I can’t believe my step-son is 21 already!  For new readers who may not know, I met my step-son when he was 10 years old.  It had to be so strange for him to see his Dad marrying someone – he was the best man in our wedding!  Let’s just take a walk down memory lane, shall we?

graduating from kindergarten!

One of the first things I learned about Joe was that he loved frogs, toads, geckos – he loved them all!  I’ll now give you two of my favorite pictures of Joe as a kid:

I had this picture transferred to a cake for his 18th birthday 😀
Joe and Tony 😀

Here’s a picture of Joe when he started playing football – 6th grade – isn’t he so cute??!!

Now here’s a picture that Tony calls Joe’s “Father Ed” picture.   Yep, I am going to get some shit for posting this one – sorry Joe, I couldn’t help it!

But then they grow up . . .

And while we always thought we would toast Joe’s 21st birthday together, he and his girlfriend Lizz now live in Austin, Texas.

We will miss seeing you today Joe!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!  WE LOVE YOU!

I have not done a full grocery shop this week because I think we need to eat up what we have in the house first.  So the eats this week will most likely be a bit on the boring side!

Breakfast: Steak sammie – 2 oz. vienna bread, 1.5 ounce leftover steak, 2 eggs scrambled and 1.5 ounces of Swiss cheese.

549 calories, 39 carbs, 43 protein, 24 fat and1.5 fiber

It had rained earlier in the morning, but when I looked outside my office window it looked clear enough to walk.  I changed my clothes, got 2o minutes into my walk when I heard something.  Thunder!  I kept going until it started raining like cats and dogs – luckily the path I take has big trees for cover – I got the most soak walking the last 200 feet to my building.

Oh, and while I was walking, I saw a cute little house that would be perfect for me and Tony!

I couldn't imagine living in a house that big!

Lunch was a lemon pepper sammie on a light English muffin and black bean soup on the side.

476 calolries, 77 carbs, 37 protein, 5.3fat and 19.3 fiber

And dinner was leftover pasta with my pasta bolognese that I defrosted – tasted just as good as the day I made it!

476 calories, 48 carbs, 40 protein, 12.8 fat and 1 fiber

Don’t worry Joe – we’ll toast to you tonight! 😀

And thanks for Tony for fixing Hannah’s car – Hannah freaked out the other night when she came home to steam and smoke coming from her car – turns out it was just a radiator hose that needed to be replaced.  I couldn’t even identify a radiator hose! 😀  Thanks sweets!

What did you do on your 21st birthday? I was trying to think what my sister and I did, but having worked in bars since we were 18, I don’t think it was that big of a deal – do you remember Jenn?