I love seeing every milestone on my blog! It’s like the little engine that could!
Who would have thought that way back in September of 2008 I would be getting comments and so many visitors. When I look back on older posts, I realized that pretty much only my family was reading and commenting for the first few months!
It took me six months to reach 40,000 page views, in which my lovely Tony posted a guest post. Go ahead and read it, I’ll wait! 😀
And now I’ve reached another 100,000 in four months. I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who takes time out of there day to see what I make, see Hannah grow up and share my life with Tony. It really means a lot to me that so many enjoy my little hobby! 😀
So let’s get on with the giveaway loot! My wonderful friend at Cabot Cheese has graciously offered their $60 cheese package! Not only do you get to sample their 50% and 75% reduced fat cheese, you also get a two pound block of their award winning Vermont Cheddar Cheese! 😀
You know how I loves the cheese! What I love about Cabot’s reduced fat cheese is that I don’t feel like I am being cheated – it tastes just as good as the full fat stuff. Please bear in mind that this will ship when the temperatures cool down a bit, so you may need to be patient on this. 😀
But wait, there’s more! I love Eating Well magazine because it uses real ingredients, nothing too fancy, just good clean food. So I will be giving away this cookbook!
And what’s better than one cookbook, but two?! I found this one at my Library and loved that it had simple, straight forward recipes:
But wait . . . there is more! Who wants four jars of my baja fresh salsa??!! I know dozens of you have made it, but if you haven’t yet, now is your chance to get it!
Here is my picture way back from 2008 – I think I’ve learned a couple things about taking photography these last almost two years!
Once canned, it will last up to a year or more. But I doubt it will even get you to the end of summer. Each year I say I am going to can more for the winter, but usually by December I am all out. I’ve been known to grill in December though to make more!
To win, simply leave me a comment. It doesn’t matter what it is. You can leave a comment telling me about your favorite cheese, what your last favorite thing you cooked, or maybe your most requested recipe to make for family gatherings – I’ll leave it up to you! I’ll pick a winner on Monday, July 25. Good luck!
I am tired – I didn’t get home from theB-52’s concert until 11:30 last night. I’ll leave you with a few pics – have a great day!

omg what an awesome giveaway!!!! freak’n cabot cheese; I WANT THAT PACKAGE!!! hahahaha…
my comment. i wonder what kind of giveaway you’ll have when you hit 600,000!!!???
Awesome cookbook
you have lovely pictures
delicious looking salsa
Congrats Biz! What an awesome give away!!! I love cheese too! Mmm
300,000 page views! Omg right?
I would LOVE to see you be the next blogger to have her own cookbook!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment! I love your blog, the pictures are beautiful….have read a few entries, but will take a while to read from the beginning, lol!! This is an amazing give away……cheese, glorious cheese, cookbooks, and jars of what looks to be some very tasty salsa………..what more could anybody want??? How incredibly generous of you to bless someone with all that! Looking forward to getting to know more about you………R
Congrats Biz on the great success that you’ve made BDL! I’d love to win just to try that Baja without having to actually make it 🙂 Thanks for the votes but the hug was even better! Thanks.
Woot! This is a great giveaway! Cheese, salsa, cookbooks – wow!
I am a cheese lover!!! I dream of cheese! I want to win this!!!Ooh,salsa too!!! Yay!!! This giveaway was made for me!!! I make really good nachos so that is something everyone ask me to make all the time.
The giveaway sounds awesome!! I especially am a fan of all that cheesee! MMMMMmmm! 🙂 oh and the b-52’s that sounds like a BLAST!!!
Well it’s my birthday today, so I automatically win right? Haha. Jk.
That salsa looks delicious!!! I want some! 🙂
Please post the couscous salad!!! Yummy!!
I’d put that salsa all OVER some texmex salads!! Yummy!
that salsa looks amazing 🙂 thanks for a great blog and a great giveaway!
Wow what a fantastic giveaway!
I’ve recently decided I have to get serious again about weight loss (its been a start and stop and start thing this year) , but when I got on the scale this morning I was really unhappy with what I saw. I will be back more and more to pick up some of your recipes and ideas – I just love some that I’ve seen (and will be trying soon).
I just loved the pita recipe I just caught (in the google reader scroll) and will be looking to see if I have all the ingredients this afternoon. I already have a great pizza stone that hasn’t seen enough use lately (thinking it needed to be retired while on a diet).
Thanks for all that you share with us ……… but then again that is part of why you are at such a high milestone – you just make us what to come back more and more.
congrats on all those hits!!! and what a terrific giveaway. i think it reflects your blog perfectly.
i happened across your blog a few weeks ago and i have loved every post, your pics always look so inviting, keep up the good work!!!
Congratulations! Your blog is always so much fun to look at, and what a generous giveaway!
Congrats on such a big milestone. And what an awesome giveaway. You really know how to celebrate, huh!
Extremely sorry I did not understand that I have to host for Week #88 Jul 19th to Jul 25th till Jac sent a mail. Can you please add the BSI ingredient: Onion.
OMG you have friends at Cabot Cheese?! I want friends from there!! Lucky lady! What a great giveaway and many congrats on 300,000 page views – woo!
And thanks again for the spicy spaghetti pie recipe and all of those fabuous cook books – i’m going to make SO MANY from them – can’t wait!
Hi Biz
I am back from Vacay! That is why you have not heard from me in a while. My favorite cheese is always a good sharp cheddar and just last night I found out my hubby’s fave is pepperjack! I learn something new about him everyday still after 17 years fo marriage! Wow that food at the concert looked so yummy! Have a great weekend, I will send my 101DOS update tomorrow. Robin
Congrats on your milestone.
and ummm…yum…cheese. 🙂 I was telling my hubby yesterday, if I had to live off of one food for the rest of my life it would be cheese. (I know..I shouldve name a fruit or veggie, but man I love my cheese)
I think if that Cabot shipped in the heat we’ve been getting in the northeast and midatlantic area, it would be Cheez Whiz by the time it arrived!
You know… I read this post thinking “oh, that’s nice” as you announced each component of the prize, but once you got to your homemade baja salsa, my fingers couldn’t type this fast enough!
Congrats on hitting 300,000!
What an awesome giveaway! Cabot cheese is awesome!! Your salsa looks absolutely delicious!
wow what an awesome give-away I would love those cookbooks:)
WOW! 300,000 is a lot! Congrats on the big blog milestone. I’ve been doing my part to get you to 400,000 in no time 😉
I love Cabot cheese and love looking down on the Cabot farms when I’m out on my snowmobile in the winter. I’ve never made your salsa but would love to try it.
Congrats on both the page view milestone AND getting to see the B-52s!!! Fun!
Favorite last thing I cooked was fresh salmon on the grill last weekend. I think my kids would have voted for my husband’s potato bread instead. 😉
Thanks for sharing your food, fun, and family with us all, Biz! You’ve got a wonderful and not-so-little anymore part of the web here!
Congratulations Biz! You have one of the best, most fun-to-read blogs out there, and I am so glad we have become friends! Love you – now off to go read my email. 😉
I just wanted to tell you that I made your bacon wrapped potatoes on the grill for my parents last week, and they were delicious – everyone loved them!
Your blog has become one of the highlights of my day. I love your recipes and pictures. My last favorite thing I cooked was the Italian sliders with tomato compote. Wonder where I got that one? Ha! My kids, even the 4 year old, LOVED it! Next I’m trying those wheat pitas and chicken gyros. YUMMY!
This is an awesome giveaway…we LOVE cheese! I’ve just recently discovered your blog and so glad I did! I have been using it to get ideas on healthy, diabetic friendly meals (my husband was diagnosed 3 years ago this month). Thanks for the great posts and awesome pics…I get hungry every time I read 🙂
Congrats on the growth of your blog. I can see why people are hooked! I know I was when one of your recipes was featured on tastespotting.com. I keep coming back because I am a visual kind of person and am usually motivated to cook something if I see lots of pictures of it! Keep the good work and the photos up
Congrats on the page views, you totally deserve it!
I wish that I got to cook what I really wanted to tonight, BBQ chicken, but alas Mother Nature decided to unleash her fury on Milwaukee tonight.
Congrats on 300K – that’s amazing! Looks like the concert was a blast too!
ive been reading your blog everyday since your challange, i love your blog, you give me creativity when cooking, your meals are amazing and with working full time, cooking the way you do and all your energy, i admire and respect you…bring on the cheese and of course the homemade salsa:)
keep it coming
connie munoz
Congrats! I have only just started reading your blog but have really been enjoying it. BTW…my husband and I went to the Cabot Cheese outlet store in Vermont last year during a weekend trip. They have free samples of ALL of their cheeses. It was one of the best afternoons of my life 🙂
FUN!! Congrats! I just ate some gouda at lunch
Have loved your site since I started visiting. Congrats.
and favorite cheese….ummm…pepperjack
congrats on your blog! you were the first food blog I ever read, and I still look forward to it everyday!
What an awesome giveaway! That salsa always looks so good! I love your blog.
CONGRATS!!!! Your blog is new to me. I saw the link to your blog on PriorFatGirl’s blog. The salsa looks amazing, I am going to make some and give it a try. One of my favorite cheese is Dill Harvati and at family gatherings I am almost always asked to bring my Cranberry Upsidedown cake that I make from scratch!
Congratulations on 300,000 views–that is astounding! Almost as astounding is the prize pack–holy moly! Oh, the cheese, the cheeeeese! The cookbooks! Best of all, your salsa! I have made it but I don’t think I did it right (it was good but didn’t knock my socks off) and would love to taste the authentic version. The last thing I made that I loved was a hamburger salad for dinner yesterday. Whenever I don’t feel like having a bun, I top a bed of lettuce with tomato, red onion, dill pickle rounds, a chopped up hamburger patty and drizzle the whole thing lightly with ketchup and mustard. It might sound weird but I adore it. Some day I’ll have to sprinkle on some cheddar to make it a cheeseburger salad!!!
Congrats on the milestone! That’s awesome! I LOVE Cabot reduced fat cheese. It truly tastes amazing!
Here’s my comment/quote:
here’s to the crazy ones. the misfits. the rebels. the troublemakers. the round pegs in the square holes. the ones who see things differently.
they’re not fond of rules & they have no respect for the status quo. you can praise them, disagree with them, quote them, disbelieve them, glorify or vilify them. about the only thing that you can’t do is ignore them..because they change things.
Wow! That’s quite a giveaway! Hey if you pick me, I’ll just drive up to get it, no shipping necessary! lol.
Let’s see…what to write??? Well, not to long ago, I found a recipe from the website Eat Better America for a Polenta Ratatouille. I was delicious!
And yes, I want that couscous recipe when you get it! Looks great!
(p.s. loved Tony’s guest post from back in the day!)
I enjoy your site so much. Here’s to 300,000+ more!
Hi Biz! I love your Baja fresh salsa – nothing else on the market compares to it. Congrats on your blog! Yahoo – way to go!
Congrats on the page views Biz!! My most requested recipe is actually banana oats. haha. Once people taste them, they’re always hooked! I can relate 🙂
– Beth @ http://www.DiningAndDishing.com
I have been a lurker for over a year now.
Just love reading your blog and also enjoy your photography!
Cabot cheese is the absolute best!
Congrats on your achievement, Beth! I love to torture myself with the pics of your delicious dishes. 😀
I have already realized I have to learn to take better pictures with my digital camera..
Congrats on reaching 300,000 page views! Holy cow that’s amazing! I am a huge cheese fan, but we cannot get the reduced fat Cabot anywhere around here. Would love to try it. I also checked out the Cook Yourself Thin cookbook last year at the library and thought it was great. You rock, Biz….
Great giveaway! I’d want it for the salsa alone, but let’s be honest, I freaking love cheese. I still buy a ton of that 75% RF Cheddar that you recommended from TJs. Love it! My favorite cheese is still a REALLY sharp cheddar though…the sharper the better! Especially if I’m mixing it with something sweet like an apple. Heaven. <3
Congrats on the page views Biz! I use blogger so I have no idea how to track my page views. I should try to figure that out.
I am obsessed with cheese so this giveaway is right up my alley!
I would love to see the B52’s. ROCK LOBSTERRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!
That is such a great give away and amazing milestone for a blogger. My best and most requested dish is definitely my lasagna. I love combining different cheeses in it. I have yet tried making one of your breakfast pizzas, but will wake up early enough one day 🙂 I am coming to Chicago in September, so we will have to do a blogger meet up!
Ok, here is my comment, and it is a hint on my still undisclosed location for my upcoming trip…but when I am there, I will enjoy wine and cheese, and this place is known for some cheeses (well not this part exactly, but close). No, not my island, which we know has some fantastic cheeses, but somewhere else.
Love this giveaway and love that Cabot Cheese is a cooperative 🙂
Oooh, pick me, pick me! Sunday is my oldest son’s fifteenth birthday, and I’ve always thought parents (particularly parents of teens) should get gifts on birthdays too. I mean, really. Who has been doing all the real work these last 15 years?
The last thing I cooked was…let’s see…oh, that’s right, beef stroganoff. My children eat that stuff like the feral little beasts they are. Er…ADORABLE feral little beasts.
Wow! That is a milestone to be be proud of. I think you are definitely doing a great job and I enjoy your blog very much. We have used Cabot cheeses before and I agree that they are quite tasty.
We saw Yo Yo Ma at Ravinia a while ago. That is such a great spot!!
I am a cheese lover too!
Congrats on your 300K views! That’s awesome!
I have you to thank for enlightening me to the world of Cabot 75% reduced fat cheese. I loves the cheese too and now I just buy huge blocks of Cabot. Even Dave commented on how good it tastes! Hmmm….I think I might go have some now. 🙂
🙂 This sounds totally lame to admit but..
My favorite thing that I will make (I know you said already but I felt this was so much more special) so far is a cake in a jar. The reason why I say this and not something else because my boyfriend is in the army stationed in Germany. This will be going in his care package next month so that him and his room mate can enjoy a little something sweet and home made why trying not to miss being home since they don’t get a chance to come home until Dec providing they leave. 🙂
Congrats on this milestaone 🙂
That salsa would go so great in the easy black bean soup I have been making – yum. Just seeing the salsa makes me want to make soup in this hot as he!! weather we are having 🙂
So cool, 300,000 pages, congrats!! 🙂
Your blog is very inspiring, filled with humor and love for your family! 🙂
I love checking in and seeing what’s for dinner; cheers to 300,000 more pages!!
I don’t want to be included in the give a way, if I won, people would think it was rigged since I am your twin! Ha!
Awesome job B on 300,000 page views, that rocks!!
What a generous giveaway, Biz! Thanks for sharing your eats and family with us all these years! Had I been into blogging back then, I would have been an early fan as well. 🙂
congrats! what a great giveaway. i didnt have to go back to read the tony guest post because i totally remember when he wrote originally! i love reading your blog every morning — thanks for all the great pictures and recipes!
Well, I know how much I love you but I had no idea your blog was growing so fast! That deserves BIG congrats Biz. As for cheese, I love cheese so much that one time a weight loss group I was leading gave me a toy mouse so I could remind myself not to overdo it with cheese! Cabot cheeses are my VERY favorite and I’m not just saying that. Have you tried the Chipotle? Yummo!
Congrats on reaching 300,000 Page Views!
What a TERRIFIC giveaway! I would love to be entered- that cheese looks delicious! LOVE IT!
My son was just diagnosed with Type 1, I love reading how to make good food for him.
Being a Type 1 Diabetic (diagnosed in 2000) myself your blog has been almost a comfort to me. At most times I struggle with Low Blood sugar anxiety and I am trying to get over it! Seeing your blog everyday and the normal things you do day to day is awesome! I have a young daughter (2.5) and I want to be around a long time for her! Just need to get these blood sugars down! Thank you for your great blog!
I’d love to win this for my b-day – I’ll be 30 on July 25th – I just found your blog and have enjoyed catching up on everything that I’ve missed! Thanks for the inspiration – I plan on making 30 my best year EVER!!
I love checking in and getting ideas for meals. Aaaannndd hearing about your workouts pushes me out the door and to the gym. Thank you!
Recently I’ve started reading your blog, and you’ve inspired me to start cooking again (the pictures are awesome). About a month ago, I began my journey to lose 100 lbs, (11 lbs GONE) and these giveaways would be AWESOME.
That’s quite a giveaway! Cabot is the shit – New England represent!
Beth, a cheese AND cookbook giveaway?? Heaven! And salsa, too?? Congrats on your blog views…just shows what a great cook and writer you are. Keep it up!
Cabot cheese is the BEST and your salsa looks like it’d make a perfect addition to the summer nachos I’ve been known to make CONSTANTLY in July/August. Something about the summer just SCREAMS nachos to me…
We have used over 2 lb. of cheese just in recipes THIS WEEK.
Congratulations on all your blog views!
Congrats on the page views! How exciting!
Looks like you guys had a blast last night! Your spread looks delish!
Congratulations!! So exciting how your blog has grown! This is one of the best giveaways I’ve ever seen, you’re so sweet to do this!
I don’t know if I’ve ever commented before, but I’ve been faithfully reading your blog every morning over breakfast for months now, and I think it’s great! You deserve those page views!
Congrats on all the hits on your blog, that’s awesome! I love all kinds of cheese and cook books. I recently started cooking about two years ago and I really enjoy it!
I’m going to have to try canning the baja fresh salsa! I’ve been looking for a good salsa for canning recipe, and I hadn’t even thought of yours! thanks!
A fabulous giveaway, Biz! Congrats on your pageviews – you truly have a wonderful blog! My life has seriously been made easier by your No Rise Pizza Dough!
Congratulations Beth!!! 300,000!! YAY!!!
Dang, I think I’m going to say that my last favorite creation were these ultra-swirly cinnamon rolls I made with the bf. Ohhh man…sooo good!
congrats on the page views!!! That’s so exciting 🙂
And what an amazing giveaway – I love all of these things! Cheese, Eating Well, cookbooks AND salsa 😉
Nick and I love making our own salsa, but I’ve never tried canning it. I’m just hoping we have enough tomatoes from our plants this year to make some!
What a fantastic giveaway – all this stuff? You are so generous! I will be sure to mention this over on my blog later today as well. You’ve got my heart – cheese, salsa and cookbooks – all three make my life complete:)
congrats on your growth – i have to say your blog is one of my favorite daily reads
Wow, fantastic giveaway! Congrats on getting to so many page views! 😀
My last favorite thing I cooked was a peach-blackberry cobbler. Yuuuuuuuuuuuuum. 🙂