I’ve been trying new recipes in an effort to use up some of our fresh herbs.  Thyme is one herb I don’t use fresh on a regular basis, but I am loving it.  A little goes a long way though!

I found a recipe in Bon Appetit Every-Night Cooking Cookbook I have that called for braising the pork chops in a lemon-thyme sauce.  I do like braised meat, but I really only think about that in winter, so I decided to grill the marinated pork and make the sauce on the side.

I marinated two pork chops in 2 tablespoons lemon juice, 1 tablespoon thyme, 1 teaspoon lemon peel and let it chill for an hour before grilling.

Lemon-Thyme Sauce (printer friendly version here)

Makes 3 servings (116 calories, 7.9 fat, 9.7 carbs, .7 fiber and 2.8 protein)


3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1 tablespoon fresh thyme
2 teaspoons grated lemon peel
2 garlic cloves, minced
2 tablespoons flour
2 tablespoons butter
6 ounces skim milk
1 pinch pepper
1 pinch salt


  1. Melt butter. Add flour and stir until flour is incorporated. Slowly add the milk, making a thick sauce.
  2. Add remaining ingredients and simmer for 5 minutes. Pour over grilled pork chops.
love the grill marks!

I served with 1 cup of cooked egg noodles and canned green beans.  These chops were big, so I only ate half, which was about 4 ounces.  I liked the brightness the lemon peel gave to this sauce, and mixed with the noodles it was really good.

I had planned to do my 101 Days of Summer Week 6 update last night, but huge storms rolled through so I needed to keep the computer off all night.  I hope to have it updated tonight – hope you understand!

I wanted to give a shout out to John, one of our 101 days of summer challengers.  He’s been training for a triathlon, and wiped out on his bike going about 25 mph!  As luck would have it, a car passing by happened to be paramedics was able to get him to a hospital for stitches.  Just another reason to wear a bike helmet while riding!

And Alison just had her one year blog anniversary!  She’s not only lost 40 pounds in the past year, but tons of inches all over her body.  And she has some awesome WW friendly recipes.   I’ve made her Tomato Basil Soup and her Cauliflower Mac N Cheese, which was delicious!

And Buffy, another 101 Days of Summer participant is down 13 pounds and only needs to lose 7 more to reach her 20 pound goal for the summer – great job! šŸ˜€

Amanda and Andy just had their one year wedding anniversary with a trip to Hawaii – go check out the pictures – so gorgeous!   I loved their Food Buzz video from last year – Andy was brave enough to try a raw oyster – that still grosses me out but he liked them!

Alright, off to fix my breakfast and lunch.  Why do weekends have to go by so fast?