Can anyone find canned pumpkin this time of year?? I wanted to make pumpkin pancakes for breakfast, but I couldn’t find it anywhere – maybe its a seasonal thing?? So I went seasonal and made blueberry pancakes! I didn’t have any whole wheat flour, so I subbed in one cup of this flour:
I bought this flour when I made Clean Eating’s Mac N Cheese (which is a reminder that I need to make that again – so good!)
Blueberry Pancakes Recipe (printer friendly version here)
Makes 6 servings (2 pancakes each: 218 calories, 2.6 fat, 41.6 carbs, 2.1 fiber and 7.5 protein)
Be sure to let the batter sit 15 minutes to let the baking powder do its thing – you’ll be rewarded with fluffy pancakes every time!
1 | cup flour |
1 | cup garbanzo bean flour (or whole wheat) |
1 | tablespoon brown sugar |
1 | tablespoon baking powder |
3/4 | teaspoon cinnamon |
3/4 | teaspoon nutmeg |
1 | teaspoon salt |
12 | ounces milk |
6 | ounce blueberries |
1 | large egg |
1/4 | cup water |
- Mix dry ingredients in one bowl. Mix wet ingredients in another. Combine and stir just until combined. Add blueberries and stir to combine.
- Cook in a non-stick skillet using 1/3 cup measure for each pancake.
- Makes 6 servings: 2 pancakes each.

I decided to add some protein and schmeared 1 tablespoon of this peanut butter between my two pancakes.
I loved the combination of the sweet blueberries with the spicy peanut butter!
Breakfast comes in at 348 calories, 56 carbs, 11.5 protein, 10.7 fat and 4.1 fiber.
Since I had a half day of work – the first thing I did was go to the bank to get Hannah $100 worth of Euros. She’ll be able to use her debit card in Germany, but I wanted her to have some cash too – it doesn’t even look like real money!
By the time I got home it was 1:30 so I heated up some taco meat and made two tostadas.

Then Hannah was all packed! Who am I kidding, she was fully packed at 9:00 a.m. yesterday morning! She used a cute suitcase tag my Mom gave her for graduation.
I walked her in and waited until the group started to get together. She’s a big girl, I didn’t need to wait to watch her go through customs, so after fifteen minutes we said our goodbyes – not without one more picture from me! I call this one “Mom, seriously – a picture with my luggage??!!
Tony drove us to the airport and circled around – traffic around O’Hare sucks ass – the traffic on 90 was insane – luckily Tony knows the back roads otherwise we would have been screwed! Once home I got a text from her at 7:30 saying she was on the plane, and when I went to track the flight, it actually left at 8:15, getting into Frankfurt at 11:15 a.m. in the morning, or around 4:00 a.m. our time – she’s going to be tired!
Then it was time . . .for dinner. I won’t lie it felt like we were senior citizens getting to a restaurant at 5:15 – like we were going for the early bird special!

But good restaurants don’t need fancy decor when word of mouth is what keeps a restaurant around!
Tony took his father to this restaurant when he was in town a few weeks ago – after they read my blog yesterday, my MIL said “Carl wants you to take a picture of the ceiling!” Each “tile” of the ceiling is painted a different scenery!
The restaurant was really dark, so this picture of the antipasto appetizer was taken once I got home and had some natural light – have you ever had pickled cauliflower? It was so good!
Each entree comes with soup or salad – I asked what the soups were and almost startled the server when I was so excited they had tomato basil soup! I am definitely going to recreate this soup with our fresh basil!

I loved reading all your suggestions yesterday on what you would order. One dish stopped me in my tracks, and I didn’t even see it when I looked at the menu! Spinach stuffed handmade gnocchi with a creamy vodka tomato sauce.
Holy shit this was amazing!!!!!

This picture does this dish absolutely no justice. I have never had gnocchi so tender and fluffy. I couldn’t stop eating!!
To tell you I was full after this dinner would be an understatement. I seriously don’t remember the last time I felt that full . . . but you know what? Totally worth it! I had two small glasses of wine with dinner and estimate it to be: 1,030 calories, 145 carbs, 23 protein, 16.5 fat and 8.5 fiber. Thanks for a great night out Tony!
And if you live in the Chicago area, or have a lay over at O’Hare, you will not be disappointed with this food! Here is Basilico’s website.
The old me would say “fuck it” and continue to eat like a pig for three weeks! Not this time. It was one dinner, it was delicious, and today is a new day! 😀
Stats for Day 10 of 101
- 1,844 calories, 242 carbs, 57 protein, 41 fat and 12.6 fiber
- 24% of calories from fat, 12% from protein, 51.5% from carbs
- my blood sugar this morning: 112! 😀
- 20 minute AM yoga
So I am getting out of dodge too! My dear great Aunt and Godmother is turning 80 years old! I am off to Hilton Head, SC for a long weekend. I’ll have Hannah’s laptop, but I’ll be leaving the house super early tomorrow morning, so my posts over the weekend will be sporadic depending on internet availability.
That doesn’t mean you can’t tell me how the second week went for all the 101 Days of Summer Challengers! Email me at
That spinach stuffed handmade gnocchi sounds AMAZING! I’m going to have to try making that sometime soon.
Yum! I want gnocchi.
I hope Hannah is having a blast in Europe. She picked a good time to go. Dollar to Euro rate is GREAT 🙂 And I can only imagine how worried moms are when their daughters go traveling.
I think I took 10 years off my mom’s life by going backpacking solo in Southeast Asia last year. Yeah. She was not a happy camper haha.
And garbanzo beans flour…interesting! I’m gonna look into it 🙂
ohhhhhh my. gnocchi is my absolute weakness! my brother lives in chicago so i am thinking a visit may be in order for that dish alone!!
– Beth @
Your dinner looks amazing. I’m always a sucker for really good italian food. Maybe because it’s in my blood!! 🙂 Enjoy your weekend!!
Hope Hannah is having a great time! I’ve seen that pb around, but for some reason can’t bring myself to try it. It looks good, but I’m definitely intimidated!
the peanut butter is great, your lucky if you can find pb2 in a store, i havent seen it anyplace in washington and spend tons of money on shipping…you so should try it, it is sooo good, taste just like regular peanut butter but only 45 calories for 2 tablespoons….im totally addicted to it, love it so much i bought 32 jars for stock up
We have canned pumpkin year round. I don’t know if this is all over Canada, or just Ontario. Funny, but I never eat/buy it except in the fall.
I believe I can get canned pumpkin at our grocery stores (except for Aldi, where it has become seasonal) but I haven’t really looked! I keep a can for emergencies in our cupboard at all times but I haven’t used any since December. How was the garbanzo bean flour? Can you detect a beany flavor with it? Curious. I see some refried beans on your tostadas–crockpot refried beans perchance? 😉 That gnocchi looks AMAZING! I would have licked my plate-fo sho!
I need to try some of that garbanzo flour. I love the beans, I’ll bet the flour is awesome. The restaurant looks great, I don’t blame you for taking pictures of the ceiling!
Love the pic of Hannah with the luggage, your pancakes made me hungry!
no its 6 of their products through out the day, shakes, bars, oatmeal, soups,crackers choose what you want and 6 oz of protein and 3 cups of veggies for dinner….basically it will come to 900 cals only can stay on for a short time…its a jump start for me….my daughter in law lost 50 pounds in less than 2 months and her mom lost 45….so i only need to lose 40 so hoping that it kicks start me, 5 weeks for 266 total ship/hand and everything….
i would like to hear some feedback from anyone about doing medifast, ive been working really hard at staying focused only have lost 3 pounds, have had a couple slip ups at night time..but figured if i put the money out it would really make me stay focused…
any thoughts people???
I have no idea about medifast . . . is that a liquid diet??
you didnt hear about the pumkin shortage, hungrygirl announced over the holidays to stock up on pumpkin, i cant remember why think the floods or something but pumkin has been sold out for awhile several months, not a seasonal thing, just dont have it, so if you do find any will be major expensive. I stocked up in november when she announced on her website..sorry it will be awhile before you see it on shelves…wished you were closer i would give you several cans…
The gnocchi look to die for! Good for you for eating it all and starting a new day today. That is the only way to go. Have a great time in SC!
That dinner looks worth the calories!!
Love Hannah’s expression! The ceiling tiles in that place are amazing. OMG, the gnocchi looks to die for! About a month ago, my sister in law was looking for canned pumpkin (in VA) and couldn’t find it anywhere either. I happen to have one can in my cabinet (left over from Thanksgiving).
oh my goodness that gnocchi looks freakin awesome!!!!!!!!!! im salivating over here.. im so flippin hungry!
glad to see Hannah made it safe!! i hope she has an awesome time!! : )
I find the organic canned pumpkin at my grocery store, but I cannot find my beloved Libby’s canned pumpkin anywhere. It’s tragic!
I had a really hard time finding pumpkin last Fall/Xmas for baking goods. I heard it’s b/c the shortage. Then a few times I noticed Jewel or TJ’s had it so I bought some cans. I think I have 5 or 6 in the pantry “hoarded” hehe 😛 J loves using it for his pumpkin ice cream.
Ohhh man that restaurant looks so beautiful and delicious!!! You crack me up – startling the waiter is definitely something I would do!
Aww glad to see Hannah is off and enjoying herself! Can’t wait to hear about the trip in a few weeks when she gets back!
Also, enjoy your time at Hilton Head! I would be jealous but I’m headed to my parents’ the beginning of July (for 6 weeks) so I can get my warm weather/beach fix. Yet MORE motivation for the summer challenge! hehe I wouldn’t be caught dead in a bathing suit in my current state – so this jump-start to healthy before I get down there will give me the confidence I needed!
Oh my gosh, Hannah is going to have an AMAZING trip! How neat that she is able to experience that so young. What a perfect start to her summer!
I love your outlook on your meal. SO true. In the past I would have said the same thing, “Eh, fuck it!” But the next day is new, and a meal is just ONE meal…right? Plus, it looks AMAZING and my mouth is watering right now!
I hope you have a wonderful time in HH! I LOVE HH. We are going there next month!
OMG, that gnocchi looks AMAAZZZZING!
Have a fun and safe trip, Biz!! 🙂
Why does the Euro money not look like real money?
I guess because it was so “crisp” and colorful?? This is going to sound like a dumb questions Marianne, but what currency do you use in Canada??
YAY for hannah! I hope she has a wonderful time!!!!!!
I think I want blueberry pancakes this weekend =)
Wow, your dinner looks scrumptious! Not only would I have eaten all the gnocchi, I would have sopped up every bit of sauce with some bread, lol! Glad you enjoyed it. 🙂
That picture of Hannah is funny – love that she indulges you with your picture-taking. Euros are pretty money, but you’re right – they don’t look real.
Enjoy your trip! Use sunscreen and hydrate…I hear Hilton Head is gorgeous and I am envious that you are going there!
The gnocchi and the vodka sauce looks amazing! I want some! I love vodka sauce so much.
Have a great trip! I’ve always wanted to go to Hilton Head so I’m jealous!
your food looks so good biz! the bfast and the dinner-swoon 🙂 doing better on the challenge this week 🙂
We heard about the pumpkin shortage last fall, haven’t looked for any for a while.
Love Gnocchi and that would be so what I would have ordered and also not stopped eating.
Glad it was worth it 🙂
Look at those gnocchi’s. Wow, what a dinner. Great pics of the Euro. That’s all I carry and I think it looks like fake money. I think the US is the only country where all the bills are the same size and there is nothing to really tell them apart. I was once told that countries make money in different sizes to help out the blind. Not sure if it’s true or not, but it sounds like a good idea.
I had no idea there was a pumpkin shortage but now I do! Geez. What am I supposed to feed my dogs to keep them regular??? I guess I could try butternut squash but I don’t think there is as much fiber in that! Oh well. Maybe my wholesale club will have the big cans.
I’ve also been having a really hard time finding pumpkin. There’s a shortage. But good improvisation -the blueberry pancakes look delicious. That looks like a nice plate of food to splurge on.
hahaha love the luggage pic! i woudl totally have taken a pic like that too. u can never have enuff photos especially since this is a big day for hannah too huh!
the old you is dead and gone. love that!
The old me would say “fuck it” and continue to eat like a pig for three weeks! Not this time. It was one dinner, it was delicious, and today is a new day!
OMG you had me LOL on that one. Hey I am in Milwaukee might have to jump on the Amtrak and check out that place.
Yes traffic does suck or when they change your flight to a different airline and you have to run across the airport. Crazy!!
I see the bad new on the pumpkin shortage was already broken to you. 🙁 Boohooo! I can only find the large cans here. I gotta stock up!!!
I had to scroll down real fast when I saw the Italian food- OMG gnocchi is delicious! lol
I have 2 large size cans of Libby’s pumpkin in my pantry right now…perhaps I can send you one? Seriously! I haven’t checked our stores but we may also have a shortage. I’ve read about it.
I have to tell you you cracked me up talking about traffic around O’Hare “sucking ass”. LOVE that you say that! I do too…learned it from my kids and having offspring #3 home for the summer is giving me a whole NEW vocabulary.
You daughter has great dimples! So does the aforementioned #3 son. You could swim in them. She’s adorable, and how thrilling for her to have this opportunity. I made your enchilada soup last night – very good, and easy. Had every freakin’ ingred. on hand!
Biz, I’ve been away for awhile. The new look of your site is great.
I’ve totally had 1000 calories meals that were worth it! It’s the ones that aren’t worth it that piss me off. Have fun on your long weekend.
That seriously looks like the best gnocchi I have ever seen. I would never be able to stop eating it either!
Well there was a really bad pumpkin shortage last fall and a bad harvest this year which will result in low pumpkin production. Finding some might be hard. Normally the bigger stores tend to have canned pumpkin all year but I made sure to stock up last fall! 😀
Hooray Hannah! What a great trip! 😀
Biz–there’s a big pumpkin shortage:
I hoarded a bunch last fall, but I also saw some recently at Whole Foods.
I hope Hannah has an awesome trip!
Thanks B! I’ll look at WF next time I go there. 😀
I saw it at Whole Foods also; it was in the canned veggies section. Although I must say, your blueberry pancakes looked yummy, too!