I could not be more thrilled about everyone’s enthusiasm for my 101 days of summer challenge! As of this morning, I have 14 participants! I plan on doing a post on Sunday introducing the participants.
It is completely up to the individual if they want to provide me with a “before” picture and a starting weight. I know everyone has different goals, and it may be just to work out 30 minutes every day, promising to work out three times during the week while you are on vacation, to maybe even training to run a 5 or 10k by the end of the summer! My friend Shelley just announced she’s doing a half-marathon in November, and she only ran her first 5k this year!!
I’ve also added two new pages – my daily update where I plan to show what my calories were for the day and what exercise I did.
The second page is for my weekly update on how the participants are doing. I ask that you email me by each Saturday. Did you have a great week? How did you get your exercise in? Did the week suck? My hope is that we can be cheerleaders for each other for both our success and failures! We can do this!
And the lovely Katie J. is making a badge for me – I am a complete retard when it comes to anything technical on the computer! Thanks Katie!
Breakfast was a typical Biz egg white/spinach sammie with a sliced apple on the side. What works great is I usually eat my breakfast sammie and hold on to the apple. I test my blood sugar right before we walk, and 9 times out of 10, I’ll need the carbs of the fruit as fuel so my blood sugar doesn’t drop. It worked! I was 119 before the walk, ate half the apple, walked for 45 minutes and when I got back to my desk it was 81 – nice! 😀

After our walk, I heated up my lunch. This is kind of a weird combination, but it tasted amazing! While I was putting my food together, I saw that we still had some of my quick weeknight bolognese in the refrigerator. I looked at the clock and there was no way I was going to have time to boil water and cook pasta. What was the next best thing? A baked potato!
My lunch was 8 ounce of baked potato, 1/2 serving of the bolognese, chopped spinach and red pepper with 1 ounce of mozzarella cheese.. Holy yum was this good! 480 calories, 57 carbs, 34 protein, 13.2 fat and 7.5 fiber.
It wasn’t until about 3:00 in the afternoon when I realized I had forgotten to defrost the ribs I had on the menu! I have Michelle to thank for her Chinese food restaurant recommendation. Ever since we moved out here 9 years ago, decent Chinese food has been hard to find!
We did find one fantastic place in Barrington called Chau Chu – hands down the best Chinese any of us had ever had! But that only happened once! The next time we went back we were like “this is good, but not great like last time!” The last time we went? We were the only table and Tony’s mongolian beef came to the plate practically raw – ew! Needless to say, they are no longer in business!
I went to Chinese Palace. Tony ordered pork lo mein, Hannah ordered chicken and broccoli, and on Michelle’s recommendation, I ordered the Mongolian Beef. Okay, you guys know how I like my spice, and whenever I order a dish with a red chili pepper on the side, I expect it to be spicy! Guess what? My beef was so tender and flavorful!! And Tony loved his lo mein. Hannah said hers was a bit bland, and I’d have to agree, but the chicken was still very tender. And when you spend more than $15 you get an order of crab rangoon for free! They were really great too! Thanks Michelle!

My plate: 1 cup of Mongolian Beef, 1 cup shrimp fried rice, 1 crab rangoon and not pictured was 1/2 an eggroll.

The only problem is that they were kind of skimpy on the portions sizes:

After I ate I measured the leftovers and it came in at a whopping 1 pound 10 ounces! Seriously, this container would have been enough for a family of four – and it only cost $9!
Stats for Wednesday:
- 1,625 calories, 198 carbs, 87 protein, 54 fat and 21 fiber (not shown 10 almonds included in this total!)
- 45 minute walk
I had to share my love note! I always go to bed before Tony every night, and he always leaves me notes by the computer since he knows after going to the bathroom and brushing my teeth, that is my next stop! Today I found this:

My friend Veronica was wondering about the name Biz. Not sure I ever explained it before! My given name is Elizabeth, which I didn’t even know how to spell until 7th grade! I always went by Beth. I had a kooky grandma who wanted to call me Eliza, or Liz, and my name turned into Biz – this was mostly in high school. When I went to college, I decided to go back to Beth, until my sister called and asked for “Biz” and then it stuck! 😀
It’s not too late to join the 101 days of summer challenge! Just leave a comment that you are in, or email me at bdl319@gmail.com!
My friend and I are going to check out the gym today at lunch – can’t wait! 😀
So happy that you like The Chinese Palace! And sorry I did not see your post until now!
Now that I’ve got Chinese on the brain, I think we might have to make a trip there tonight for dinner. Sounds so good!
The challenge is a great idea Biz. I am challenging myself to doing 3-4 days per week at crossfit and power walk 3 miles at least 3 days per week. I have been doing crossfit for 7 months and it has completely changed my body. Have a great time and I can’t wait to see some before and after results. I am kicking myself that I did not take a before weight, inches, or picture of myself when I started. Duh!
Awww, I love that Tony does that for you. How romantic!! 😀
Biz, I’ve always wondered how you figure out the calorie counts for Chinese food! I’ve gotta know!
I still use http://www.caloriecount.com, but I weigh what I put on my plate – it may not be completely accurate, but its close!
I’m in for the challenge! I’ll be posting about it on my blog tomorrow. Do you happen to have a Facebook page for your blog? If not that would be a great idea OR I have one and you are more than welcome to post your challenge on it and have a place for everyone to check in for the challenge. Right now I do daily exercise check in’s on my page you can use it as you wish. Just let me know! The link is http://www.facebook.com/losingitandlovingit
Looking forward to this challenge because I have to get more running in since we are running a 1/2 marathon in Jamaica this Dec. Yikes! Signed up for personal training too so hopefully things go well and this challenge will keep me on track. Off to the gym but let me know if you need anything. I’m willing to sponsor a prize or something.
Happy Friday!
I would love to join your challenge. I have totally fallen off of the work out wagon and want to get back on. I am going to keep it simple but it will be to at least walk 30 – 60 minutes at least 5 times a week and do some sort of light strength training 2 – 3 times a week. I am keeping it simple right now as I am currently 7 weeks pregnant and very tired being in the first trimester. Thank you for this challenge, I look forward to continuing to read your blog. P.S. I am also in the Chicago Burbs and when I saw the Chinese Palace I thought “hey I know that place ” 🙂
Really great on the 101 days of summer! Good luck to you and the participants!
Hey Biz!
I’m happy to know about your name.. was wondering, and it turns out, we have some things in common, I’m an Elizabeth, too (Robin Elizabeth) ~ named after two of my grandmothers, and the whole Liz, Lizzy thing was considered (apparently) for a while, but in the end, I ended up being called Robin, a nontraditional name that suits me (I think?). Love unusual (but uncomplicated) names, and yours fits the bill. 🙂
Shelley is awesome….love, love, love reading her blog, and totally relate as an over-40 newbie running gal. Yes, she’s come a long way in a short time. Wow!
The love notes are such a sweet gesture ~ Tony’s a keeper!
Congrats to Hannah! Wow! Just talked w/ a mom friend yesterday afternoon, and her oldest son is graduating next week… where DOES the time GO?
As a fellow diabetic, I found the Chinese food part interesting… sometimes, I really crave it, but the carbs, salt, fat, etc….. just about do me in before I even get the darn stuff ordered. 🙁 Though i agree: native language and busy – both good signs! 🙂
The challenge sounds cool. I start marathon group training in a week – for my upcoming half marys and to improve my time from my first – may be in? Let me think on it?? Great idea, especially since everyone does Jan 1 (including me!).
HUGS from Orlando!
Your lunch makes me want to bake potatoes and top them with fun things. Why I don’t do this is beyond me.
Isn’t it funny how some nicknames people latch on to, and they stick for years?
What a sweet note!
And that loaded baked potato looks amazing! YUM!
Woohoo ~ can’t wait for the challenge. 🙂 I am not brave enough for a picture but I can type really fast so I can share a lot of WORDS 🙂 LOL
I pretty much want chinese food all over again.
LOVE how your name came about. I am pretty sure if I ever met you, I’d only be able to call you Biz 😉
I told Biz, I am going to start to call her Libby! There is a girl on my daughter’s t-ball team and her name is Elizabeth, so add Libby to all the variations of Elizabeth!
Glad about the challenge, I think it will be fun!
I do a baked potato with leftover taco meat and tons of salsa with a little melted cheese on top, so good and it keeps you full all day!
It makes my heart happy to know that you and Tony are still so much in love after 8 years. My hubby and I are the same and my wish is that all couples would be! I found your comment on Going Down in the spam file for some reason so I fished it out–yes, of course you can add me to your blogroll–you don’t even have to ask!
I’m so in for the 101 days of summer challenge! I’m training for marathon #2 in October 2010 and this will be a great way to keep me accountable!!
Wow, Tony is a man among boys! Can he give husband lessons? 😉
I’ll let you know on the 101C. Been contemplating training for a marathon Sept.4 so if I accept the challenge that will be it.
i love the challenge though i think i may do it a bit informally……mine will just be to increase my workouts but not worry about weight etc……how is that?
Great looking baked potato. Very Italian and pizza looking. Thanks for the explanation on Biz. Makes so much sense now!
Before and after pictures? You mean I’d actually REALLY have to be accountable! Boy, I gotta think this one through….I never finish anything I start, unless it’s soemthing good to eat!
Suzicate – that’s totally up to you if you want to do a before picture – its not a requirement – whatever you feel comfortable doing! 😀
I am so behind! I have to go look for info on your challenge =)
Tony is such a good man!
Thanks for the shout-out! I told you my brain was not working yesterday…duh, Shelley – there’s your challenge! I think I will do a mileage thing…I’ll have to look at some training and see where I should be in three months and that will be it…email forthcoming!
I like your spaghetti potato!
I figured out how to make a page on my blog so now I have a Weight Loss Diary page. I like that rather than making a whole new blog for it. I feel like I have some accountability now.
The baked potato looks fantastic! Your breakfast is similar to mine each morning, looks great. Thanks!
So you go by Biz then?? Right??
Yep! 😀
that potato almost looks like bread! amazing!
oh i love before and afters of people, its so great to see how much progress is made cuz sometimes when ur doing the process u dont think anythings really changed. i should do a before and after from doing yoga.. i swear my arm muscles and abs are getting ripped hehe.
im always in love with ur bagel egg brekkies.. im still looking for a good gluten-free bagel that they sell here.. i will prolly have to wait till i go to vancouver to go to whole foods and pick some up. then i can make this! 😀
damn that mongolian beef looks insane! i always crave meaty stirfries but this is beyond just a stir-fry..this is a juicy succulent plate of love… lol <3
I’m really excited about the challenge, Liz, Elizabeth, Eliza, Beth, Biz! I’m going to reread the post and get myself on board to start right away! The picture is going to be a good motivator for me, because I did a progress pic several months back, and I probably look a little worse now than then! I am going to post them both and send them to you too.
What a fantastic idea about a baked potato with bolognese! I’d never think of that for dinner on my own, but I will now, and my family will love it!
Awww, love notes are so sweet!! 🙂
I was thinking about a loaded potato today, that looks SOOO good! So does the Chinese, YUM.
I think the 101 challenge sounds great! So we can pick any goal? I need to read your first post about it.
PS: that potato looks amazing. Seriously.
Yep – anything! It’s your personal challenge, just in a group setting! 😀
I may just have to stop and get Chinese for dinner tonight, now that you’ve planted that idea in my head!
I love a baked potato for lunch. I’ve actually gone to Wendy’s and bought a plain potato then dressed it up myself if I didn’t have any potatoes at home.
Woo Hoo on all the challenge participants. So exciting!
I’ve been wanting some delicious chinese take out for about a week now… I really, really want some chicken fried rice with hot and sour soup… yummmmmmm!! 🙂 Your dinner looks sooooooo good!! 🙂