I have a confession to make, in full disclosure, that I did have two glasses of wine last night after declaring I was kicking alcohol to the curb. It was the last of a bottle, and now my house is wine free 😀 My goal is to go the whole month without alcohol and see how that helps with my weight. The funny thing is, when I started this blog in September 2008, I weighed 168 and that’s exactly what I weigh today 🙁
But I started my Monday off on the right foot – even after getting a text that my friend was not joining me at the pool . . . I went by myself and swam for 30 minutes! 😀 It was 73 degrees this morning – the water was perfect and such a great way to start the day.
Although my blood sugars are wonderful, I think I have to go back to calorie counting. I want to ensure that my percentage of calories from fat stay around 25%, and on days that I work out twice I consume 1800 calories, the days I only work out once at 1500 calories.
Tony makes the best omelets I’ve ever eaten. I’ve watched him make them dozens of times, but he somehow gets them so fluffy! So while I was posting my blog yesterday morning, Tony took over the kitchen 😀

Our store had pork butts on sale for .99 cents a pound. I don’t know what I was thinking when I put a 7 pound roast in our basket, considering only Tony and I eat it! Luckily with the leftovers I made east Carolina pulled pork – with lots of vinegar, crushed red pepper and Tabasco.

By cooking the roast on top of a cast iron skillet, you don’t get any flare-ups from the fat of the pork.

Tony actually found this mustard for me at Menard’s of all places! If you love mustard, find this:
Alright . . . gotta scoot and get ready for work. I have 30 minutes to make breakfast, lunch and get dressed and out the door.
Make it a great day!
This is a good time to think about one’s apporach, it’s about one month till the end of 101 Days of Summer challenge.. 😉 I hope that giving up booze helps.
I think my problem areas are sweets, snacking and boredom (snacking and sweets might be a sign that I get too little protein in my diet). I think I have shrunk a little bit, but not considerably.
I forgot to email you my report again. I messed my blog theme last Sunday so badly that I had to contact my hosting company and ask them to rescue me! 😀
Hope you fixed your computer problems Satu! Gosh, you’ve been having a lot of computer problems lately 🙁
Friendly guy form Hostgator fixed my problem, which was actually nothing much! 🙂 My site might look a bit weird in the near future though, I’m experimenting some more with by theme.
I wish you didn’t display all those delicious looking dishes on your site every time I visit…..
that mustard looks great – i don’t even drink beer!
they make such a thing as beer mustard!?! hmmm i wonder if one could get a little buzz off of it lol. btw whenever i say im kicking a habit, i usually do the opposite. but thats okay and im glad u fessed up, at least theres always a new day ahead right!?
xoxo <3
I love carolina pork. The vinegary taste is soo good.
I have 3 bottles of wine, rum, tequila and tons of beer in my house. I’m in trouble! 🙁
Hi! I am interested in sending my boyfriend who is in the army your salsa. He is stationed in Germany and so I have two questions.
1. Do you think it’ll stay fresh while traveling? It takes about a week- 14 days for any package to arrive to him.
2. How do you seal the jar? I have to have a solid way to seal it so it doesn’t open and ruin the other things in his package.
Hey Danielle. Okay, maybe this would work – you would need to can the salsa – just put the sealed jars in a bit pot of water, just so the water covers at least an inch taller than the jars. Once it comes to a boil, you set the time for 30 minutes. Turn off the heat, let cool. Put on a towel and you’ll know they are sealed when you press down on the top and it doesn’t move.
I wonder if you could use a wax seal? I’ve done that with vinegars I’ve shipped before. You melt parafin wax (you can find at the grocery store) and then dip the lid so it covers the rim several times to build up a was ring. I would then wrap in bubble wrap, and maybe for extra measure put in a ziploc bag – fingers crossed it works! 😀
I can’t tell you how much I think the absense of alcohol will help you drop a few pounds! It really does make it difficult to lose weight when you drink–I gave up alcohol for a few months not too long ago and i noticed a difference.
Sometimes I get discouraged when I notice that I am exactly where I was when I started my blog but I can’t beat myself up about it. at least I am not bigger lol (well not ALL the time hahaha)
I completely feel ya on how hard it is to give up the booze, Biz! I know if I stopped drinking wine, I would be cutting lots of sugar and calories. It takes a big conscious effort on my part to abstain, and I couldn’t even remotely be considered a drinker. Good luck with your wine-free house 🙂
i ADORE the crunchy outside edges! definitely a favorite…that’s where all the FLAVOR is at 🙂
If you like that mustard, let me know and I can always get you some since that brewery is 10 minutes from my house! They also make a root beer BBQ sauces that is awesome!
Good luck with the no alcohol thing. I did it 3 years ago (right after J and I started dating) and I lost close to 10 pounds, it’s definitely worth it! Although, I might have been *cough*a binge drinker*cough*. Now I don’t even miss it, and it’s rare that I have a drink.
We will have to do a road trip Mel! 😀
Wow, dude, I LOVE your great big photos of food. It’s making me hungry! Looks delicious, all of it!
They mentioned at my WW meeting yesterday how much sodium is in beer as the one member said she didn’t have beer last week and lost 5.5lbs.
Luckily I don’t drink alcohol very often – maybe 2-3 times a year I have a fru fru drink 🙂
The pork looks awesome Biz! Game on for me too!
P90X look out this week, I’m a comin!
That pork looks DELISH. I think it might be time to stop for lunch.
I have been toying with giving up my glass of wine for dinner, which would be very hard for me to do. Congrats for taking on the challenge.
That’s one crazy looking omelet.
Ironically enough, some of my friends were just on a diet called the “Game On Diet” and one of the things it severly limited was alcohol. They had one meal off a week where they could have one drink and then they also had a day off where they could drink. But if you didn’t work hard enough to lose 1 percent of your body weight during the rest of the week, you lost alcohol for the rest of the month long game.
So why not try only drinking one meal a week? I know I drink wine because I like how it tastes, not because I want a buzz. So it’s not really different than having another type of treat.
Hahaha, does that mustard count towards your alcohol free month??? ;-P
That omelet looks so goooooood! Have a great day!
That pork butt (*giggle*) looks wonderful…btw, what is Menards?
Shelley – its like a Home Depot – just a strange place to buy lawn furniture and gourmet mustards! 😀
I usually just put a pork butt in the crock pot or oven, but whoa!!! That is one beautiful butt on the grill. Can’t wait to pick one up at the market on my next visit.
Oh man I want pulled pork so badly right now!
the Sprecher Root Beer BBQ Sauce is the mother of all store bought BBQs sauces. Menards is a great place.
my friend gave up drinking for a while and that ended up helping her get through a weight plateu.. she was surprised! when i drink i notice that my skin breaks out more… so for vanitys sake, i dont drink! lol crazy right???
Hope you have a great day!
You never know what you can find at Menards!
In 2009 I gave up alcohol and all sweets/desserts for Lent and lost 8 pounds in the 42 days. Which showed me just how many extra calories and slowing of metabolism were coming from the booze, especially. Once you get through the first week or so, you’ll be OK with it – and probably astonished at how much of the wine/beer is just simple habit.
Game on is right!! You go!