I stayed up too late last night watching the season premiere of Oprah’s last season. I have a love/hate thing with her – while I think she does some beneficial things for the community, not only in Chicago but around the world, her ego is about the size of North America.
Every time I see her magazine with her picture on the cover, I kind of cringe just a little bit and want to say “its not all about you!”
That being said, I was on the Oprah show. It was 1991. Our best friends Aunt scored tickets because they were doing a show about twins. We had no idea what the subject matter was, only that when we got there, all the sets of twins got the middle section of her studio.
It was October and I was pregnant with Hannah, although at the time I think only my sister knew it. My sister bought us matching outfits. I’ll never forget the shirts we wore – they are long, I think they almost came to just above our knees – it was bright purple and black, we were wearing black leggings with them and I am pretty sure we thought we were hot!
So as we are waiting for the show to tape, a produce comes around, asks us some questions. We mention that we are best friends and couldn’t imagine not having each other.
So during the course of the show, we realize the show is about “good twin, bad twin.” In one set of twins, one sister kicked her sister in the nose and broke it! They hated each other. Then all of a sudden Oprah is standing in front of us and is like “what do you twins think?”
We stand up, say that we are best friends and its too bad these twins can’t get along, and at the same time say “and we call each other like 20 times a day.” Everyone laughed at that! I have the show on VHS, and if I can figure it out I’ll post it soon because its hilarious to watch. Hard to believe that was 19 years ago already!
Oprah fan or Oprah hater?
Breakfast yesterday is what I am calling an egg beaters fajita. I bought these red peppers thinking they were hot, but they are sweet. Two corn tortillas, 1/4 cup refried beans, 1 ounce cheese, 1/2 cup egg beaters, red and green peppers, Taco bell sauce and Tabasco – a spicy way to start the day!

While it was gorgeous outside, I still decided to go to the gym. OMG, Rachael Ray was making something she called “Sloppy Johns.” Her husband either saw it in a magazine or on a restaurant menu. She took flat iron steaks, grilled them with fresh herbs, made a sloppy joe’s sauce with ketchup, vinegar, brown sugar, garlic and some other stuff, then made a Dijon mustard cole slaw.
She sliced the steak thin, but it on a garlic ciabatta bread, poured some of the sloppy joe sauce overtop then topped it with the coleslaw. My mouth is actually watering just thinking about it! Here is the recipe if you want to check it out. I did work out too! 45 minutes, level 10 on the elliptical. 😀
Here is a shitty picture of my lunch – can you tell there was absolutely no natural light where I ate my lunch! But it was delicious – I dipped 1 oz. of tortilla chips sprinkled with Tabasco on the side.

So my menu this week was based simply off of our sale paper. Whenever I see cut up whole chicken for .89 cents a pound, I can’t help myself, and while I am sure there are healthier alternatives to make with said chicken, I think of only one thing: buttermilk fried chicken!
I tried a different batter though. First yesterday morning I put the chicken in a bowl with a lid, pour buttermilk all over the chicken, then sprinkle with paprika, cayenne pepper, salt and pepper – I just eye ball it Rachael Ray style. 😀
The coating I used was supposed to be a copy cat Extra Crispy Fried Chicken, and while good, I still think there is room for improvement.
- 1 cup milk mixed with 1 egg in one bowl
- 2 cups flour, 1/2 teaspoon paprika, 1/2 teasoon baking pwoder, 1/2 teaspoon of garlic powder, 2 1/2 teaspoons salt (I skimped on this, so use all 2 1/2 teaspoons) and 3/4 teaspoons pepper
While the deep fryer was getting to temperature, I battered all the chicken – this time it said to dip in milk mixture, dip in flour, then repeat – two dips! Another secret is to after you batter the chicken, refrigerate for one hour – it will guarantee that the batter will stay on the chicken. I didn’t have that kind of time though, but mine still turned out good.

And I may have doused the chicken with Frank’s hot sauce before I dug in!

Stats for Monday:
- 1536 calories, 150 carbs, 104 protein, 59 fat, 21 fiber
- 34% of calories from fat
- 45 minutes level 10 elliptical
- 5 minute cool down
- 15 minute walk with my dog after dinner
I am off to make my first bowl of savory oats for the season! Have a great day!
Awww, what a fun story – loved the pics too in your other post! My friend and I got hair makeovers on Oprah a couple years ago – so fun 🙂
Biggest thing I can’t stand about her is when she repeats something she has said like 50 times while everyone is clapping or whatever. I mean maybe 2 or 3 if it’s exciting news but more than that it’s just stupid.
Is there anything besides mashed potatoes you don’t put hot sauce on? 🙂
I know, I should go to Hot Sauce Anonymous. Hi, my name is Biz, and I am addicted to hot sauce! 😀
Oh my gosh! You totally have to post that video! That would be a hoot to see. I think we thought we were all hot in the early 90’s. We should all post some picks of us during that time. I had the BIGGEST hair ever!
I LOVED the Oprah story – you should totally post that picture of you/your sis in matching outfits if you all took one 😀
Breakfast looks amazing and I want your fried chicken every time you make it.
I LOVE it when the Food Network is on at the gym – I have totally been known to change my planned workout to be in front of THAT TV 😀
You were on Oprah! I am so jealous! I NEED to see it.
Oprah, how awesome…and even better that you’re both good twins!
i’d love to see the video!! lol btw the chicken looks soo mouth-watering
I would so love to see that video of you guys! I think I’m with you on Oprah, certainly not a lover of her, she IS a little big for her britches. NOT a fan of the magazine at ALL. I looked at 2 of them and literally found nothing of interest. And what’s with her being on the cover every month? Yes, we KNOW it’s your magazine! However, I would have loved to see the premiere. I had heard about it. Do you think it’s online? I’ll have to check.
Maybe you can find it on Hulu.com?
I am not an Oprah fan at all, but I still think it is pretty darn cool that you were on the show. I would be getting that off the VHS and on to a high quality DVD before the VHS degrades.
How funny! I wish I had a story about being on Oprah! I like Oprah…but I LOVE Ellen!
Being on Oprah must have been so much fun!
Biz!!!! can i have your autograph?? lol thats such a cool random fact.. im sure if you went on now though.. the ante would be upped and you could win a worldwide tour with your sister if you were good enough in the interview 🙂
i love your breakfast.. that made me soooo hungry right now! love!
I like Oprah. It’s hard for me to imagine that kind of fame…I have no idea how I would be. I would HOPE I wouldn’t be a snob, but I think it would change anyone…and probably not for the best. I LOVE the story about you and your twin — 20x a day, really?!?! 🙂
Sadly, yes – and turns out, 19 years later, we have kept that tradition even if we only see each other several times a year!
I like Oprah, but totally hear ya about her ego of late. The last few years of her show have bugged me, but I do still watch and love the more touching shows rather than this and that celebrity ones. Fun for you to have been on there.
How cool that you and your sis were on Oprah! I am a fan. I had just become a stay at home mom when she started her show and I have been a fan ever since. We lived in the Midwest then just a couple hours outside of Chicago. I regret that I never went to see her show. Sigh.
I would love to see the episode of you and your twin. Hey leggings are back in style this year!
Aw, twins get all the fun.
Not sure what I think about Oprah. I mean, I know she’s supposed to inspire millions and such, but her Botoxing and all her face blown-up and plastered around the place kind of turns me off. I thought it’s about celebrating what she DOES and WHo she does it for, not HER.
Wow! Very cool for you guys! Would love to see the clip if you can upload it. 🙂 Oprah is quite a force in her own right ~ in touch with her purpose in this world. I like that about her. Would love to have my (future, in-the-works) book be endorsed by her. Will she endorse books when she goes to her own channel, which is quite similar to my own project (the name).. wondering how THAT will work out!?
I’m Oprah-neutral, except all the ooh-ing and aaah-ing in the media about her gets a little tiresome. Maybe I haven’t watched her show enough to swing me one way or the other. From what I’ve read about the diabetes episode (didn’t see it), she didn’t do anyone any favors; it sounded rife with unclear information and stereotypes, and it pissed off a lot of people (especially type 1 folks) in the diabetes community. That said, I’d have loved to see the episode with you and Jenn, and also the one with Lynn Haraldson-Bering.
Drooling over your fried chicken over here!
You should definitely try and get that video up. I think it would be a fun thing to see 🙂 I’m not an Oprah hater, but I also don’t watch Oprah. She is what she is, and whether that is good or bad, I can’t really say.
Your fried chicken looks very authentic, at least from my limit fried chicken knowledge.
Oh my God! You HAVE to figure out how to post that video. I must see the matching outfits! 😀
Both the Sloppy Johns and the fried chicken are drool worthy!
How cool you got to be on the show:) I am a fan but like the others I can take it or leave it and watch only when the topic interest me. Hope you can figure out how to post the video…
I have that love hate relationship with Oprah too… Love that you and your twin were on the show though!! That breakfast looks YUM!!
You know your food gets no argument with me because [I consider] you are a genius 😀 – but I have to say no one – no one in my home puts anything on my fried chicken come hell or high water, don’t douse my chicken.
And I love that you know the secret to crispy fried chicken. Refrigerate it! Woohoo! Try a little dried oregano and paprika too – you won’t be sorry. Promise 😀
I would’ve loved to see you on Oprah – but I am absolutely in your corner on the “ego bigger than N.A.” thing – she thinks a bit too much of herself for my taste.
I am posting the Chicken Cordon Bleu beauties soons. SO freaking good 😀
Thanks for the seasoning tips! 😀
I’m watching Oprah right now actually!!!!!! SO COOL that you and your sister were on her show!!! You have GOT to find out a way to put the clip up on your blog!! I’d love to see it!!!!!! 🙂
Thanks for the tip on the fried chicken! (and the recipe)
I don’t like Oprah, never have.
But I would love to see you on it lol 🙂
Breakfast fajitas? Yes, please!
I have a hate/hate relationship with Oprah. I hate to watch her show, but if I’m home when it airs, sometimes I’ll watch it for a moment. It’s like re-confirming my hatred for her. But your Oprah episode? Now that I’d watch! 🙂
What a cool story, Biz! Your outfits sounds totally hot 😉
I am of the same mind with Oprah…I sort of love her, sort of hate her. I think most of it is love, though. She has overcome a lot with tremendous success and I find that inspiring!
I’m not sure I would want those outfits we wore to be seen again!
And remember how we were only on there for a minute and people asked us later if we were on the Oprah show?? Too funny!
We love her. If we won that trip to Australia, we’d be ecstatic! Or we could eat your dinner and be just as happy.
Okay, that comment made me laugh out loud – thanks guys!
You crack me up always, Biz. I’d LOVE to see that video – what a hoot, and your first claim to fame (before this wonderful blog!). I agree totally with you about Oprah – I like her to a point, but she does have an ego the size of all outdoors. I’ve heard her totally usurp guests, giving her take on their books or ideas! STFU, woman! Just cuz your Oprah doesn’t mean you hung the moon!
I hear Oprah but I have to say sometimes it’s like overkill with her. Wonder how things are going to be when this season comes to an end.
Love that you were on Oprah! Wish there was a picture I could see!
I have the same relationship with her that you do. Not a huge fan, don’t really ever watch the show but once in a great while but she is good for Chicago. Too bad I wasn’t in her audience for yest. show when they won that Australia trip. *Sigh*
That is so cool that you and Jen were on Oprah!!!! I had to laugh at the description of your outfits! I think I had that same outfit and yes, I totally thought I was HOT! lol!
Drooling over that chicken. If my husband sees it, it’s over – I’ll be making it for sure 🙂
I watch Rachael Ray when I’m on the bike too! It’s somehow always seems healthier when you’re exercising 🙂
I’m in the same mind about Oprah – her ego kind of outweighs the good sometimes. It’s like she thinks she’s some super-human gift to the planet. I just get an odd feeling about her. But totally cool you were on her show! haha I’d love to see the footage!!
Great tip about refrigerating the chicken to keep the batter on! Have never heard that one before!
Stop by the blog for my 2 yr giveaway! 🙂
Congrats on 2 years Christina!!
That’s too funny! I was on Who Wants to Be A Millionaire a few years ago… I guess everyone needs their 15 minutes of fame lol
That is really cool that you and Jenn were on camera – I hope you can get it uploaded…I know we ALL would love to see it! I like some of the stuff Oprah does, but rarely watch the show. That said, I am INSANELY jealous of the people in her audience yesterday (or whenever they taped yesterday’s show) – they all got a free trip to Australia!
Yeah I’m not an Oprah fan. I know she does a lot of good- but something I just do not like.
That chicken….I’d give anything to take a bite out of that right now! WOW! Amazing!
-yes that frozen risotto is very creamy! They also have an asparagus version. SO easy and really tastes good! 🙂
I’ll try the asparagus one then – not a huge fan of the shrooms!
I’m with you re: Oprah. Very cool that you were on her show, though. You might consider getting that VHS tape professionally transferred to DVD before your VHS player goes kaput, or worse, the tape disintegrates. We did this with the Beta movies of our kids (we were like one of the 5 people that bought into Beta when that format went head-to-head with VHS-probably before you were born-lol ).
Well my Dad was one of those five who bought Beta first too! And the first Disney movie he bought on VHS he paid $75 for it!
What a fun story! 🙂
Wow…what a great post! All of these recipes have my mouth watering! The breakfast “burrito” looks like a winner. And those sloppy johns…yum! That is a great tip about refrigerating the chicken after you batter it…gonna do that next time.
Oprah is a good person who really deserves everything she’s got but, yeah, she’s just a little over the top. Don’t watch much network television so haven’t seen her show in a long time. How cool that you were on her show…looking forward to the video if you can figure out how to post it.
I am glad you said that about Oprah, because I kind of feel the same way! I mean, on the one hand, she is an amazing woman who has done SO much for others and touched so many people’s lives. But then I look at her and just see someone with a HUGE ego, and that makes me a little sad. I will miss her shows, though, since they’re such a staple on TV. I would LOVE to see that video of you! How neat that you were able to go and got to speak!
I am really impressed that you kept a fried chicken dinner to 611 calories! Wow.
I have to say, I just love Oprah. I want to go on her show and talk about weight loss and then hang out with her back stage. And when I see her on the cover of O magazine, I think, you go, girl. I love Oprah because she is the ultimate success story. She came from a tar paper shack in the South and had nothing, and now, she’s Oprah. If she wants to be on the cover of her own magazine every month, she should do it.
The only thing that baffles me about Oprah is why she cannot maintain her weight. If I had a personal chef and the funds to hire a trainer, I can’t even imagine what I could do or what I’d look like.
I love Oprah but I take her with a big grain of salt because I have a brain and don’t have to agree with everything that comes out of her show, magazine or mouth! I taped the premiere too and watched it as soon as I got home. I thought the friends from Boston were cute. I hope you can figure out that VHS because I’d love to see it!
Mmmmmm fried chicken. One of the few fried foods I find worth the calorie value.
Whoa! That’s so cool about Oprah. 🙂
Can I have your autograph???
Not a fan of Oprah…but my wife watches her from time to time when the topic is of interest.
I’m an Oprah lover. I do agree her ego can get a little big, but I love her show. I only teared up twice watching the season premiere yesterday:)
I love Oprah… would love to go see a show!
I have a love/hate relationship with Oprah too, but that’s so awesome that you were on the show!