I’ve been toying with a new layout for a long time. There were just two things standing in my way: I am not computer savvy, and I am cheap! I didn’t want to have to pay someone to jazz it up! What do you think? I like how clean it looks. I had a lot of extra stuff on the old one that I never did anything with so I got rid of it 😀
I love when I make baked potatoes because that means. . . eggs in a potato jacket! This half of a potato weighed 5.5 ounces. I scooped out the potato and scrambled that with 1 ounce of diced cooked steak, 1/2 shredded zucchini, then topped it off under the broiler with Cabot’s habanero cheese.

This kept me full for hours! While I normally walk during lunch with co-workers, I decided I wanted to do a hard core Jillian DVD at lunch to kick start my exercise again. Sadly, someone beat me down to the gym and was already doing a DVD – and an insane one at that! It was actually called Insanity!
So it was on to Plan B. I decided to run a 5k on the treadmill! The first 10 minutes sucked ass. I wanted to stop so many times! But I thought of Shelley and how she’s been rocking out the 5k’s, and that motivated me to keep going! I did not break any speed records, but I ran for 41:02 without stopping! With the warm up and cool down I did 50 minutes on the treadmill! 😀
I was hungry when I got back to my desk though! A bit of an eclectic lunch: 1 cajun sausage on a Thomas light english muffin with baby spinach and a touch of mustard! 😀 Salad on the side:

Tony loves salmon. I am not a huge fan. So basically what I don’t like never gets made (sorry Tony!). I decided to change that though! I do like Chilean sea bass – only problem? It’s expensive!

Since Sea bass is such a mild fish, I wanted a spicy marinade. When I tasted this it was so flavorful and spicy – the only problem is that it really needed to marinate longer than 30 minutes.
Marinade For Fish Recipe (printer friendly version here)
Makes 1 serving (87 calories, 2.7 fat, 12. Carbs, 1.0 fiber and 4.5 protein)
1/4 | cup Greek yogurt |
1 | teaspoon red curry paste |
1 | clove garlic |
1 | teaspoon lime zest |
1 | tablespoons lime juice |
1 | tablespoon cilantro |
1 | thai red chili pepper |
1/2 | teaspoon fish sauce |
Mix all ingredients together. Marinate fish overnight before grilling.
While my cedar plank soaked, the sea bass marinated. Time to grill!

Tony’s salmon just had a touch of lemon pepper seasoning:
So I am standing on the deck when all of a sudden I was like “what’s that smell?”

When I was cleaning my pantry over the weekend, I realized that I had a spaghetti squash I needed to use up. A quick Google search led me to this recipe, which I adapted:
I chopped up the spaghetti squash after it was cooked. The original recipe called for soaking jalapenos in a cream sauce, but removing the jalapenos before moving on. I decided to keep them chopped, and instead of finishing with cheese on the top before baking, I just added it to the cream sauce like I would for regular mac n cheese.
Spaghetti Squash Mac N Cheese Recipe (printer friendly version here)
Makes 4 servings (184 calories, 11.7 fat, 11.8 carbs, .5 fiber and 8.5 protein.
7 | ounce spaghetti squash |
2 | jalapeno peppers |
1 | cup milk |
1 | tablespoon butter |
1 1/2 | tablespoons flour |
1 | pinch salt |
1 | pinch pepper |
3 | ounce cheddar cheese |
2 | tablespoons bread crumbs |
- Cook pierced spaghetti squash in microwave, 7-10 minutes depending on size.
- Let cool, remove pulp. Put milk and chopped jalapenos and bring milk to warm. Remove from heat and let cool.
- Melt butter. Add flour and stir for 2 minutes. Slowly pour milk/jalapeno mixture into flour/butter mixture. Add cheese and stir until cheese melts. Stir in cut spaghetti squash and drizzle with the bread crumbs.
- Bake at 375 for 20-25 minutes until browned on top and nice and bubbly.

The perfect bite!
My dinner plate: 3.5 ounces Sea bass (the other half will be part of my Thai Pho soup for lunch today!), 1/2 cup of rice with 1/2 cup broccoli tossed in 1 tablespoon red chili paste and a serving of spaghetti squash mac n cheese.

Stats for Monday:
- 10 minute AM Yoga
- 50 minute treadmill (5k baby!)
- 1,455 calories, 142 carbs, 114 protien, 54 fat and 29 fiber (not pictured – 1 oz. of peanuts!)
Hope you have a great Tuesday! I’ve given up on American Idol – but Biggest Loser is on tonight! I think this is the episode where they go back home – pretty sure I’ll need a box of Kleenex next to me! 😀
Help Biz!
I want to try spaghetti squash but don’t know how to start. Can I use green summer squash (zucchini?) for spaghetti squash or does it have to be the yellow variety?
Green summer squash is more common in Finland than the yellow one..
I will now go to your blog for recipe ideas….everything sounds amazing!!!!
I can’t remember if I told you or not but I made your Spaghetti Squash Mac and Cheese and it was awesome!! I am posting it tonight on my blog, thanks!!
I think the new look is AWESOME! It’s clean and totally you with all the spices 🙂
I read in a magazine this weekend ( I think it was the Food Network one) that you can buy a HUGE himalayan sea salt block and put in on the grill to sear your fish. I bet it would create an amazing crusty, salty smokey deliciousness. Just a thought since the wood plank didn’t work out so well. I’ve always wanted to try them but know I’d catch them on fire too 🙂
Hey there I meant to ask you after I made the “MAC” & Cheese last night- I used all of my squash and it was 20 ounces. I figured I would have to add more milk & flour but I did not. You listed 7 ounces of squash in your recipe was that correct?? Just checking since I did not re-post the recipe just linked back to your post. 🙂 I did not mention that I more than doubled my squash in my recipe. lol
My squash was small, and when I pulled the strands out, that’s what I ended up with – 7 ounces of squash. Yours looks right though!
Love, lurv, Love the new look. So fresh and stylish. Good for you! The Mac and Spag Squash recipe looks fantastic. I should make a small one for me. And me only. He he. Have a great weekend Biz!
Can’t say anything everybody else hasn’t already said: I like the new, clean look.
I love the theme Biz!
I love the new look! It’s very polished looking and very easy to read.
And by the way, that salmon looks DIVINE!
Site looks good! So did you have to call 911 or did you get the fire out yourself? 🙂
I stole Tony’s water bottle to put out the fire – but like every good food blogger – had to get a picture first! 😀
I absolutely love the new blog look! And all your food, as usual, looks amazing. You make it look fun and tasty to eat healthfully. I love salmon – it’s probably my favorite meat. I second theheatlhyjunky, you do need to write a cookbook! I’ve noticed you almost never snack which allows you to have more calories in your meals. I really need to give that a try as snacking is my huge problem. And when eating lots of snacks, my meals end up being pretty low calorie, but I never really stay full long at all.
Yep – I tend to have higher calorie meals – I try to get them to be around 500 calories – then I am not looking for things to eat because I am so full!
I like the new blog look. I also like the recipes. I could almost plan my entire week’s menu from yours except I don’t have a spaghetti squash lurking about in my pantry.
o, MY!! that spaghetti swuash looks TO DIE FOR! i seriously just added spaghetti squash & cheddar cheese to my grocery list to give this a shot! can i omit the jalapenos, tho? Im not much of a spicy girl 🙂
You could absolutely leave the jalapenos out – I just love the spice though! 😀
The new look is awesome! Looks great! I need to try that spaghetti squash recipe! I love casserole and anything cheesy and when its healthy that even better. The marinade looks great too! You need to start a cookbook because I will probably be the first to buy it lol! Everything always looks so amazing!
I’m only posting another comment b/c I forgot to subscribe to follow-up comments, that way I can see if you reply! (pressure’s on–haha) 🙂
The new look is great! Did you use a WordPress theme and if so, which one? I would like to update mine as well but haven’t been able to find another theme that I like. What did you think of that spaghetti squash mac n cheese? you didn’t say much so I’m not sure whether to try it or not. It intrigues me and looks really good. Sorry about your board burning up! That stinks.
It’s the new theme 2010, and it is a wordpress one! I am sorry I didn’t gush enough about the mac n cheese – pretty sure cheese is my #1 food love! I didn’t miss the noodles at all! 😀 Try it – you’ll love it!
Luckily those cedar boards are cheap and I’ll know better next time to soak them overnight!
What a beautiful site redesign! I’m very impressed; looks like you’re plenty computer-savvy to me. And the sea bass talk is making me drool—it’s such a luxurious-tasting fish. You’re putting my Cuban rice-and-beans diner to shame! 🙂
Love, love the new clean look. You should definitely keep this one.
it looks great! by the way, what kind of camera do you use?!
Thanks! I have a point and shoot camera. It’s an Olympus Stylus 1010, 10.1 megapixel.
I really have no idea how cameras work – all I know is that I usually use the scene “sport” even though I have a “cuisine” button because it seems to open up more. I really need to take a class! 😀
i like the look! although, your background could look like garbage and i would still LOVE your blog because of the awesome eats and rambles 🙂
Ha – that made me laugh out loud! 😀
I am SO excited to try the mac and cheese (finally! A lower carb alternative to mac and cheese that sounds delicious!). Also, if chilean sea bass is too pricey, I find that Trader Joe’s tends to have much better on halibut, which is quite similar. (Sea bass is so expensive because it’s overfished, and I think it’s only found in a remote part near Antarctica.)
Another enthusiastic thumbs-up on the new look, Biz! (Oh, and that casserole looks so tasty!)
LOVE the blog makeover!! It looks very clean and inviting!! 🙂
What a great alternative the spaghetti squash is to pasta, looks good!!
I LOVE the new look!
And that breakfast needs to find its way to my table soon. Yum!
Oh my gosh – I love the new look! It totally looks like you paid the big bucks to have it done, too. 🙂
And those pictures have me craving fish so badly right now!
I don’t usually like change, but I love this! Very classy!
Fantastic new look!
Can’t wait to here how you put it together.
I like the idea of your spaghetti squash mac & cheese. Can you believe I’ve never had spaghetti squash before? I think this might make me try it out.
I hadn’t either until a few years ago! I missed out all this time!
OH NO, fire on the grill! It’s ok, it wan’t the sea bass. He did want it smoked, right?
I love the new look! Looks unique and clean 🙂
– Beth @ http://www.DiningAndDishing.com
looks great! i am totally digging the new header!
Love the new look! Never thought about using squash for mac n cheese before. Something to look into! You’re always full of great ideas, friend 🙂
Wow, holy smokes!!! It does look really clean and sleek. Also, it makes you focus on the pictures so much more! It looks great Biz, good job!!
I’m the same way – I don’t buy or cook things I don’t like, which is mainly just tomatoes and potatoes so Johnny rarely notices. Although it does go both ways b/c I hate cooking two dinners and J dislikes a lot of my fav. things or can’t eat them b/c of whey! He is NOT a seafood fan so I’ve only made fish like 3 times since I’ve lived here. Then the other night we went out to eat w/ his friend and guess what he ordered?? A fish sandwich!! I shot him a look! hahaha
I love your page, it’s nice when you can tell somebody allautlcy puts effort into a website, and gives the blogs. If you set up notifications value.
jOwjoC upuzgsrfnzif
I’m loving the new look Biz! It’s great.
The cheese sauce with the squash looks fantastic, I love cheese!
I love the new look!! And wow, what a great job on the treadmill.
As usual, I want everything that you make. 😀
It looks great, well done. Way to go on the treadmill!
I love the new look and how big the pictures look now!!!
I love your new look. I agree very clean and easy to navigate!
These recipes look fabulous!
Love the new format!. Great job!
I love the new look, very clean. I am cheap and I don’t know anything about computering either so I’m stuck with what I have for the moment. I’ve been able to change a few things and I’m trying to figure out how to do a print friendly version for my recipes. Thanks!
love love love the new look! It totally makes your pictures POP!
The new look is wonderful – simple and unique! 🙂
Have you ever tried swordfish? I tend to find that firmer & more steak-y in texture and flavor!
Happy Tuesday!
I don’t think I ever have – maybe I’ll try it – it has to be cheaper than Sea Bass!
Absolutely LOVE the new look…makes me want to switch to wordpress…but like you, not sure I’m that techy!
Okay…that mac and cheese is definitely something I want to try!
The new look is clean & easy to read- I like it! 🙂
OMG I gotta make that Spaghetti Squash Mac N Cheese!!! Thanks for sharing the recipe!!! 🙂 YUM!
I forgot to tell you that I loved the new look when I commented last night! You pictures stand out even more, now!
Congrats for rockin’ out your own 5k on the DREADMILL!
I love it Biz!!
And, I am totally going to try the spaghetti squash mac and cheese!
Where to begin…ok, the new look – wow! I love it – really embodies the chef that you are and makes it easy to see everything! And the spaghetti squash mac and cheese? Brilliant!!! Running a 5K at lunchtime? Amazing – congratulations!!! You did great with that and I’m glad that I could spur you on, lol!
LOVE the new layout! 🙂
OMG THAT LOOKS SO GOOD THAT FISH!! what a great marinade.. oOooOo yum! oh jacket potatoes with eggs- totally sinful and delish. and im in love with the color of the mustard and spinach in the first pics!! LOVE THE NEW LAYOUT! i really liked it before but everything is so open now! fresh and clean look!
congrats on the 5km run on the treadmill! woot <3
The new look is great!
I love the new look! Yes, very clean and classic. Great job!