So I started this 101 days of summer challenge at 169 and I lost a whopping – 1.6 for the month.  I remeasured myself, and while my hips, waist and chest stayed the same, I lost 1/2 an inch on my bicep and 1/2 an inch on my thigh.

While I was expecting a better result, two things came to mind while reviewing my food journal.  A lot of days my calories from fat were above 30%, and the extra glasses of wine (which somehow never make it on my food journal) might have been the reason I basically maintained the month of June.

But then I look at the good news!  When I log into the bike machines online network, I biked 92 miles for a total of 7 hours and 32 minutes!  I am 8 miles shy of biking 100 miles for the month!   So my goal for July is to revamp my calories to ensure each day is under 30% of calories from fat, and to go easy on the wine! 😀

It was a good old breakfast sammie for me – I shredded zucchini into my eggs – makes them so creamy!

With watermelon and blueberries on the side:  311 calories, 37 fat, 20 protein, 11.4 fat and 5.9 fiber

I forgot my blood sugar Accu-Chek machine at home.  I always like to check it before working out to see where I am at.  While Tony was willing to bring it to me, I decided to just listen to my body and see how it went.  The sad thing is that to me, a good blood sugar number and a high blood sugar feel the same – its only when I start to drop that I feel anything.

I did a really hard bike ride yesterday – I didn’t realize that in the 8 mile ride at one point a hill climb was at 40% and that the last 1.6 miles was a steady hill climb!   I did eat one glucose tab while working out and I felt fine 😀

When I got back to work, lunch was a turkey wrap and my Wisconsin beer cheese soup. Although I did not make this soup!  My co-worker made my recipe and while she did put the onions in (pureed) it was absolutely delicious!  Thanks R! 😀  It’s cute because when she makes dishes, her husband rates the dishes – i.e., if they are good, they make it on the menu as if they owned their own restaurant.   This soup made it on their menu! 😀

I did add a touch more black pepper and Tabasco
with a turkey wrap: 543 calories, 36 carbs, 37 protein, 28 fat and 11.4 fiber

For dinner I made Greek marinated chicken kabobs with corn on the cob, roasted red pepper and re-heated spaetzle.  I bought the kabobs at my store – only $1.25 for each kabob!

ignore the pork shoulder on the top - that's for another meal! 😀
496 calories, 54 carbs, 52 protein, 9.1 fat and 1.3 fiber

We both thought the marinade was on the salty side, but it was still tasty! 😀   And I loved eating outside!

Stats for Tuesday:

  • 8.1 mile bike ride
  • 1,351 calories, 127 carbs, 110 protein, 49 fat and 18.6 fiber

Some things to check out:

How did you do this month?

I have a half day of work – Hannah’s home today!  She has taken 800+ pictures so that will be quite a slide show 😀

Oh, and Tony did some research – our eggs on the gazebo are from a green shield bug!

I want to see how big they get! 😀