise routine established before I embarked on my WW adventure.
What a bia, I hate when people think they know what is better for you than you know for yourself. That makes me so angry!
Ohhh and I loooooove the new Weight Watchers program! Its amazing!
You should do what’s right for you! But I love how people think they are so much healthier than others when they’re eating “diet foods”. They have no room to judge!
I know I’ve said it once before, but what a great daughter you have!!!!! So cute.
Geez, some people!!!!! Just ignore the haters!
I think I really like the new WW program. I wasn’t one to eat a whole lot of the processed junk to begin with but now, I always go to a piece of fruit when I want something. I think the only processed stuff I’ve been eating are the chocolate goldfish grahams. Shoot me an email with any questions about the program if you want! It’s definitely working for me. I lost 4lbs on the first week with little to no exercise.
I’m so sorry you had to deal with that conversation, not pleasant for sure. Love your pancakes, they look so yummy especially with that nutty topping, yum!
That type of incident ticks me off to no end. FIRST OF ALL, shut up! Secondly, whether someone has a medical issue or not, no one should judge what another eats. Even if you saw me eating an entire block of cheddar, what right is it of yours to say anything? How do you know what else I’ve eaten that day? Maybe I’m involved in some sort of medical testing! Gah! I feel like I can’t even properly express my indignance.
Would you send Hannah to Connecticut please? I promise I’m a good cook and I’ll take good care of her, but after living 5 years in this house, my closets are screaming for help!
Oh that makes me angry too! I think you take great care of yourself! Sometimes you just have to ‘smile and nod’, it keeps your blood pressure down!
I have heard great things about the new WW program. I know people are upset because things they have with the ‘old’ points system don’t work with the new system (calculators, scales, cook books etc) but one of the reasons I stopped going was because I felt they didn’t focus enough on nutrition. A banana shouldn’t be the same points as those empty calorie packs. The new system changes that and I think that’s great!
Sometimes I feel guilty because I think you have to work so hard on beautiful meals, for us. I personally would love to see you ‘dumb down’ your meals a little LOL! I don’t eat cheese so if you gave that up (gasp, I know!) I’d be really happy!
WW works great, and now that they’ve tweaked it I think more people will join and have success. I would re-join, but one benefit of eating vegan is losing weight without trying.
Is Tony still doing South Beach? Would he enjoy your WW style of cooking if you re-joined? You are such a fabulous cook I can’t imagine him not loving it
Believe it or not – I cooked like this before the blog too! 😀 (well, maybe that’s a stretch, but close!)
Yes, Tony is still doing South Beach, but I think I can make our menus work for both meal plans – fingers crossed! 😀
I am usually pretty well behaved, but I would have given that woman a piece of my mind!!!!!
I can’t believe that chick had the nerve to tell you that. Brings to mind a saying about a pot and a kettle. Gee, don’t let it bug you. You’re so sweet. I’m afraid I would have said something. Or performed some voodoo curse on her. But Christmas spirit and all….
You know sometimes a new diet plan is the spice we need to get us back into enthusiasm mode with losing weight. I say go back to WW. A new challenge to learn a different plan.
Even though the pancakes were on the flattish side I bet they were terrific.
UGH-I HATE what happened to you-why don’t people worry about themselves? I have had a lot of that over the years of “you can’t eat that on weight watchers…blah, blah blah.” In the end, you know what’s best for you! As for joining Weight Watchers, there’s no harm in trying it. I work for them as a receptionist on the weekends, and I can tell you that I LOVE the new program. I’m trying to get back down to my goal weight after gaining a lot of weight with the baby. If you have any questions about it, feel free to shoot me an e-mail!
Thanks Anne Marie – I am sure I’ll have lots of questions for you! 😀
Oh, Biz….I am SO sorry you had to deal with that. This makes my blood BOIL! One of my pet peeves is when people comment on others’ food/what they are eating – whether it be “good” or “bad.” Um, we are ALL adults and know what we are eating, thankyouverymuch! It’s silly but I actually get nervous to heat up my food in the lunch room at work because I’m afraid people will tease me. People like her are just ignorant, obviously – you know what you are doing!
I’ve heard a little bit about the new WW….it sounds very encouraging! I’ll have to pass this along to my mom. She’s done WW about 15 times with no “real” luck, I think mainly because she does eat so many of those “empty calorie” foods (100 cal packs galore!)
Gasp! You had chocolate! You can’t have chocolate!! Aren’t you glad you are working right side along such wise words of wisdom. You’re a lucky gal! Tee hee. People are stupid!
Your food looks awesome! You’re fortunate to have an awesome cheese buying hubs too!
Don’t listen to what other people say Biz, you are doing awesome, and I’m pretty sure more of a diabetic expert than anyone…
I think you missed the picture of the chopped salad? Great idea though for an unwhich, their bread is pretty high in calories!