I have to give a shout out to one of our 101 Days of Summer Challengers . . . Al of Losing Harry – he lost 11.8 pounds last week! Woot! 😀 Sadly, his family was in a car accident over the weekend too – but thankfully everyone is okay! Stop on by his blog if you have time today to tell him how great he’s doing!!
Breakfast was the last of my crustless quiche, a mini bagel with light cream cheese and blackberries. Breakfast comes in at: 418 calories, 38 carbs, 24 protein, 20 fat and 9.9 fiber.
I went to the gym at lunch – I did a one mile sprint with the pacer bike on the bike machine, then did 40 minutes on the elliptical. I planned on doing 45 minutes, but my blood sugar controlled the workout 🙁

But my low blood sugar didn’t prevent me from taking a picture of my sweat!
Tony scored last week when he went to the store and found yellow peppers on the $1 rack. I had six to begin with – I have to remember to use the $1 rack stuff right away, because by the time I grilled the peppers, three had already gone bad. I decided to make a grilled yellow pepper soup.
Grilled Yellow Pepper and Potato Soup (printer friendly version here)
Makes 4 servings (2 ½ cup serving: 343 calories, 10.1 fat, 45.4 carbs, 6.4 fiber and 19.3 protein)
3 | large carrots, chopped |
3 | celery stalks |
1 | teaspoon olive oil |
3 | cloves garlic, minced |
1 | tablespoon dry mustard |
1/4 | teaspoon salt |
1 | teaspoon crushed red pepper |
8 | cups chicken broth, low sodium |
1 1/2 | pounds red potatoes, diced |
1/2 | cup sharp cheddar cheese |
3 | yellow peppers |
- Grill yellow peppers until charred on the outside. Meanwhile, heat oil and add carrots and celery and garlic and cook until slightly tender, about 10 minutes.
- Let the yellow peppers cool. Add remaining ingredients and let soup simmer for 30 minutes. Toss in peppers (stems and seeds removed) and puree with stick blender.

My lunch with a chicken wrap on the side: 533 calories, 61 carbs, 45 protein. 16.6 fat and 15.4 fiber. If you don’t like a lot of heat, leave out the crushed red pepper 😀
I had pasta on the menu, but with the weather so nice, I decided to grill instead.

I made a salad on the side – Hannah added the apple and cherries which turned out really good! I had light poppy seed dressing too –
And I used the sauce Hannah gave me for mother’s day on my pork chop:
My dinner: 485 calories, 35 carbs, 40 protein, 20 fat and 3.2 fiber.
- 1436 calories, 135 carbs, 107 protein, 57 fat and 29 fiber
- 5 minute one mile bike sprint
- 40 minutes on elliptical
I am running late this morning – off to shower and put my food together – have a great Tuesday!!
Great news for him!
did I tell you I am back in the gym? My trainer is great, and I had changed my eating habits a while ago, just no work I was on my rear, but hated my body!
You have the most amazing soups! You are hired as my personal chef, lol!
Chef E
Honey – If you want to change your body shape, you’re going to need to incorporate weights into you routine. Cardio will help lose excess fat, but you’ll still be flabby if you don’t use some sort of resistance.
WOW! Over 11lbs in one week! That’s amazing!
I buy bananas off the ‘sale’ rack in teh produce section. Then just throw them in the freezer for smoothies or baking later on.
great job with your food! you make eating healthy look easy!
Yummy looking soup! If peppers every go down in price or on sale, I’ll need to make this 🙂
You and and a couple others are influencing my eating lately. Last month I put hot sauce on my pizza. This weekend I put hot peppers on my meatball sub…..should have been doing it for year as it was great!
That’s awesome John! I love hot peppers on anything!
I love me a good summer salad! So light and refreshing!
Honey you are doing so great! I am very proud of you!!!!!!!
where do you find the time to squeeze out you delish meals, so much thought goes into them…every meal you eat is wonderful, your such an inspiration and your work outs amazing….
You are so nice Connie! Well, it helps that I don’t have little kids! 😀 I typically meal plan/grocery shop on Sundays – I love to plan so that’s the fun part! 😀
The soup recipe looks great Biz as does that crustless quiche you posted in the last post. I have been so busy lately, I have been missing out on all your great recipes! Congrats to Al as well:)
Your food looks amazing as always! Way to go with those sweaty workouts. I am gonna post a sweaty mess picture on my blog should be today if not tomorrow for sure. I didn’t feel like working out today after I missed my morning workout time but I did get a short messy nasty sweaty disgusting workout in today in the hottest room in my– house! Thanks for the motivation:)
haha, thank you for the sweaty pic. i am never brave enough to post myself post sweat session on the blog!
– Beth @ http://www.DiningAndDishing.com
The salad and potatoes look great! Good job on the sweaty exercise and to Al for his weight loss this week!
OMG! Congrats to Al!!! That’s wonderful!!! And what a scare…glad everything is all right though!
Biz, I love how you always break down your recipe like that, and include the “printer-friendly” version…may I know how you do that?
I type the recipe in Word, then upload it to http://www.scribd.com – it then gives me a link! 😀 Love it!
I’m totally going to make that soup tonight!!
Congrats to Al that’s awesome!
Thanks for the shout out Beth! And charred peppers are awesome!
Sorry I’ve been out of the loop for a while! Happy graduation to Hannah!
I love the look of that soup–definitely a “must” for me to try. And you know I’d be all over that bbq sauce!
I swear everything you eat looks like you ordered it from a cafe! That soup looks terrific!! 🙂
Hannah’s salad looks so pretty and I’m sure it was delicious! Your dinner is calling out to me…I will have to grill some pork chops this weekend for sure.
I don’t understand a lot of what the blood sugar numbers mean, but in reading other comments it worries me that your low was so low…I sure wish you didn’t have to deal with this. 🙁
11 pounds in a week? are you kidding? that is awesome 🙂 way to inspire Al!
love the sweaty pic- thats how u know u got a good workout in for sure!
i forget a lot of times (not conciously) that u have to deal with ur blood sugar on top of everything else.. and i remember from hearing a few doctors say, its so much harder to lose weight when ur blood sugars are out of wack/ diabetes and having to take insulin etc. it makes me think of you as such a stronger person than i thought and i am so much more inspired by the steps you take each day to make sure your health is a priority. you amaze me so much <3 <3
You are too sweet Kelsey! 😀
Your eats look so good, I really need to learn to grill myself(nope I don’t mean that, then what would Aubrey do in the house).
38? Biz!! You worry me with your lows! You’re almost too good of a diabetic, I swear! Taking pictures of your sweat with sugars that low…sigh! 🙂
The Mango Habanero sauce looks SOOOO good! You are a grill master extraordinnaire! I love it! The soup looks amazing!
I don’t know if folks realize how many props you should get for exercising with blood sugar issues Biz. Especially as hard as you do. You go girl!
mmmm pork chops!! I love pork chops, too bad that someone else won’t eat them!
Wow- If I had a pork chop right now I would totally eat it for breakfast! lol That salad looks good too- I have everything in my fridge for that one! I love fruit in my salads- good idea Hannah! 🙂
WHOA 11.8! Congrats to Al of Losing Harry !!! AMAZING week! 🙂
That quiche looks excellent!! As do those roasted peppers – smart to do a soup!! Yum!
The soup recipe is printing as I type. Looks great! All your food looks so yummy, as always.
And ohmigod!!! That blood sugar makes me quake! (I bet you were really quaking a bit yourself!) I hope you got my late update for last week. Take care!
I did – thanks Leslie! 😀
All your food looks so fresh 🙂 Yum!
Grilling season is my favorite!
Dinner looks scrumptious -love this season of eating where all is fresh and good for you. Happy Tuesday. Bought a bicycle to exercise. It’s raining. hard. Best laid plans (for now)….