That’s what someone in the gym told me today!  I was the only one down there, so I put Jillian’s 30 day shred in.  I decided to do Level 2 since I hadn’t done in it in a while – I was sweating bullets by the end!

So about 10 minutes in, a guy steps on the elliptical.  I told him I was only half way done, and he said “no problem.”  Normally this would make me self-contious, but I just pretended I was still alone! 😀

I handed him the remote, and he was watching CNN while I moved on to the treadmill.  I ended up doing my sprints on the treadmill – toggling between 4.0 walk/jog for a minute, and then every 30 seconds sprinting, until my last 30 second sprint was at 7.0 mph!  I did this for 15 minutes, then did a 5 minute cool down.

As I was cooling down, the guy was done and handed me the remote and said “impressive workout!”  Nice! 

I was REALLY hungry by the time I got back to my desk – the best part about that 40 minute workout is that I still have time to put my lunch together and squeeze in this post!

  • 1 multi-grain Arnold thin
  • 1 cup homemade chicken soup
  • 2 ounces lean deli roast beef
  • 1 slice 2% american cheese
  • baby spinach (hard to see, its on the bottom)
  • LOTS of Tabasco mustard (also hard to see!)
  • carrots
  • yellow pepper
  • 2 tablespoons of horseradish hummus
I put my sammie in the toaster oven while my soup heated up - lunch comes in at 463 calories, 13 fat and 52 carbs
I put my sammie in the toaster oven while my soup heated up - lunch comes in at 463 calories, 13 fat and 52 carbs

We are supposed to have office softball, but our game isn’t until 9:05!  Not sure if we will have enough players, but if we do, Hannah gets off work at 7:45 so hopefully can make it!

I also may have to work overtime after work, so not sure when my next post will be.  Lunch break is over – see you whenever! 😀